There is a growing demand, coming from the scientific community, to carry out studies with animal models in the best conditions for them. For this reason, the need of implementing a new control and recording system of environmental conditions within the stabling rooms of the CCMIJU Animal Housing arises.
The whole process and the awarded company, General de Instalaciones y Conservación S.L., have been published in the following link of the Public Sector Contracting Platform, within the framework of the project “Updating of the Infrastructures and implementation of a document control and LIMS management system to enhance the capacities of the NANBIOSIS Distributed ICTS Units managed by the CCMIJU (AILIMS-NANBIOSIS)”
AILIMS has been co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) within the framework of the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain (POPE) of Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) 2014-2020.
The following actions are considered in the framework of the project:
-Within Unit 22 or Animal Facility, the Installation and development of an environmental treatment-control system of the housing rooms, an Improvement and adaptation of the spaces for experimental models, the Acquisition, installation and development of a two-door ultra- filtered air shower and the Acquisition, installation and development of a post-procedural recovery chamber.
– For the rest of the NANBIOSIS Units managed by the CCMIJU: Acquisition, installation and development of a LIMS Software.
The actions and their budget are detailed below, together with the FEDER co-funded rate and the national contribution.