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U14-S01. Cell cultures

Cell cultures

The cell culture service plays a pivotal role in the realm of biomedical and pharmaceutical research, as well as in the broader fields of cellular and molecular biology. It provides specialized support for the development, production, and characterization of cell therapies tailored for preclinical trials. With a focus on mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), the service encompasses the entire spectrum of cell culture activities, including isolation, expansion, and thorough characterization of these crucial cellular components. Additionally, the service extends its offerings to include essential assays such as proliferation, viability, and cytotoxicity assessments, all of which are indispensable in the rigorous evaluation of potential therapies during preclinical trials.

Customer benefits

U14 Cell Therapy Unit offers researchers precision, efficiency, and expertise, streamlining experiments. With stringent quality control, ISO 9001-2015 and GLP compliant, tailored solutions, and access to advanced equipment, researchers can focus on innovation and core objectives, driving scientific progress forward.

Target customer

This service is essential for organizations involved in Research and Development, including pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions for biomedical research, biotechnology firms for bioprocessing, and regulatory agencies for in vitro studies. Cell Culture service empowers researchers and stakeholders with the tools and insights necessary to advance the frontiers of regenerative medicine and therapeutic innovation.

Additional information

Selected references:

  • de Pedro, Maria Ageles; Pulido, Maria; Álvarez, Veronica; Marinaro, Federica; Marchena, Ana Maria; Sanchez-Margallo, Francisco Miguel; Casado, Javier G.; Lopez, Esther.  2023.  Menstrual blood-derived stromal cells: insights into their secretome in acute hypoxia conditions. MOLECULAR MEDICINE. SPRINGER. 29-1. ISSN 1076-1551.  https://doi.org/10.1186/s10020-023-00646-1
  • Cristobal JI; Duque, FJ; Uson-Casaus J; Barrera R; López E; Perez-Merino EM.  2022.  Complete Blood Count-Derived Inflammatory Markers Changes in Dogs with Chronic Inflammatory Enteropathy Treated with Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells   Animals.  MDPI.  12-20.  ISSN 2076-2615.  https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12202798
  • Marinaro, Federica; Silva, Joana M; Barros, Alexandre A; et al; Lopez, Esther.  2021.  A Fibrin Coating Method of Polypropylene Meshes Enables the Adhesion of Menstrual Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: A New Delivery Strategy for Stem Cell-Based Therapies.International journal of molecular sciences. MDPI. 22-24. ISSN 1422-0067. WOS (0) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222413385
  • de Pedro, Maria Angeles; Gomez-Serrano, Maria; Marinaro, Federica; et al; Lopez, Esther (AC); Casado, Javier G.(4/10).  2021.  IFN-Gamma and TNF-Alpha as a Priming Strategy to Enhance the Immunomodulatory Capacity of Secretomes from Menstrual Blood-Derived Stromal Cells   INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES.  MDPI.  22-22.  ISSN 1422-0067.  WOS (0) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222212177
  • López E; Blazquez R; Marinaro F; et al; Casado JG. 2019. The Intrapericardial Delivery of Extracellular Vesicles from Cardiosphere-Derived Cells Stimulates M2 Polarization during the Acute Phase of Porcine Myocardial Infarction. STEM CELL REVIEWS AND REPORTS. SPRINGER. 16-3, pp.626-626. ISSN 2629-3269.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s12015-019-09926-y
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U13-S01. MicroCT


X-Ray image for biomaterials, scaffolds and biological tissues.

Customer benefits

An axis inside is able to apply forces.
Non-destructive view of internal structure pre and post force.

Target customer

Public and private research groups focused on biomaterials and tissue mechanical characterization.

Additional information


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U13-S03. Fatigue tests Instron 8874

Fatigue tests Instron 8874

Fatigue tests allow us to know how is the behaviour when cyclic load are applied. It is used for life expectancy of biomaterials and biological tissues.

Customer benefits

High full-scale cell load.

Target customer

Public and private research groups focused on biomaterials and tissue mechanical characterization.

Additional information

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U13-S04. Dynamic mechanical analysis Instron 8874

Dynamic mechanical analysis Instron 8874

Dynamic tests allow us to know how is the behaviour along time. It is used for viscoelastic properties of biomaterials and biological tissues.

Customer benefits

High full-scale cell load.

Target customer

Public and private research groups focused on biomaterials and tissue mechanical characterization.

Additional information

D:\gestion\Laboratorio\espacios\fotos_plat\INSTRON 8874\P1000356.JPG

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U13-S05. Uniaxial test Instron MicroTester

Uniaxial test Instron MicroTester

Tensile, pure shear and planar tension are the tests inside the uniaxial group. Samples are stretched along an axis by measuring force and displacement. Cycling protocols can be integrated into the mechanical test. Mechanical and viscoelastic properties can be studied. Force is measured by means of load cells.

Customer benefits

  • Load cells are available with different full-scales depending on the material to test.
  • Tests can be controlled by means of displacement or force.
  • Specific protocols according customer requirements.
  • Tracking system can be used to measure real deformations.
  • Adaptable clamps according to sample geometry.

Target customer

Public and private research groups focused on biomaterials and tissue mechanical characterization.


  • Ríos-Ruiz, I., Martínez, M.Á. & Peña, E. Is location a significant parameter in the layer dependent dissection properties of the aorta?. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 21, 1887–1901 (2022). Doi: 10.1007/s10237-022-01627-9
  • Peña E, Alastrué V, Laborda A, Martínez MA, Doblaré M. A constitutive formulation of vascular tissue mechanics including viscoelasticity and softening behaviour. J Biomech. 2010 Mar 22;43(5):984-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2009.10.046. Epub 2009 Dec 2. PMID: 19959171.

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U13-S06. Confined compression tests Instron MicroTester

Confined compression tests Instron MicroTester

Samples are compressed along an axis by measuring force and displacement. Cycling protocols can be integrated into the mechanical test. Mechanical and viscoelastic properties can be studied. Force is measured by means of load cells.

Customer benefits

  • Load cells are available with different full-sales depending on the material to test.
  • Tests can be controlled by means of displacement or force.
  • Specific protocols according customer requirements.
  • Adaptable system according to sample geometry.

Target customer

Public and private research groups focused on biomaterials and tissue mechanical characterization.


I. Cabeza-Gil, I. Ríos-Ruiz, B. Calvo, Experimental evaluation of the injection force exerted in intraocular lens delivery with syringe-type injectors,
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 124, 2021, 104793, ISSN 1751-6161, Doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2021.104793.

Additional information

D:\gestion\Laboratorio\espacios\fotos_plat\INSTRON 5548\Instron 5548-m.jpg

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U12-S01. Characterization of colloidal dispersions by Dynamic and Static Light Scattering (DLS and SLS) and Light Diffraction

Characterization of colloidal dispersions by Dynamic and Static Light Scattering (DLS and SLS) and Light Diffraction

For determination of size distribution in the 1-1000 nm range, we offer a Photon Correlation Spectrometer (PCS) for dynamic (DLS) and static (SLS) light scattering measurements for angles in the 20-140º range and capacity of suppressing multiple scattering thanks to the 3D-cross correlation technology (down to 5% of transmission for sub-micrometer sample thickness). The instrument is equipped with a He-Ne laser and its software allows the estimation of particle size by Cumulant or CONTIN analysis. It is also possible to measure non-ergodic samples with a rotating sample holder.
For determination of size distribution in the 100-10,000 nm range we offer a Mastersizer 2000 instrument that measures by means of laser diffraction the size and distribution of particles or droplets in suspension. It is equipped with a liquid dispersing unit for small volume (Hydro 2000G) to measure emulsions, dispersions, etc. and a solid dispersion unit (Scirocco) to analyse dried powders. It is equipped with a software (windows operated) for the data processing to obtain the characteristic size (droplet, particle) and its distribution.

Customer benefits

  • Specialized in colloidal samples
  • ISO9001 certification for standard quality control system
  • Highly qualified and continuously trained staff
  • Adapted to customers’ needs

The services provided by the unit are very relevant for product formulation and quality control. Applications include determination of the droplet/particle diameter for emulsions, suspensions and solid samples (powder) in the range of 100 nm – 2000 mm. The results are expressed in standard percentiles D(v,0.1), D(v0.5), D(v0.9), mean volume diameter (D[4,3]), mean surface diameter (Sauter mean diameter, D[3,2]), specific surface area (SSA), etc.

Target customer

Public research organisations, academia and industry in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetic sectors.

Additional information

For further details on the determination of the particle size by Laser Diffraction and Dynamic Light Scattering, click on the following posters:

More information can be found at https://www2.iqac.csic.es/qci/

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U12-S02. Measuring NP aggregation properties and surface area

Measuring NP aggregation properties and surface area

For this service, we offer a S3 MICRO instrument (Hecus X-ray Systems, Graz, Austria) for determinations of X-ray scattered intensity as a function of scattering angle. This instrument is equipped with a GENIX microfocus X-ray source and a FOX 2D point-focusing element (both from Xenocs, Grenoble). It can measure simultaneously at small angle (0,2º-8º) and wide angle (18°-28°).
We also offer a Quantachrome Autosorb iQ-AG equipment that provides gas adsorption/desorption curves, for the calculation of specific surface area and pore size analysis. This equipment allows the simultaneous degassing of two samples and the physisorption analysis of a third sample, at relative pressures above P/P0 > 1×10-3. The gas sorption analyzer is equipped with a cryogenic dewar for measurements until 90 hours.

Customer benefits

  • Specialized in colloidal samples
  • ISO9001 certification for standard quality control system
  • Highly qualified and continuously trained staff
  • Adapted to customers’ needs

The services provided by the unit are very relevant for product formulation and quality control. Applications include structural characterization of materials within the nanometer range. This includes determination of symmetry, morphology, characteristic size, fractal dimension and surface area. These studies can be applied to liquid crystals, micellar aggregates, mesoporous materials, nanoparticles, proteins and nanostructured films. Also characterization of the porosity and surface area of nanoparticles, macroporous, macro/mesoporous and mesoporous materials like aluminas, silicas and other materials including M41S materials (eg. MCM-41), PMOs, KITs and many SBAs.

Target customer

Public research organizations, academia and industry in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetic sectors.

Additional information

More information can be found at https://www2.iqac.csic.es/qci/

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U12-S03. Determination of the phase behavior of surfactant and polymers systems

Determination of the phase behavior of surfactant and polymers systems

This is an integrated service in which we offer the determination of the phase behaviour (e.g. as a function of temperature and concentration) of surfactants and polymers using different characterization techniques such as SAXS and polarized optical microscopy.

Customer benefits

  • Specialized in colloidal samples
  • Wide range of available techniques
  • ISO9001 certification for standard quality control system
  • Highly qualified and continuously trained staff
  • Adapted to customers’ needs

The services provided by the unit are very relevant for product formulation and quality control.

Target customer

Public research organizations, academia and industry in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetic sectors.

Additional information

More information can be found at https://www2.iqac.csic.es/qci/

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U12-S04. Rheology, viscometry and densimetry

Rheology, viscometry and densimetry

For this service we offer a AR-G2 Rheometer with magnetic bearings which allows measuring torques down to 0.003 N.m. It can perform either stress controlled or strain controlled measurements. The angular velocity range is 2×10-7 to 628 rad/s. The maximum measurable torque is 200 mN.m, with a resolution of 0.1 nN.m. Several geometries are available, such as concentric cylinders, cone-plate, plate-plate (different sizes) and also cross hatched plates which are suitable to measure gel samples. Temperature is controlled with a Peltier system (from -20ºC to 200ºC) and with a Upper heating plate device. There is also an interfacial rheometry accessory. The instrument’s software enables to perform a wide variety of tests and analyses.
For standard tests we also offer a Brookfield viscometer with a wide measurement range from 25 mPa.s to 64 MmPa.s. It is equipped with an accessory (Small Sample Adaptor SSA) for samples of small volume (7-13.5 mL).

Customer benefits

  • Specialized in colloidal samples
  • ISO9001 certification for standard quality control system
  • Highly qualified and continuously trained staff
  • Adapted to customers’ needs

The services provided by the unit are very relevant for product formulation and quality control. Applications include determination of viscosities from flow curves (stress vs shear rate); estimation of storage (elastic) modulus and loss (viscous) modulus, creep assays, temperature ramps; Determination of gel and glass points; Estimation of interfacial viscosity and moduli.

Target customer

Public research organizations, academia and industry in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetic sectors.

Additional information

For further details on Rheology, click on the following poster:

More information can be found at https://www2.iqac.csic.es/qci/

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