A multiplexing nanophotonic biosensor for cancer diagnosis
The group Biosensors and bio-analytic applications, led by Laura Lechuga, coordinator of Unit 4 of NANBIOSIS, has developed a methodology through a nano-photonic sensor (known as bimodal waveguide interferometer) capable of quantifying, directly and mark-free, the different messenger RNA isoforms generated by alternative splicing.
The expertise in biodeposition and biodetection systems of Lechuga’s group has permitted a thorough analytical study and optimization of the methodology, achieving not only total selectivity, but also excellent levels of sensitivity and reproducibility, and obtaining the lowest levels of detection in direct detection of messenger RNA isoforms generated by this mechanism without the need for PCR amplification (polymerase chain reaction).
The results of the study have recently been published in Scientific Reports (of the Nature group) and show a new methodology for the analysis of alternative splicing processes in a fast, simple and direct way, overcoming the main problems of conventional techniques. In addition, it opens the possibility of developing more efficient tools for the diagnosis and monitoring of therapy, providing a more informative, specific and precise analysis.
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