U12-E06. S3 Micro SAXS/WAXS Small and Wide Angle X-Ray Spectrometer
S3 MICRO instrument (Hecus X-ray Systems, Graz, Austria) for determinations of X-ray scattered intensity as a function of scattering angle. This instrument is equipped with a GENIX microfocus X-ray source and a FOX 2D point-focusing element (both from Xenocs, Grenoble). It can measure simultaneously at small angle (0,2º-8º) and wide angle (18º-28º).
Structural characterization of materials within the nanometer range. This includes determination of symmetry, morphology, characteristic size, fractal dimension and surface area. These studies can be applied to liquid crystals, micellar aggregates, mesoporous materials, nanoparticles, proteins and nanostructured films.