Unit 1 of NANBIOSIS, together with Synchroton Alba and the pharmaceutical ESTEVE jointly investigate the mechanisms of new inhibitors against pain
ESTEVE, a chemical – pharmaceutical group leader in Spain and with an important international presence, has developed new inhibitors against pain. Collaboration with scientific expertise of the Protein Production Platform and the ALBA Synchrotron will allow studyingthe interaction of these inhibitors with its potential target. The results of the research may help to the better understanding of the effects of the inhibitors and will provide key information to improve their properties.
The Protein Production Platform (Unit 1 of NANBIOSIS) is in charge of obtaining the pure protein complexed with the inhibitors, then, the biolab and XALOC beamline in the ALBA Synchrotron shall performeX-ray crystallography studies
Additionally, a complete experimental platform will be set-up opening the door to further studies and collaborations