HPLC-PDA, ARC Model (Waters): High-pressure liquid chromatography system with photodiode array detector, automatic injector, and column heating oven.
Technical Specifications:
The ARC system consists of the following:
Pump: capable of delivering aqueous and organic solvents at operating pressures up to 9,500 PSI (655 bar), with integrated degassing in all mobile phase lines and capable of working accurately with flows ranging from 0.001 mL/min to 5.000 mL/min. It allows programming of isocratic and gradient methods in terms of pH, organic percentage, and salt concentration.
Injector: capable of injecting samples dissolved in aqueous and/or organic solvents at operating pressures up to 9,500 PSI (655 bar), with the capacity to inject volumes from 0.1 to 1000.0 µL, with aspiration precision ≤ +/- 0.2 µL and carryover ≤ 0.002%, and with integrated and programmable needle washes. The sample compartment can accommodate vials and well plates (96/384 wells) and its temperature can be set between 4 and 40 °C.
Column oven: that can operate at high flows (5.0 mL/min) and high pressures (9,500 PSI) with capacity for 3 columns and can operate at a temperature between 4 °C and 65 °C with a temperature accuracy of +/- 0.5 °C and stability of +/- 0.3 °C.
Visible ultraviolet detector: with aligned diodes (Waters 2998 model) compatible with HPLC technology such as UPLC, covering a wavelength range from 190 to 800 nm with a wavelength resolution of ±1 nm, and repeatability of ±0.1 nm. Wavelength calibration is performed automatically, with acquisition rates of up to 80 spectra per second. The cell volume is 500 nL maintaining a light path of 10 mm and the maximum working pressure is 1000 PSI. This detector allows simultaneous quantification of components with high and low concentrations in the same chromatographic separation.
Analysis of synthesis raw materials
Reaction monitoring
Analysis of final products (assessment of purity of the final product)