An Open Call within H2020 project SAFE-N-MEDTECH OITB -Safety testing in the life cycle of nanotechnology-enabled medical technologies for health– has been launched with the objective of providing services and support to companies and other organizations with the aim of accelerating the development and commercialization of innovative MedTech solutions based on nano-enabled technology.
SAFE-N-MEDTECH in which CIBER-BBN is a partner througth its ICTS NANBIOSIS, gathers expertise from 28 partners around the world focused in enabling the safe translation of nano-enabled medical technologies from Proof of Concept to markets and clinical practice funded project
SAFE-N-MEDTECH with its key expertise and extensive knowledge in nano-enabled medical technologies, offers characterization, pre-clinical validation, access to biobanks and patient samples, scale up and regulatory support, technology assessment and horizon scanning.
Submission deadline: March 21st 2022, 23:59 CET
- Guidelines for Applicants The Guide for Applicants contains the basic information needed to guide you in preparing a proposalfor submission to the SAFE-N-MEDTECH Open Call. It gives an introduction on how to structureyour proposal. It also describes how to submit the proposal and the evaluation criteria.
- Application Form
Nanoparticle Characterisation
- Chemical Composition
- Physical properties
- Drug loading/release
- RNA quantification and integrity
- Sterility and Toxicity
Pre-Clinical Development
- Antibody production
- Peptide/Protein synthesis
- Oligonucleotide synthesis
- Immune response monitoring
- Cellular assays
- Biological evaluation
- Nanoparticle development
- Design and optimisation of biosensor platforms
- Access to human samples and Biobanks
- In vivo experiments
In Silico
- In silico modelling
Clinical Validation
- RNA extraction
- RNA/DNA sequencing
- Binding affinity measurement
- Immune response monitoring
Assistance in prototyping and qualification of manufacturing facilities
Business development coaching, links with business angels, investors, capital risk, etc
Regulatory Assessment
- Regulatory support to Europe and US approval
Health Technology Assessment
- First evaluation of the project/product based on Health Technology Assessment (HTA)and Healthcare system needs
- Technology scanning to identify redundancies/synergies
This call uses funds obtained within the scope of the SAFE-N-MEDTECH project funded by European Union´s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program. (Grant Agreement No. 814607)