U7. MicroFab & Microscopy Unit

U7. MicroFab & Microscopy Unit
- Scientific Director: Prof. Josep Samitier jsamitier@ub.edu
- Technical Coordinator: Dr. Isabel Oliveira ioliveira@ibecbarcelona.eu
- Scientific Coordinator: Dr. Teresa Galán tgalan@ibecbarcelona.eu
- Entities: Intitute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)
- Address: C/Baldiri I Reixac, 10, 08028, Barcelona, Spain
- Phone: +34 934 037 138
- Web: IBEC

The MicroFab & Microscopy Platform is part of the institute’s long-term strategic plan to create new Core Facilities in nanofabrication and bionanocharacterization. Currently, the platform is an accessible and versatile research facility featuring 150m2 of class 10,000 cleanroom space and laboratories offering state-of-the-art equipment for the fabrication and characterization of micro- and nanodevices and structures. Our aim is to facilitate advanced research by providing services in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology for all academic and industrial researchers. Some of the many areas of application include nanobioengineering, BioMEMS, materials science, tissue engineering, optic and biomaterials. IBEC’s Nanotechnology Platform offers scientific and technological support that includes the design, development and analysis of devices, materials, and processes, so that academic researchers and companies alike may use the platform to develop their innovative ideas.
- U7-S01. Training Courses in the Use of microfabrication equipment (Onsite)
- U7-S03. Characterization by SEM (On-site&Remote) OUTSTANDING
- U7-S04. Lytography by e-beam (On-site&Remote) OUTSTANDING
- U7-S07. Photolithography and soft-lithography manufacturing processes (On-site&Remote) OUTSTANDING
- U7-S08. Fabrication of Chromium masks (Remote) OUTSTANDING
- U7-S09. Thin layer deposition (Remote) OUTSTANDING
- U7-S10. Advising and consulting in micro and nanofabrication (On-site&Remote)
- U7-S11. Contact angle (On-site&Remote) OUTSTANDING
- U7-E01. Ebeam/SEM (Nova NanoSEM 230/Raith)
- U7-E03. UV optical Lithography (Mask Aligner)
- U7-E04. Laser Lithography (Mask Plotter)
- U7-E05. Wet Bench
- U7-E06. Thermal and e-beam metal evaporator
- U7-E07. Spin-coater
- U7-E08. Plasma Cleaner
- U7-E09. Interferometer
- U7-E10. Profilometer
- U7-E11. Optical Microscopy
- U7-E12. Oven
- U7-E13. UV Curing Lamp System
- U7-E14. Microarrayer SPOTBOT2
- U7-E15.Contact Angle (OCA15 plus)
Active projects
Other projects
Ref | Title | Funding Organism | Unit Role |
TEC2015-70104-P | Microscrofidic 3D platform of Neuronal culture compartmentalized for the study of neurological diseases | MINECO | Others |
COMRDI15-1-0013-09 | Advancecat: acceleradora pel desenvolupament de terapies avançades | ACCIÓ | Participant |
- Lagunas A., Tsintzou I., Vida Y., Collado D., Perez-Inestrosa E., Pereira C.R. et al. Tailoring RGD local surface density at the nanoscale toward adult stem cell chondrogenic commitment. Nano Research. 2016;:1-13.
News U7
14 Mar

Hamill Industries visits NANBIOSIS during new artistic residency
Hamill Industries visited NANBIOSIS Unit 7 at IBEC, merging art and nanotech through the Ciència Radical program to inspire new audiovisual creations. Barcelona, march 2025. Last week, the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) had the pleasure of welcoming the renowned visual artist collective, Hamill Industries, as part of the Ciència Radical artistic residency program. This initiative, co-organized by IBEC, the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), IFAE, ICFO, and ALBA Synchrotron, aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists and artists, exploring radical science through audiovisual works. During their visit, Hamill Industries explored several cutting-edge research laboratories, including MicroFab[...]
24 Oct

NANBIOSIS U7 at the 15th IBEC Symposium October 2022
The MicrofabSpace and Microscopy Characterization Facility of IBEC, U7 unit of Nanbiosis, presented a stand and posters in the 15 edition of the annual IBEC’s Symposium which took place last October 19th in Barcelona. Researechers of this facility showed new microfabrication processes and microscopy tools, to worldwide researchers in the field of bioengineering. The MicroFabSpace and Microscopy Characterization Facility is one of the most experienced services in the IBEC’s Core Facilities. With a cleanroom research space, specialized in the microfabrication and characterization of micro-structured devices focussed on bioengineering and a microscopy space specialized in the characterization of biological samples, it[...]
27 Jul

1st Nanomedicine Forum of CIBER-BBN/NANBIOSIS and CSIC Nanomed Conection
During the days 30 of June and 1st of July took place in Barcelona, in the auditorium of the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), the 1st Forum on Nanomedicine gathering scientists from the CSIC net Nanomed Conection and from the CIBER-BBN and its ICTS NANBIOSIS. This forum brought toguether researchers from the most eminent national research centers in nanomedicine, that during the two days meeting presented their works and findings and discussed the impact of nanomedicine in the fields of drug delivery, diagnosis and therapy. The workshop was open by the Director of IQAC-CSIC, Jesús Joglar, the Scientific Coordinator[...]
16 Sep

Microfluidic devices: The process of development
The development of microfluidic devices is very significant for in-vitro diagnostic devices, biomarkers and organ-on-a-chip applications. The techniques, the materials and the equipment used for the fabrication of these devices, are as important as the strategy followed to obtain them. And at the Nanotechnology unit of NANBIOSIS U7– (MicrofabSpace and Microscopy Characterization Facilities of IBEC), we own the tools, the know-how and the expertise to accomplish such a goal. We regularly guide the process of design, in collaboration with the final user, we customize the technology needed to get the product and complete the fabrication of the microfluidic device, drawing[...]
16 May

The importance of Nanomedicine and Bioengineering to address health challenges
Josep Samitier, Coordinator of the Nanomedicine Platform (NanoMed) and Director of IBEC, as well as Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS unit 7 of Nanotecnology, of IBEC and CIBER-BBN, particiated in the XIV Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Technology Platforms was held on 11 and 12 May. The Conference counted with the presence of relevant public and private sector actors, and more than 700 registered participants. During the opening ceremony, was opened, among others, by the Minister of Science and Innovation, Pedro Duque, it was precisely emphasized the importance of investment in science and technology. In the words of Josep Samitier: “The healt[...]
11 Feb

NANBIOSIS Scientific Women in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Today February 11 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day to raise awareness of the gender gap in science and technology. According to the United Nations, while yet women and girls continue to be excluded from participating fully in science, science and gender equality are vital to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Thus, in recent years, the international community has made a great effort to inspire and promote the participation of women and girls in science. NANBIOSIS wants to acknowledge the efforts made by scientific women who struggle every day to contribut[...]
22 Jul

The Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 7, awarded with the Narcís Monturiol medal for his contribution to science and technology
The Catalan Government announced yesterday the Narcís Monturiol Medal award for scientific and technological merit to the Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 7 Nanotechnology Unit from CIBER-BBN and IBEC, Josep Samitier Martí, for his contribution to the development of the Catalan system of science and technology. The Narcís Monturiol Prize was established by the Generalitat of Catalonia in 1982, in honor of the Catalan scientist and inventor Narciso Monturiol, to award the people and entities that have made an outstanding contribution to the scientific and technological progress of Catalonia. It is awarded in the form of medals and plaques. The medals[...]
08 Jun

NANBIOSIS researchers featured in the 15th Edition of Spanish Researchers Ranking
The 15th edition of the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities has been published, ranking researchers in Spain as well as Spaniards doing research abroad. A total of 11 Directors of NANBIOSIS units appear on the most recent list, featured on the top 2000. The list is ordered by the h-index, a metric that calculates research impact based on a correlation of papers published and number of citations, and then by number of citations. The result is a list of whose’s publications have had more impact online. NANBIOSIS researchers featured are Fernando Albericio (#207), scientific director of U3 Synthesis of Peptides[...]