III Course on Introduction to research and laboratory techniques in Biosciences
CCMIJU has organised the III Course on Introduction to research and laboratory techniques in Biosciences, which wil take place at JUMISC on December, 18th, 2020 under the Direction of Esther López Nieto and Javier García Casado, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U14 Cell Therapy. Other researchers of NANBIOSIS Units offer their expertise as Beatriz Moreno Lobato, Scientific Diector NANBIOSIS U19 and Luis Dávila Gómez, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U22
The course contents are distributed in the following blocks:
Block I. Knowledge pills for research – Theory
Research career and aid for hiring (Dr JG Casado). 30 min
Communication of research results (Dra. E López). 30 min
Introduction to bibliographic resources. (Dra. R Blázquez). 30 min
Research Projects: preparation and evaluation (Dr JG Casado). 30 min
Protection of research results. Intellectual and industrial property. (JL Añover). 30 min
Block II. Knowledge pills for research – exercises / case studies
Practical case 1: Bibliographic search and Commentary and assessment of different scientific communications: 1.5h
Block III. RNA and DNA: gene expression and genetic studies in reproduction
Introduction to the analysis of gene expression using qPCR (F Marinaro and E López). 1h 30min
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in assisted reproduction clinics (E Delgado). 1 hour
Block IV. Proteins and proteome: protein expression studies and massive proteomics analysis / identification
Protein expression study I: Introduction to immunoprecipitation and western blotting techniques (E López). 1 hour
Introduction to the study of proteins II: Generalities and principles of proteomics in cardiovascular research (I Jorge). 1h 30min
Block V. Cell cultures: stem cell cultures and production for clinical uses
Cell cultures I: Isolation of adult stem cells and characterization (R Blázquez). 1 hour
Cell cultures II: Production, commercialization and clinical uses of cell therapy (O delaRosa). 1h 30min
Block VI. Miscelanea: Histology, clinical analysis, 3D bioprinting and animal experimentation
Basic fixation, inclusion and staining techniques for histology (A Usón). 1 hour
Basic techniques for determining blood parameters: Biochemistry and hematology (B Moreno). 1 hour
Technology and materials in the 3D bioprinting laboratory (JC Gómez). 1 hour
Minimally invasive experimental procedures in laboratory animals (L Dávila). 1 hour
Block VII: Laboratory techniques in biosciences – exercises / practical cases
Practical case-example 2: Analysis of qPCR results. 1,5h