Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) -NANBIOSIS U25 collaboration on the study of tumour microenvironment (TME) changes in Glioblastoma
The scientific coordinator of NANBIOSIS U25 “RNM: Biomedical Application I”, Ana Paula Candiota, was recently awarded with a mobility fellowship from CIBER-BBN for a scientific exchange visit to Philipps-Universität Marburg, in Marburg, Germany.
This scientific stage was motivated for a sustained collaboration between the research groups (GABRMN, in charge of U25 and Neurosurgery Lab group in Marburg), regarding the study of tumour microenvironment (TME) changes in Glioblastoma and possible relationship with the noninvasive MRSI-based biomarkers. Both groups have applied together to different funding calls including ERA-NET Transcan and Pathfinder Open, and Marburg group has hosted a predoctoral stage from a GABRMN PhD student.
The University of Marburg is the university with the longest tradition in Hesse, founded in 1527. With thirteen Leibniz Prize winners, the University of Marburg is one of the leading research institutions in the State of Hesse. Related to the Medicine Faculty of the Philipps University of Marburg is the Uniklinikum Giessend Und Marburg (UKGM), in which the Neurosurgery Lab, lead by Prof. Jörg-Walter Bartsch, is located. This group is hosting Dr. Candiota stage until September 9th.
The main objectives of this short stage are to strength the scientific collaboration, to finish pending work related to TME GL261 glioblastoma, to get familiarized with some approaches used in Marburg and not mastered by GABRMN, and finally to give a talk to group and clinical members, highlighting the potential of U25 and the translational characteristics of the common projects held by both institutions.