Participation of NANBIOSIS U25 in the Valorisation Project MR-INITIATE
The Unit 25 of the ICTS NANBIOSIS will be enrolled, through its scientific coordinator Ana Paula Candiota, in a research valorisation project recently granted by CIBER: “Noninvasive MR-based ImagiNg of Immune sysTem action during glIoblastomA TreatmEnt (MR-INITIATE)”
Such project has the aim to increase the TRL of therapy response follow-up methods in glioblastomas, using technological approaches performed at U25 of NANBIOSIS NMR: Biomedical Applications I
The project will be financed with € 20,000.
The CIBER-BBN transfer program
The CIBER-BBN transfer program through its call for transfer and valorization projects has been designed to promote the transfer to the industrial sector of scientific or technological results derived from the research carried out by the CIBER-BBN groups. These transfer projects will make it possible to support the commercialization of said results, since there is a company that has shown interest in them and that provides at least, the same financing than CIBER-BBN for their achievement.
The call for valorization projects is in its fourth edition, having already financed a total of fourteen projects.