ÄKTA pure™ is a flexible and intuitive chromatography system for fast purification of proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids from microgram levels to tens of grams of target product.
ÄKTA pure™ chromatography system provides you with the following benefits:
• Modular system design with a large range of options to allow flexibility in purification of proteins and peptides
• Intuitive and flexible method creation, system control, and evaluation with UNICORN™ software
• Practical size, for easy placement on laboratory bench or in cold cabinet
• Reliable system with components and integrated
features based on the proven design of ÄKTA™ protein purification systems
• Predefined method settings for all our laboratory-scale chromatography columns
A double-door refrigerator (Unichromat 1500 HPLC cooling cabinet (UNIEQUIP) is available to contain FPLC-AKTA purification equipment inside, refrigerated, to be able to carry out low-temperature purifications of proteins that are sensitive to room temperature.

It also has a probe for acquiring temperature data from the refrigerator, to be able to track at all times the status of the samples that are stored inside the services during the protein production and purification service process and after
