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Posts Taged imdea

Manuel Doblaré, researcher of NANBIOSIS U13, new Chairman of IMDEA Materials Foundation

Manuel Doblaré researcher of the Group Applied Mechanics and Bioengineering AMB and NANBIOSIS U13 Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit of CIBER-BBN and I3A presides, from this month, the Board of Trustees of the Imdea Materiales Foundation.

The IMDEA Materials Institute, one of the seven Madrid Institutes for Advanced Studies (IMDEA), is a public research centre founded in 2007 by Madrid’s regional government. The goal of the Institute is to do research at the forefront of Material Science and Engineering, attracting talent from all around the globe, and collaborating with companies in an effort to transfer fundamental and applied knowledge into valuable technology

In an interview by I3A-UZ Manuel Doblaré highlights from IMDEA its great evolution and major strategic lines, with projects lasting three or four years and the balance he has achieved between very powerful basic research and strong collaboration with the industry.

Manuel Doblaré was the founder of the I3A and the forst scientific director of the CIBER-BBN. Today, in addition to chairing the IMDEA Materials Foundation, he is a Fellow of the European Alliance for Engineering and Biomedicine (EAMBES) and the World Biomechanics Council, as well as the director of the Gadea Ciencia Foundation, whose objective is to promote the improvement and advancement of science, technology and innovation in Spain.

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