+34 620 10 75 37info@nanbiosis.com

European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)


European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is a financial instrument of the European Commission whose purpose is to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting the imbalances between its regions.
The operational programs are the programming documents approved by the European Commission to develop and specify the development strategies to co-finance with the European Funds.
The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, through the General Secretariat for Science and Innovation, manages funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the Plurirregional Operational Program of Spain (POPE)2014-2020, in the action line: “Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures” to finance projects and actions related to implementation , expansion or improvement of large international scientific and technological infrastructures in which Spain participates.

In this framework, several projects related to the ICTS NANBIOSIS have been selected by the MINECO for co-financing with FEDER funds of the European Regional Development Funds program:


PROJECT Description: Purchase, installation and set-up of production and characterization equipment to complement the Units: U3-Synthesis of Peptides Unit, U18-Nanotoxicology and U20- In Vivo Experimental Platform.

Actions / SpendingConcepts TOTAL BUDGET Feder (50%) Cofinanc. (50%)
1: Automatic microwave-assisted peptide synthesizer. Nanbiosis -I5. (Unit 3) 105.600,00 € 52.800,00 € 52.800,00 €
2: Autostainer system. Nanbiosis-I28. (Unit 18) 50.000,00 € 25.000,00 € 25.000,00 €
3: DLS  measurement system: Nanbiosis-I13. (Unit 20) 31.000,00€ 15.500,00 € 15.500,00€
4: DLS System upgrade for potential Z Nanbiosis-I14. (Unit 20) 19.237,54€ 9.618,77 € 9.618,77 €
5: In vitro characterization laboratory equipment. Nanbiosis-I16. (Unit 20) Including: 16.596,72 € 8.298,36 € 8.298,36 €
– Purchase equipment: Fluorimeter      
6: Equipment for standardization of immunotoxicity tests. Nanbiosis-I17 (Unit 20) Including: 85.131,90 € 42.565,95 € 42.565,95 €
– Purchase equipment: Lumino agregometer      
– Purchase equipment: Particle analyzer      
– Purchase equipment: 2D PAGE      
– Purchase equipment: Coagulometer      
7:Purchase, installation and commissioning of a freezer Nanbiosis-I18 (Unit 20) 4.500,00 € 2.250,50 € 2.250,50 €
  312.066,16 € 156.033,08 € 156.033,08 €


PROJECT Purchase and installation and set-up of equipment and production and characterization laboratories to complement the units U2-Custom Antibody Service (CAbS)U4-Biodeposition and biosensingU6-Processing of biomaterials and nanoestructuring and U8-Micro, nanotechnology.

Actions / SpendingConcepts TOTAL BUDGET Feder (50%) Cofinanc. (50%)
2. Purchase and installation and set-up of Automated microdispensing system for microarray technology (Nanbiosis I9) (U02) 57.700,00 € 28.500,00 € 28.500,00 €
3. Purchase and installation and set-up of Nitrogen tank (Nanbiosis I10) (U02) 4.500,00 € 2.250,00 € 2.250,00 €
4. Upgrade of UV / Ozone cleaner for NanoeNabler (Nanbiosis I19) (U04) 5.000,00 € 2.500,00 € 2.500,00 €
5. Upgrade of the optics and the microfluidic components of the Biodetection Unit (SPR biosensor) (Nanbiosis I20). Includes: Manufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards (PCB boards), peristaltic pumps, flow cell and connectors, laser diodes, photodetects, lenses … (U04) 10.000,00 € 5.000,00 € 5.000,00 €
6. – Update of the Nanosightsystem. (Nanbiosis I44) (U06) 23.400,00 € 11.700,00 € 11.700,00 €
7. Conditioning of the new Nanbiosis laboratory-Hiring an engineer (Nanbiosis I45) (U06) 71.400,00 € 35.700,00 € 35.700,00 €
8. Purchase and installation and commissioning of the Dynamic Light Scattering equipment. (Nanbiosis I46)  (U06) 50.000,00 € 25.000,00 € 25.000,00 €
9. Upgrade of the Aixtron Black Magic Pro 4-inch System for the growth of graphene (Nanbiosis I1)  (U08) 16.500,00 € 8.250,00 € 8.250,00 €
10. Purchase and installation and set-up of parylene deposition for devices on flexible substrates. (Nanbiosis I2) (U08) 70.000,00 € 35.000,00 € 35.000,00 €
  307.800,00 € 153.900,00 € 153.900,00 €


PROJECT Purchase and installation and set-up of characterization equipment to complement the unit U10 Drug Formulation.

Actions / SpendingConcepts TOTAL BUDGET Feder (50%) Cofinanc. (50%)
1. Particle size analyzer for aerosol. Andersen cascade impactor. Next generation impactor (ngi) (Nanbiosis I8) 105.000 € 52.500 € 52.500 €
2. Expansion of fluorescence microscopy equipment (Nanbiosis I9) 85.000 € 42.500 € 42.500 €
3. Climatic chamber for stability studies ICH (Nanbiosis I10) 15.961 € 7.980,50 € 7.980,50 €
  205.961 € 102.980,50 € 102.980,50 €


PROJECT Equipment Mask Aligner to complement the NANBBIOSIS unit U7 of  Nanotechnology.

Actions / SpendingConcepts TOTAL BUDGET Feder (50%) Cofinanc. (50%)
1.Acquisition and development of a Mask Aligner 117.000 € 58.500 € 58500 €


PROJECT Purchase and installation and commissioning of characterization equipment to complement the NANBIOSIS unit 16 – Surface characterization and calorimetry unit .

Actions / SpendingConcepts TOTAL BUDGET Feder (80%) Cofinanc. (20%)
Surface characterization and calorimetry equipment 1.380.000 € 1.104.000 € 276.000 €
1. Cannon for TOF-SIM 255.000 €    
2. Optical profilometer 200.000 €    
3. XPS 800.000 €    
4. Goniometer 105.000 €    
  1.380.000 €  1.104.000 €  276.000 €


PROJECT Infrastructure update and implementation of a LIMS documentary control and management system to enhance the capacities of the NANBIOSIS ICTS units at CCMIJU “(AILIMS-NANBIOSIS)”.

Actions / SpendingConcepts TOTAL BUDGET Feder (80%) Cofinanc. (20%)
1. Infrestructures update 397.000 € 317.000 € 87.000 €
2. LIMS 200.000 € 160.000 € 40.000 €
  597.000 €  467.000 €  127.000 €



Embryo genetics in assisted reproduction “(GENERA NANBIOSIS)”.

Actions / SpendingConcepts TOTAL BUDGET Feder (80%) Cofinanc. (20%)

1. Embryonic Genetics in Assisted Reproduction:

EPPENDORF PiezoXpert Piezoelectric-assisted micromanipulator 

Time-Lapse Incubator

98.000 € 78.400 € 21.600 €