Prof. Antoni Villaverde, Strategy Director of NANBIOSIS U1. Protein Production Platform (PPP), in an interview for the CIBER-BBN Bulletin, speaks about his research group, coordinanting NANBIOSIS u1 and the benefits of belonging to a research structure like CIBER.
“The PPP – explains Prof. Villaverde – was generated within the group, but is currently a platform that has been gaining its own entity and structure, and has received the ISO certification granted by AENOR. Neus Ferrer-Miralles is the Scientific Director and Paolo Saccardo the technical coordinator. The objective of the activity developed by the PPP is based on supporting CIBER groups in the production and purification of recombinant proteins within the field of nanomedicine. The fact that this service has emerged within a powerful research group allows the accumulated knowledge and experience to directly revert to the needs in this field within the area of nanomedicine in our country. Therefore, with the aim of reaching society, in addition to the CIBER, we also provide service to public and private entities dedicated to research and pharmaceutical companies”.
According to Toni Villaverde “The incorporation of the group to the CIBER-BBN has represented a clear and deap positive impact on our activities, at a collaborative level, which has greatly enriched our scientific and methodological capabilities and which has allowed a multidisciplinary scientific activity, which otherwise It would not have been possible. Since the beginning of the CIBER, we have carried out punctual collaboration activities with various groups of CIBER, and we have generated more stable collaborative structures that allow scientific developments in the medium-long term. Among the latter, it is necessary to highlight the collaboration with the group of Dr. Mangues and Dras. Isolda Casanova and Virtudes Céspedes,- coordinating NANBIOSIS U18.Nanotoxicology Unit, Profs. Veciana y Ventosa, coordinatinatin NANBIOSIS U6. Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit, as well as of the group coordinated by Prof. Schwartz and Dr. Abasolo” –NANBIOSIS U20. In Vivo Experimental Platform-.
In this interview, Dr. Villaverde reviews the main research lines and projects that the research group at the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, coordinator of the NANBIOSIS U1.PPP, is currently developing (nanostructured protein materials as therapeutic anti-inflammatory agents, nano and protein microstructures for drug delivery in targeted therapies and new drugs for rare diseases, nanoconjugates based on self-assembling proteins for targeted cancer therapy, self-assembling and nanostructured protein drugs, produced in recombinant form and based on very potent toxins, for targeted molecular therapy of cancer… and much more…) .
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