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U10. Drug Formulation

Ciber bbn

U10. Drug Formulation

    • Scientific Director: Prof. José Luis Pedraz joseluis.pedraz@ehu.es
    • Scientific Coordinator: Dr. Idoia Gallego Garrido idoiagallego@hotmail.com
    • Entities: Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
    • Address: Pharmacy & Pharmac. Technology Lab.; Facultad de Farmacia, C/Paseo de la Universidad 7, 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain)
    • Phone: +34 653593042
    • Fax: +34 945 013040


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Located at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Campus of Alava in Vitoria. The Unit is led by Prof. José Luis Pedraz and consists of large laboratories for cell culture, chromatography equipment, sample preparation and characterization, and one specific for scale preparation of pharmaceutical formulations. Recently the group has incorporated 3D bioprinters of the last generation with different technologies based on extrusion, inkjet, among others. It has also incorporated self-assembly equipment of nanoparticles based on microfluidic technologies.

This Unit can design and evaluate dosage forms both classical and new dosage forms of biotech drugs, DNA, RNA, and vaccines using different methodologies based on micro and nano-medicine and the latter technology based on the microencapsulation of cells, peptides, proteins, and in general of biotech products, as well as the development and design of non-viral vectors for gene therapy, is one of the biggest singularities of this Unit. It counts on the most advanced equipment for micro and nanoencapsulation.

The Unit aims to determine experimentally all the variables needed to develop an optimal formulation and work instructions for preparing final pharmaceutical products.

The pharmaceutical technology applied to drug development involves the selection of materials and procedures that can be adapted to different processes that lead to specific pharmaceutical forms. To do that, the Unit10 counts with the most advanced equipment to cover the development for all the steps of the process.

One of the singularities of this Units is that is GLP certified by the Spanish Medicament Agency

U10. Services & Rates


Active projects

  • Inhaled RNA Vaccines Against Tuberculosis. RTC: PMPTA/00143. Call: “Proyectos de I+D vinculados a la medicina personalizada y terapias avanzadas” from the joint initative ISCIII-CDTI. Funding agency: EU Next Generation Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CDTI. Duration: May 2024 – May 2026. Role: Partner.
  • Nanovectors for direct local-regional and controlled intravenous administration of antitumor drugs. Strategies to minimize adverse effects and maximize therapeutic response. ONCOLIBERYX. RTC: CPP2021-008362. Call: Convocatoria de ayudas para proyectos de colaboración público-privada 2021. Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Duration: May 2022 – May 2024. Role: Partner.
  • Unlocking data content of Organ-On-Chips UNLOOC. RTC: 101140192-1. Call: HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-1-IA-Topic-1. Funding agency: HORIZON Programme. Duration: January 2023 – May 2024. Role: Partner.
  • Optimization of a non-viral vector platform based on functionalized niosomes with nanodiamonds for gene therapy in cystic fibrosis. IP: Jose Luis Pedraz Muñoz and Gustavo Puras Ochoa. Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion. Funds: € 181.500. Duration: Jun 2020 – Jun 2023

Other projects

Title Fundin: Organism Call: Funding source Role
RTC-2016-4770-1 Development of a new bioadhesive for the treatment of Pterigium. Biotape
Ministerio de Economía, Industría y Competitividad (MINECO) Retos Colaboración 2016 Partner
RTC-2016-5451-1 Development of Bioprinting and Bioink systems for cartilage and bone repair
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) Retos Colaboración 2016 Partner
GA: 783132 POSITION-II “A pilot line for the next generation of smart catheters and implants”
Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (JU) - ECSEL JU H2020-ECSEL-2017-1-IA-two-stage Partner
GA: 645991 DRIVE – Diabetes-Reversing Implants for Enhanced viability and long-term efficacy Unión Europea (Comisión Europea) H2020-NMP-2014-two-stage Partner
SAF2017-90810-REDI Strategic Promotion and coordinated management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis II Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA»
-ICTS 2017

Ref Title Funding Organism Unit Role
RTC-2015-3303-1 Lipid solid nanoparticles for subcutaneous administration of antitumor marine compounds - UNDERLIPIDS MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD



  • Grijalvo S., Puras G., Zarate J., Pons R., Pedraz J.L., Eritja R. et al. Nioplexes encapsulated in supramolecular hybrid biohydrogels as versatile delivery platforms for nucleic acids. RSC Advances. 2016;6(46):39688-39699.
  • Moreno-Sastre M., Pastor M., Esquisabel A., Sans E., Vinas M., Fleischer A. et al. Pulmonary delivery of tobramycin-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers for Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections associated with cystic fibrosis. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2016;498(1-2):263-273.
  • Moreno-Sastre M., Pastor M., Esquisabel A., Sans E., Vinas M., Bachiller D. et al. Stability study of sodium colistimethate-loaded lipid nanoparticles. Journal of Microencapsulation. 2016;33(7):636-645.
  • Garcia-Orue I., Gainza G., Gutierrez F.B., Aguirre J.J., Evora C., Pedraz J.L. et al. Novel nanofibrous dressings containing rhEGF and Aloe vera for wound healing applications. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2016;:-.
  • Ojeda E., Puras G., Agirre M., Zarate J., Grijalvo S., Eritja R. et al. The role of helper lipids in the intracellular disposition and transfection efficiency of niosome formulations for gene delivery to retinal pigment epithelial cells. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2016;503(1-2):115-126.
  • Ojeda E., Puras G., Agirre M., Zarate J., Grijalvo S., Eritja R. et al. The influence of the polar head-group of synthetic cationic lipids on the transfection efficiency mediated by niosomes in rat retina and brain. Biomaterials. 2016;77:267-279.

News U10

28 Feb

Advancing new treatments for Retinitis Pigmentosa within NANBIOSIS

NANBIOSIS Unit 10 develops lipid-based nanoparticles for gene and drug delivery, aiming for cost-effective, non-invasive treatments for retinitis pigmentosa. Vitoria, february 2025. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a congenital rare disease that leads to progressive and irreversible vision loss. Both genetic mutations and inflammation contribute significantly to the progression of the disease. Researchers from the Drug [...]

11 Sep

Gene Therapy for Cystic Fibrosis: new inspiring scientific collaboration

Researchers are advancing gene therapies for cystic fibrosis using non-viral delivery methods, focusing on patient needs and innovative treatments. Basque Country, September, 2024 – As the world comes together to mark World Cystic Fibrosis Day, from NANBIOSIS we want to highlight the collaborative efforts between our Unit 10 “Drug Formulation” (U10), the University of the [...]

09 Sep

New gene therapy for Cystic Fibrosis: an interview with Lucía Enríquez

Vasque Country, September, 2024 – In this interview, Lucía Enríquez, a PhD researcher at NANBIOSIS Unit 10, discusses her work on gene therapies for cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease that mainly affects the lungs. Her research focuses on using non-viral vectors to deliver gene-editing tools, like Prime Editing, a variation of CRISPR-Cas9, to correct mutations [...]

27 Jun

Prof. Jose Luis Pedraz, new “Académico de Número” of the Spanish Royal National Academy of Pharmacy

Madrid, June, 2024 – In a distinguished ceremony held at the Spanish Royal National Academy of Pharmacy (Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia), Professor Jose Luis Pedraz Muñoz, a prominent figure at the University of the Basque Country, was officially inducted as an “Académico de Número”. The highest position within the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy. [...]

13 Nov

Rosa Hernández of the NanoBioCel group-NANBIOSIS U10 has received the Female Talent Award 2023 Women and Science

On Thursday, November 2, the Female Talent Award, in the category of Women and Science, was awarded to Rosa Hernández from the NanoBioCel group of CIBER BBN and the U10 Drug Formulation Unit. The award is given by AMPEA (Association of Professional and Business Women of Alava). In her award speech, Rosa Hernández, highlighted that [...]

08 Nov

Impactful research with NANBIOSIS participation in the Poster Tour of CIBER-BBN & CIBEREHD Annual Conference.

2023 CIBER-BBN Annual meeting has taken place at Santemar Hotel, in Santander during November 6-7. This year the format of our annual conferences has been changed towards a collective event scheme between the CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD thematic areas. On Monday 6 the scientific sessions werecommon for EHD and BBN, with appealing contents for the mixed [...]

15 Oct

Developing Support Technologies for adressing traslational gaps in regenerative medicine.

On the 20th of October, CIBER-BBN group NanoBioCell – NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation unit organises the Conference “Developping support technologies for adressing traslational gaps in regenerative medicine” by Dr. James-J Yoo. The Conference will take place in the Assembly hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy on Friday 20th of October, 2023 from 12:00 to 13:00, [...]

02 Oct

3D Printing and Bioprinting for Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications

Researchers of CIBER-BBN group NanoBioCell – NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation unit Jose Luis Pedraz Muñoz, Laura Saenz del Burgo Martínez, Gustavo Puras Ochoa, Jon Zarate Sesma have edited the book “3D Printing and Bioprinting for Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications” The increasing availability and decreasing costs of 3D printing and bioprinting technologies are expanding opportunities to meet medical needs. 3D [...]

22 Jun

The role of microfluidics and 3D-bioprinting in the future of exosome therapy. A high impact review

Researchers of the NanoBioCel research group of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and CIBER BBN, belonging to NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation, Bioaraba, and CONICET Foundation of Argentina, have collaborated in a studio entitled: “The role of microfluidics and 3D-bioprinting in the future of the exosome therapy” which has been published in the journal [...]

23 Nov

Three articles acknoledging NANBIOSIS contribution awarded at the Bioaraba Research and Innovation Conference

Researchers of NANBIOSIS U10 “Drug Formulation” – NanoBiocel research group from CIBER-BBN and UPV/EHU receives 3 awards in the category of Best International Articles at the annual Bioaraba Research and Innovation Conference. On 4 November, the Bioaraba Health Research Institute held its XXIII Research and Innovation Conference in Vitoria. This important annual forum held in [...]

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U12. Nanostructured liquid characterization unit

Ciber bbn

U12. Nanostructured liquid characterization unit

    • Scientific Director: Prof. Carlos Rodríguez cranqb@cid.csic.es
    • Scientific Coordinator: Jordi Esquena jemqci@iqac.csic.es
    • Entities: Colloid and Interfacial Chemistry Group (QCI) at the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC) & Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
    • Address: Jordi Girona, 18-26, 088034, Barcelona, Spain
    • Phone: +34 934 006 159
    • Web: QCI – IQAC- CSIC

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Our Unit 12 is located at the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), in Barcelona and it is coordinated by the Colloidal and Interfacial Chemistry Group, led by Dr. Carlos Rodríguez. This Unit is focused on the characterization of nanostructures in liquids and liquid/liquid interfaces, such as micelles, liposomes, micro- and nano-emulsions, and nanoparticles. The unit features state-of-the-art instrumentation for the determination of various parameters such as size distribution and zeta potential (surface charge), critical micelle concentration (CMC), solubilization capacity, osmolarity, surface and interfacial tension, wettability, refractive index, turbidity, colloidal stability, density, viscosity and other rheological parameters (shear and elastic moduli, critical yield stress, etc.)

The Unit 12 has implemented and mantein the ISO9001 certification for standard quality control system.

IQNet ISO 9001:2015 Certification 

AENOR ISO 9001:2015 Certification 

U12. Services & Rates

Active projects

TitleFundin: OrganismCall: Funding source Role
SAF2017-90810-REDIStrategic Promotion and coordinated management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis IIAgencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA» -ICTS 2017Partner
PICCOLO-732111Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improve in vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision supportEuropean Commission-H2020H2020-ICT-2016-1Partner
0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_EPromotion of an R&I network in biological chemistry for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseasesEuropean Union Interreg : European Territorial Co-operationPOCTEP Interreg España-PortugalPartner

Other projects

RefTitleFunding OrganismUnit Role
CTQ2014-52687-C3-1-PDesign and applications of new biocompatible micro / nanogels obtained by advanced condensation methods (MICRONANOGELES)MINECOParticipant
2014SGR1655Grants for consolidated Research Groups of CataloniaGeneralitat de CatalunyaParticipant
FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN - 606713Biopolymer Based FOOd Delivery Systems (BIBAFOODS)Unión EuropeaParticipant
Plan de Actuación 2015Agreement of ACC1Ó with the UAB, the PRUAB, the CSIC and the CVC for the promotion of the technological transferGeneralitat de CatalunyaParticipant
TECSPR14-2-0033 Theranostic Magnetic Nanoparticles For Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: Magnetic Properties and Controlled Release of Anticancer Drugs (TheraMagNano)Unión EuropeaParticipant
TECSPR14-2-0044Novel antimicrobial hydrogels for contact lenses (HYDROLENSES)Unión EuropeaParticipant
Acción COST CM1101Joint Meeting of WG 3 and WG 4. Workshop "Nano-biocolloidal materials and non-equilibrium self-assembly"Unión europeaParticipant



  • Fornaguera C., Caldero G., Solans C.. Electrolytes as a tuning parameter to control nano-emulsion and nanoparticle size. RSC Advances. 2016;6(63):58203-58211.
  • Caldero G., Montes R., Llinas M., Garcia-Celma M.J., Porras M., Solans C.. Studies on the formation of polymeric nano-emulsions obtained via low-energy emulsification and their use as templates for drug delivery nanoparticle dispersions. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2016;145:922-931.
  • Fornaguera C., Feiner-Gracia N., Caldero G., Garcia-Celma M.J., Solans C.. PLGA nanoparticles from nano-emulsion templating as imaging agents: Versatile technology to obtain nanoparticles loaded with fluorescent dyes. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2016;147:201-209.
  • Magana J.R., Kolen’Ko Y.V., Deepak F.L., Solans C., Shrestha R.G., Hill J.P. et al. From Chromonic Self-Assembly to Hollow Carbon Nanofibers: Efficient Materials in Supercapacitor and Vapor-Sensing Applications. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2016;8(45):31231-31238.
  • Perez-Carrillo L.A., Vilchez S., Mosa J., Aparicio M., Castro Y., Duran A. et al. Synthesis and properties of TiO2-P2O5 and SiO2-TiO2-P2O5 porous hybrids obtained by templating in highly concentrated emulsions. Ceramics International. 2016;42(16):18965-18973.

News U12

08 Mar

The revolutionary path of research in NANBIOSIS and advice on Woman’s Day 2024

Our interview series delve into the journeys of 7 female researchers, their challenges, and the call for gender equality in science, inspiring the next generation. March 8th 2024, NANBIOSIS (Spain) Kicking off on 11F “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” 2024, and spanning all the way until Woman’s Day 2024, our interview series has aimed to highlight the life, career and opinions of some of the brilliant minds within our network. Today is time to wrap it up, and for this reason we present you a summary of each of them and a chance to take a deeper[...]

01 Mar

Women in NANBIOSIS part 5: Susana Vílchez and her insights on water-in-water emulsions and gender equality in Science

Dr. Vílchez, our esteemed colloidal chemistry researcher, discusses her focus on water-in-water emulsions and microcoacervates. She highlights gender biases in science and advocates for inclusivity and recognition of women’s contributions. This is part of a series of interviews to several female researchers within the context of International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024 and Woman’s Day 2024. For more interviews, visit our news section here. March 2024, IQAC-CSIC, Barcelona (Spain) Dr. Susana Vílchez, an esteemed researcher in colloidal chemistry, and the technical and quality manager of Unit 12 of NANBIOSIS, offers a profound insight into her research endeavors[...]

06 Feb

‘Magic Bullets’ Against Cancer: Unveiling the Potential of DNA Nanoparticles

DNA nanoparticles to selectively target tumor tissues through precise control of the synergies between transported drugs. February 2024, IQAC-CSIC/CIBER-BBN, Barcelona. The team led by Drs. Carme Fàbrega and Ramón Eritja, in close collaboration with 3 units of the NANBIOSIS ICTS, has developed a new strategy to improve the efficacy and reduce the toxicity of anticancer drugs. They have chemically linked several cytotoxic drugs, currently used in the treatment of various types of tumors, to DNA nanostructures. These structures selectively target cancerous tissues through folate receptors. This tactic allows precise control of drug concentration and exploits their combined effect. The results[...]

25 Sep

Carlos Rodriguez-Abreu (NANBIOSIS U12) keynote speaker at the European Colloid and Interface Society ECIS 2023

Carlos Rodriguez-Abreu, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U12 Nanostructured liquid characterization unit  gave a Keynote presentation entitled “Chromonic liquid crystal emulsions” at the European Colloid and Interface Society ECIS 2023 conference held in Naples, Italy (September 3-8, 2023) . Chromonic liquid crystals (CLC) can be used as templates for material synthesis and, since some CLC are nontoxic and water-based, they are also interesting for biological and medical applications. The presentation included a summary of experimental results on internally structured emulsions made of CLC encapsulated in droplets, that feature various complex morphologies. Photothermal, sensing and imaging applications are envisaged.[...]

15 Nov

Happy Day of Chemistry! The role of Chemistry in a sustainable research in health

Today, November 15 is a day of celebration for us, the Day of the Chemistry in Spain! Chemistry is the science that studies matter, how it is composed, its properties and how its structures are transformed and, as matter is everything, including living beings and ourselves, we can say that chemistry is omnipresent and transversal in all areas surrounding us. Chemistry is everywhere, we ourselves are chemistry and our health and our life is chemistry. “Everything around us is chemistry in the environment, foods, what we use and what we touch every day. Our own body is a sophisticated complex[...]

27 Jul

1st Nanomedicine Forum of CIBER-BBN/NANBIOSIS and CSIC Nanomed Conection

During the days 30 of June and 1st of July took place in Barcelona, in the auditorium of the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), the 1st Forum on Nanomedicine gathering scientists from the CSIC net Nanomed Conection and from the CIBER-BBN and its ICTS NANBIOSIS. This forum brought toguether researchers from the most eminent national research centers in nanomedicine, that during the two days meeting presented their works and findings and discussed the impact of nanomedicine in the fields of drug delivery, diagnosis and therapy. The workshop was open by the Director of IQAC-CSIC,  Jesús Joglar, the  Scientific Coordinator[...]

03 May


Dr. Ramon Eritja, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS unit 29 of Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform (OSP) and Dr. Santiago Grijalvo researcher at NANBIOSIS unit 12 of Nanostructured liquid characterization, from CIBER-BBN and IQAC-CSIC, together with Dr. Andreia F. Jorge, from Coimbra Chemistry Centre (CQC), acting as guest editors of journal Pharmaceutics, of MDPI Publisher, welcome authors to submit their articles on special issues on Recent Trends in Oligonucleotide Based Therapies. In the past few decades, significant efforts have been made towards the clinical application of oligonucleotides. However, the potential of the therapeutic applications of RNA-based strategies have recently been spotlighted after the first approval of mRNA vaccines in response to COVID-19[...]

02 May

Wide representation of NANBIOSIS research in NALS 2022 and best Oral Presentation to Eloi Parladé

During the last 27-29 April, the 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences 2022 (NALS 2022) has taken place in the Excellence Campus of Universidad de Cantabria in Santander (Spain), organized by the University of Cantabria and Institute Valdecilla-IDIVAL. NALS 2022 has been a multidisciplinary conference series sharing new results and ideas in the fields of biosensors, lab on a chip, drug delivery nanopharmacy. nanobiotechnology, intelligent nanomaterials, magnetic materials, nanotoxicity, antimicrobials, novel applications of 3d bioprinting and nanoimaging. NANBIOSIS has been represented at this edition by members of several of its units, among them we must highlight the set of four ora[...]

U12-Nanostructured liquid characterization unit
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