Jose Luis Pedraz, Jesus Ciriza and Angela Losada of NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation – NanoBioCel Group of CIBER-BBN and University of the Basque Country were in Leuven, Belgium attending the European Project POSITION-II Workshop #5, which was held between January 21 and 23. The workshop was held at the facilities of iMEC, one of the partners of the project and world leader in R&D in nanoelectronics and digital technology.
The project lasts three years and after 18 months, in this workshop, the researchares of NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation, have microencasulated and characterized the heart cells with the aim of checking the viability of the capsules for the treatment. In the next month all the team members of our workpackage (WP7) will meet with purpose of integrating each of the components of the final catheter (assemble them) to proceed with their validation because next year the validation must be done in vivo.
This work is part of a pilot line for realising the next generation of smart catheters and implants by building on Europe’s strength in medical diagnostic equipment and monitoring systems.