U12-E01. 3D cross-correlation dynamic light scattering (DLS) spectrometer
Photon Correlation Spectrometer (PCS) for dynamic (DLS) and static (SLS) light scattering measurements for angles in the 20-140º range and capacity of suppressing multiple scattering thanks to the 3D-cross correlation technology (down to 5% of transmission for sub-micrometer sample thickness). The instrument is equipped with a He-Ne laser and its software allows the estimation of particle size by Cumulant or CONTIN analysis. It is also possible to measure non-ergodic samples with a rotating sample holder.
Determination of particle size and shape, size distribution, etc. in colloid systems (e.g. solid dispersions, micelles, microemulsions, nano-emulsions, polymers, vesicles or liposomes) Estimation of molecular weight of polymers and interaction parameters (e.g. second virial coefficient). Estimation of gel transitions.