New Summer School “The medicine of the future: Nanomedicine”
From 11 to 15 of July 2022 will take place the Nanomed-CSIC Summer School, organized by the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP), with the sponsorship and collaboration of the CSIC.
The Nanomed-CSIC Summer School brings together scientific experts from all over Spain in different fields of nanomedicine and is aimed at all research staff and students, at any stage of basic or advanced scientific training.
There are scholarships from the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) which application period ends on May 3, 2022. For further informations and appalications follow this link
The course reviews the latest international advances in areas such as personalized nanomedicine, nanopharmaceuticals for the heart, nanomaterials for clinical diagnosis, the use of nanoparticles in molecular imaging and discovers how metallic nanoparticles are obtained, as well as the identity biology of nanomaterials or antimicrobial nanomedicine.
The program includes 2 plenary talks, 2 daily thematic talks and round tables. The aim this summer school is to promote public participation and provide a global vision of the opportunities and challenges that nanomedicine represents in the four areas of study that will be developed at the school: nanoTherapy, nanoDelivery, nanoSensors and nanoDiagnosis, summarizing the main advances in the application of nanomedicine.
This summer school will be held face-to-face in Santander and remote connection will be available to follow the event
For futher information, program and registration for the Summer School visit UIMP
Nanomed CSIC Connection
Nanomed Connection is a scientific collaboration network created by CSIC in October 2021 to promote research in nanomedicine. The new network promotes a multidisciplinary approach to nanomedicine research to share knowledge and encompasses chemists, physicists and biologists.
NanomedCSIC is a platform open to all CSIC groups with active research in nanomedicine, which will promote this discipline through the application of technology at the atomic and molecular level to improve the detection and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and infectious pathologies, among others.
NANBIOSIS ICTS and Nanomed CSIC Connection
Sharing focus, lines and objectives, both networks collorate in the promotion and dissemination of nanomedicine research. The researchers leading the NANBIOSIS units created by CIBER-BBN at CSIC centers are active members of Nanomed CSIC Connection.