In this framework, several projects related to the ICTS NANBIOSIS have been selected by the MINECO for co-financing with FEDER funds of the European Regional Development Funds program:
PROJECT Description: Purchase, installation and set-up of production and characterization equipment to complement the Units: U3-Synthesis of Peptides Unit, U18-Nanotoxicology and U20- In Vivo Experimental Platform.
Actions / SpendingConcepts | TOTAL BUDGET | Feder (50%) | Cofinanc. (50%) |
1: Automatic microwave-assisted peptide synthesizer. Nanbiosis -I5. (Unit 3) | 105.600,00 € | 52.800,00 € | 52.800,00 € |
2: Autostainer system. Nanbiosis-I28. (Unit 18) | 50.000,00 € | 25.000,00 € | 25.000,00 € |
3: DLS measurement system: Nanbiosis-I13. (Unit 20) | 31.000,00€ | 15.500,00 € | 15.500,00€ |
4: DLS System upgrade for potential Z Nanbiosis-I14. (Unit 20) | 19.237,54€ | 9.618,77 € | 9.618,77 € |
5: In vitro characterization laboratory equipment. Nanbiosis-I16. (Unit 20) Including: | 16.596,72 € | 8.298,36 € | 8.298,36 € |
– Purchase equipment: Fluorimeter | |||
6: Equipment for standardization of immunotoxicity tests. Nanbiosis-I17 (Unit 20) Including: | 85.131,90 € | 42.565,95 € | 42.565,95 € |
– Purchase equipment: Lumino agregometer | |||
– Purchase equipment: Particle analyzer | |||
– Purchase equipment: 2D PAGE | |||
– Purchase equipment: Coagulometer | |||
7:Purchase, installation and commissioning of a freezer Nanbiosis-I18 (Unit 20) | 4.500,00 € | 2.250,50 € | 2.250,50 € |
312.066,16 € | 156.033,08 € | 156.033,08 € |
PROJECT Purchase and installation and set-up of equipment and production and characterization laboratories to complement the units U2-Custom Antibody Service (CAbS), U4-Biodeposition and biosensing, U6-Processing of biomaterials and nanoestructuring and U8-Micro, nanotechnology.
Actions / SpendingConcepts | TOTAL BUDGET | Feder (50%) | Cofinanc. (50%) |
2. Purchase and installation and set-up of Automated microdispensing system for microarray technology (Nanbiosis I9) (U02) | 57.700,00 € | 28.500,00 € | 28.500,00 € |
3. Purchase and installation and set-up of Nitrogen tank (Nanbiosis I10) (U02) | 4.500,00 € | 2.250,00 € | 2.250,00 € |
4. Upgrade of UV / Ozone cleaner for NanoeNabler (Nanbiosis I19) (U04) | 5.000,00 € | 2.500,00 € | 2.500,00 € |
5. Upgrade of the optics and the microfluidic components of the Biodetection Unit (SPR biosensor) (Nanbiosis I20). Includes: Manufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards (PCB boards), peristaltic pumps, flow cell and connectors, laser diodes, photodetects, lenses … (U04) | 10.000,00 € | 5.000,00 € | 5.000,00 € |
6. – Update of the Nanosightsystem. (Nanbiosis I44) (U06) | 23.400,00 € | 11.700,00 € | 11.700,00 € |
7. Conditioning of the new Nanbiosis laboratory-Hiring an engineer (Nanbiosis I45) (U06) | 71.400,00 € | 35.700,00 € | 35.700,00 € |
8. Purchase and installation and commissioning of the Dynamic Light Scattering equipment. (Nanbiosis I46) (U06) | 50.000,00 € | 25.000,00 € | 25.000,00 € |
9. Upgrade of the Aixtron Black Magic Pro 4-inch System for the growth of graphene (Nanbiosis I1) (U08) | 16.500,00 € | 8.250,00 € | 8.250,00 € |
10. Purchase and installation and set-up of parylene deposition for devices on flexible substrates. (Nanbiosis I2) (U08) | 70.000,00 € | 35.000,00 € | 35.000,00 € |
307.800,00 € | 153.900,00 € | 153.900,00 € |
PROJECT Purchase and installation and set-up of characterization equipment to complement the unit U10 Drug Formulation.
Actions / SpendingConcepts | TOTAL BUDGET | Feder (50%) | Cofinanc. (50%) |
1. Particle size analyzer for aerosol. Andersen cascade impactor. Next generation impactor (ngi) (Nanbiosis I8) | 105.000 € | 52.500 € | 52.500 € |
2. Expansion of fluorescence microscopy equipment (Nanbiosis I9) | 85.000 € | 42.500 € | 42.500 € |
3. Climatic chamber for stability studies ICH (Nanbiosis I10) | 15.961 € | 7.980,50 € | 7.980,50 € |
205.961 € | 102.980,50 € | 102.980,50 € |
PROJECT Equipment Mask Aligner to complement the NANBBIOSIS unit U7 of Nanotechnology.
Actions / SpendingConcepts | TOTAL BUDGET | Feder (50%) | Cofinanc. (50%) |
1.Acquisition and development of a Mask Aligner | 117.000 € | 58.500 € | 58500 € |
PROJECT Purchase and installation and commissioning of characterization equipment to complement the NANBIOSIS unit 16 – Surface characterization and calorimetry unit .
Actions / SpendingConcepts | TOTAL BUDGET | Feder (80%) | Cofinanc. (20%) |
Surface characterization and calorimetry equipment | 1.380.000 € | 1.104.000 € | 276.000 € |
1. Cannon for TOF-SIM | 255.000 € | ||
2. Optical profilometer | 200.000 € | ||
3. XPS | 800.000 € | ||
4. Goniometer | 105.000 € | ||
1.380.000 € | 1.104.000 € | 276.000 € |
PROJECT Infrastructure update and implementation of a LIMS documentary control and management system to enhance the capacities of the NANBIOSIS ICTS units at CCMIJU “(AILIMS-NANBIOSIS)”.
Actions / SpendingConcepts | TOTAL BUDGET | Feder (80%) | Cofinanc. (20%) |
1. Infrestructures update | 397.000 € | 317.000 € | 87.000 € |
2. LIMS | 200.000 € | 160.000 € | 40.000 € |
597.000 € | 467.000 € | 127.000 € |
Embryo genetics in assisted reproduction “(GENERA NANBIOSIS)”.
Actions / SpendingConcepts | TOTAL BUDGET | Feder (80%) | Cofinanc. (20%) |
1. Embryonic Genetics in Assisted Reproduction: –EPPENDORF PiezoXpert Piezoelectric-assisted micromanipulator |
98.000 € | 78.400 € | 21.600 € |