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U2. Custom Antibody Service Unit (CAbS)

U2 CAbS-hybridoma clone

U2. Custom Antibody Service (CAbS)

  • Scientific Director: Prof. Pilar Marco pilar.marco@cid.csic.es
  • Scientific Coordinator: Dr. Nuria Pascual npdqob@cid.csic.es
  • Entities: Institute of Avanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC) & Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
  • Address: Jordi Girona, 18-26, 088034, Barcelona, Spain
  • Phone: +34 934 006 100
  • Web: IQAC- CSIC


Order request


The facility is located in the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC; Barcelona). It is equipped with a laboratory for the development and production of monoclonal antibodies. The laboratory is fully equipped for obtaining, selecting and storing monoclonal antibody producing hybridomas. In addition, the facility has infrastructure for the production of polyclonal antibodies, as well as laboratories for the synthesis of bioconjugates, haptens, the purification of antibodies and the performance of immunoassays. In addition to the above mentioned equipment, the IQAC-CSIC provides animal husbandry facilities and a unit for the synthesis of organic molecules.

The equipment consists in an inverted phase contrast microscope with a camera, two Class II laminar flow biological safety cabinets, two CO2 incubators, a bioreactor for hybridoma culture, and tangential filtration unit for purification of the antibodies produced in the culture. Among the items of available equipment it should be highlighted a spotter for selection of high antibody producing cell lines and an automated ELISA microplate washer an ELISA reader, two AKTA Prime Liquid chromatography systems for antibody purification, plus standard equipment (centrifuges, fridges, liquid nitrogen containers, autoclave, baths, and vacuum equipment) and all the necessary routine laboratory apparatus. Cabs also has access to a fully equipped chemistry laboratory for the synthesis of haptens and immunoreagents.

The NANBIOSIS Unit 2 works under the ISO9001 certification for standard quality control system QUALITY POLICY

Active projects

Title Fundin: Organism Call: Funding source Role
SAF2017-90810-REDI Strategic Promotion and coordinated management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis II Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA» -ICTS 2017 Partner
PICCOLO-732111 Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improve in vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision support European Commission-H2020 H2020-ICT-2016-1 Partner
0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_E Promotion of an R&I network in biological chemistry for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases European Union Interreg : European Territorial Co-operation POCTEP Interreg España-Portugal Partner

Other projects

Ref Title Funding Organism Unit Role
SAF2015-67476-R Immunochemical Strategies of Diagnosis and Therapy based on Quorum Sensing (ImmunoQS) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Participant
PIE1400061 Molecular links between diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases ISCIII Oberver
2014SGR1484 Consolidated Research Group Generalitat de Catalunya Participant
FP7-614168 Real time monitoring of SEA contaminants by an autonomous Lab-on-a-Chip biosensor (SEA-on-a-CHIP) European Commission Oberver
CI16-00031 Caixa Impulse A new approach for the detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa CaixaBank Participant
MSCA-ITN2015-675412 New Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases European Commission Participant
TECCTP15-1-0011 Ajuda acreditació Tecnio del grup Nb4D ACCIÓ: Generalitat de Catalunya Others



  • Roncador G., Engel P., Maestre L., Anderson A.P., Cordell J.L., Cragg M.S. et al. The European antibody network’s practical guide to finding and validating suitable antibodies for research. mAbs. 2016;8(1):27-36.
  • Pastells C., Pascual N., Sanchez-Baeza F., Marco M.-P.. Immunochemical Determination of Pyocyanin and 1-Hydroxyphenazine as Potential Biomarkers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections. Analytical Chemistry. 2016;88(3):1631-1638.
  • Salvador J.-P., Marco M.-P.. Amperometric Biosensor for Continuous Monitoring Irgarol 1051 in Sea Water. Electroanalysis. 2016;28(8):1833-1838.

News U2

21 Jun

Prof. Pilar Marco takes helm of CIBER-BBN: Leading the future of Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine

Barcelona, June 21, 2024 – Prof. Pilar Marco has been appointed as the new head of the Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) thematic area at the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER). This prestigious appointment was confirmed during the CIBER Governing Board meeting held on June 20, 2024. Prof. Marco succeeds Ramón Martínez, bringing a wealth of expertise and a distinguished track record in biomedical research for more than a decade. Prof. Marco is a research professor at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), specifically at the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC) in Barcelona. Additionally, s[...]

28 Feb

The fight against rare respiratory diseases: New hope in detection and treatment

Researchers from IQAC-CSIC advance towards faster detection and treatment of cystic fibrosis and rare respiratory diseases, improving patient outcomes. 28 February 2024, IQAC-CSIC (Barcelona) Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a progressive autosomal recessive disease. It is caused by a mutation in the gene encoding the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) protein, disrupting its exocrine activity. While CF affects various organs, its impact on the lungs is particularly severe. This disease leads to the accumulation of thick, sticky mucus, obstructing airways and trapping bacteria, resulting in significant infections and extensive lung damage. Consequently, individuals with CF are highly susceptible to respiratory[...]

24 Nov

From the molecule to the bioassay by Custom antibody service (CAbS)-NANBIOSIS U2 as a PTI+Global Health Infraestructure

During 20-22 of November 2023, the III PTI+Global Health Scientific Conference were held in the Center for Human and Social Sciences, in Madrid. In March 2020, the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) launched the the Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform (PTI) on Global Health to bring together research teams and enhance knowledge about the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which caused the pandemic. The PTI has mobilized and coordinates more than 400 scientists from 50 CSIC institutes in all areas. The annual PTI+Global Health Scientific Conference are a meeting space where the results of the research carried out in the laboratories can be shown[...]

08 Nov

NANBIOSIS sesion in the CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD annual meeting. SAFE-N-MEDTECH Project: Outcomes and Future Prospects.

The annual conference of the scientific áreas of CIBER (the most important Centre for Biomedical Research in Spain) are hotly awaited every year for the CIBER community as a foro to be updated about emerging key technologies and discuss about research lines and results, find new opportunities to collaborate and join efforts towards common objectives. Moreover, this year, the Annual Conference of CIBER-BBN (Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine) has been organized as a collective event scheme together with the scientific area of CIBEREHD (Digestive and Liver Diseases). Both areas have already shared experiences of collaborative projects, demonstrating the complementarity of their fields.[...]

20 Oct

The importance of bacterial Quorum Sensing (QS) research recognised in the Princesa of Asturias Awards

Today, Bonnie Bassler, Jeffrey Gordon, and Peter Greenberg are receiving the Princess of Asturias Award for their contribution to the knowledge of the role of the human microbiome and the bacteria Quorum Sensing. Targeting Quorum Sensing allows understanding of bacteria behaviour and pathogenesis, but also developing new therapeutic and diagnostic strategies for infectious diseases. Bonnie Bassler has shown how small chemical signals are involved in such a communication process. Peter Greenberg was one of the first scientists who assigned the term Quorum Sensing (QS) to such a sophisticated system used by bacteria to communicate and synchronize behavior. He was involved[...]

15 May

New look of Nb4D – CAbS (NANBIOSIS U2) “Revolutionising Diagnosis”

Nb4D has a new look on line! Nb4D Group (of IQAC-CSIC and CIBER-BBN) has lunched a new website “Revolutionsising Diagnosis“ with the aim to facilitate a faster and easier navigation througth their “pioneering research to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches” and their solutions and expertise to help researchers and companies. Antibodies, bioreceptors, hapten design and synthesis, immunoanalytical method development, new ivd tools, surface functionalization, therapeutic antibodies and much more knowledge and expertise revolutionising diagnosis. The new website contains a page for CAbS-NANBIOSIS. Custom Antibody Service (CAbS), unit 2 of the ICTS NANBIOSIS[...]

28 Feb

Rare diseases international day 2023: some NANBIOSIS contributions

Today is the international day of rare diseases, a day to raise awareness and instigate change for people living with a rare disease. From NANBIOSIS we want to sume to this celebration and higtligh our commitment to helping people with rare diseases through research. Dr. Ibane Abasolo, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U20, was at the WORLDSymposia conference last week in Orlando (FL, USA), where the latest advances in preclinical study and clinic of lysosomal storage diseases were explained. There, she presented the results obtained in the Smart4Fabry project coordinated by the CIBER-BBN where nanoliposomes were developed for the treatment of[...]

27 Feb

New method for the detection of RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2

Several CIBER-BBN groups at the University of Barcelona, the Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC) and the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon (INMA) —a joint institute of the CSIC and the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)— have developed a new method for detecting RNA viruses based on the technology of using probes that form triplex structures. This innovative methodology opens up new options to detect viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the influenza A (H1N1) virus or the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a pathogen that affects newborns and requires differential diagnostic care. This[...]

U2-Custom Antibody Service (CAbS)
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U3. Synthesis of Peptides Unit

U3. Synthesis of Peptides Unit

  • Scientific Director: Dr. Miriam Royo miriam.royo@iqac.csic.es
  • Entities: Institute of Avanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC) & Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
  • Address: Jordi Girona, 18-26, 088034, Barcelona, Spain
  • Phone: +34 934 006 100
  • Web: IQAC- CSIC

Order request

This Unit is coordinated by the Multivalent Systems for Nanomedicine goup at IQAC-CSIC and has the equipment necessary to provide services of synthesis of peptides at different scales (mg to g), purification, characterization, and post-synthesis modification, such as, conjugation to proteins and fluorescent. It counts with laboratories for synthesis and other to carry out modification of the peptides during and post synthesis labels. Also counts with a laboratory equipped with several preparative and analytical chromatography systems for purification and characterization. This facility benefits from the wide experience of Dr. Fernando Albericio an Dra. Miriam Royo in the design and synthesis of peptides with specific biological activity and the introduction of modifications necessary for these peptides to be bound to therapeutic nanoconjugates and other molecules, either to take advantage of the pharmacological activity of the peptide itself or to facilitate the introduction of nanoconjugates or other molecules into the cells in order to reach the therapeutic target. Its location allows the access to the rest of services of the IQAC-CSIC.

Active projects

Title Fundin: Organism Call: Funding source Role
ICTS-2017-10-CIBER-2 Acquisition and istallation of infrastrucuture to complemntUnis 3-Synthesis of Peptides, U18-Nanotoxicology y U20-In vivoExperiment Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) Programa Operativo FEDER de Crecimiento Inteligente 2014-2020 (POCInt) Coordinator
GA: 720942 SMART FUNCTIONAL GLA-NANOFORMULATION FOR FABRY DISEASE – Smart-4-Fabry Unión Europea (Comisión Europea) H2020-NMBP-2016-2017 Coordinator
SAF2017-90810-REDI Strategic Promotion and coordinated management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis II Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA»
-ICTS 2017

Other projects

Ref Title Funding Organism Unit Role
SAF2015-67476-R Immunochemical Strategies of Diagnosis and Therapy based on Quorum Sensing (ImmunoQS) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Participant
RTC-2014-2207-1 TERARMET: Development of therapies for the treatment of rare congenital metabolic diseases MINECO Participant



  • Cabrera I., Abasolo I., Corchero J.L., Elizondo E., Gil P.R., Moreno E. et al. α-Galactosidase-A Loaded-Nanoliposomes with Enhanced Enzymatic Activity and Intracellular Penetration. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2016;5(7):829-840.
  • Giannotti M.I., Abasolo I., Oliva M., Andrade F., Garcia-Aranda N., Melgarejo M. et al. Highly Versatile Polyelectrolyte Complexes for Improving the Enzyme Replacement Therapy of Lysosomal Storage Disorders. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2016;8(39):25741-25752.

News U3

29 Jan

A Breakthrough Therapy for Fabry Disease: nanoGLA Demonstrates Promising Results

Fabry disease therapy nanoGLA, developed by NANBIOSIS and our partners, shows superior efficacy in preclinical trials, targeting systemic and brain symptoms. Barcelona, january 2025. An international research team led by the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) and CIBER-BBN, in collaboration with the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), has developed a groundbreaking nanotechnology-based therapy called nanoGLA for the treatment of Fabry disease. The innovative solution has shown remarkable efficacy in preclinical studies and has been published in the open-access journal Science Advances (see below for reference links). What is Fabry disease? Fabry disease is a rare genetic[...]

09 Oct

Nanotechnology to slow down the growth of glioblastomas

Directors of Unit 20 and Unit 3, Ibane Abasolo and Miriam Royo, show us the ReachGlio project, which uses nanomedicines to slow glioblastoma growth by targeting tumors in the brain, improving drug delivery through nanoparticles. Barcelona, october 2024. Each year, on October 9th, Nanotechnology Day is celebrated, a discipline dedicated to understanding and utilizing matter at a nanometric scale for purposes such as industrial or medical applications. Nanotechnology plays a fundamental role in many research lines developed at the Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC) and the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). “Our goal is to propose one or more clinical trials in[...]

08 Nov

Impactful research with NANBIOSIS participation in the Poster Tour of CIBER-BBN & CIBEREHD Annual Conference.

2023 CIBER-BBN Annual meeting has taken place at Santemar Hotel, in Santander during November 6-7. This year the format of our annual conferences has been changed towards a collective event scheme between the CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD thematic areas. On Monday 6 the scientific sessions werecommon for EHD and BBN, with appealing contents for the mixed audience. On Tuesday 7 EHD and BBN sessions will specific for each area in separate rooms (with common coffee break). Posters of both areas were on display in the exhibit hall throughout the entirety of the Annual Meeting. Moreover, at the “Posters & beers” session (Monday[...]

20 Jan

New nanoarchitectonics of RGD peptide developed using quatsomes as robust tool in tissue engineering.

Researchers of three groups of CIBER-BBN at CSIC and IBEC, have created a versatile platform based on hierarchically nanostructured RGD peptide using quatsomes, with proved enhanced cell adhesion. These findings, which arose within the framework of the intramural project of CIBER-BBN “Molecular Biointerfaces for cell guidance” (DynaMo4Vasc), open new possibilities for tissue engineering. The participation of two NANBIOSIS units were acknowledged in the publication of the research results: the synthesis of RGD derivatives were performed at NANBIOSIS U3 “Synthesis of peptides unit” of CIBER-BBN at IQAC−CSIC.  And the design and characterization of quatsomes were done at U6 of NANBIOSIS “Biomateria[...]

15 Nov

Happy Day of Chemistry! The role of Chemistry in a sustainable research in health

Today, November 15 is a day of celebration for us, the Day of the Chemistry in Spain! Chemistry is the science that studies matter, how it is composed, its properties and how its structures are transformed and, as matter is everything, including living beings and ourselves, we can say that chemistry is omnipresent and transversal in all areas surrounding us. Chemistry is everywhere, we ourselves are chemistry and our health and our life is chemistry. “Everything around us is chemistry in the environment, foods, what we use and what we touch every day. Our own body is a sophisticated complex[...]

27 Jul

1st Nanomedicine Forum of CIBER-BBN/NANBIOSIS and CSIC Nanomed Conection

During the days 30 of June and 1st of July took place in Barcelona, in the auditorium of the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), the 1st Forum on Nanomedicine gathering scientists from the CSIC net Nanomed Conection and from the CIBER-BBN and its ICTS NANBIOSIS. This forum brought toguether researchers from the most eminent national research centers in nanomedicine, that during the two days meeting presented their works and findings and discussed the impact of nanomedicine in the fields of drug delivery, diagnosis and therapy. The workshop was open by the Director of IQAC-CSIC,  Jesús Joglar, the  Scientific Coordinator[...]

28 Feb

Fabry Desease in the Rare Disease Day: A New Hope

WHY DO CELEBRATE TODAY THE INTERNATIONAL #RareDiseaseDay? 29 of February is a ‘rare’ date and February, a month with a ‘rare’ number of days, has become a month to raise awareness about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives.  Since 2008 thousands of events happen every year all around the world and around the last day of February with the aim of improving equity and reducing stigmatization for people who live with more than 6,000 rare diseases. WHAT ARE RARE DISEASES Rare diseases are pathologies or disorders that affect a small part of the population (less than 5 per 10,000 inhabitants) and[...]

03 Feb

Multivalent self-assembled platforms for the delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs

Twenty years ago, the 4 February was declared World Cancer Day with the global challenge of cancer would not be forgotten. Since then, huge progress has been made to understand, prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer. NANBIOSIS as an ICTS (Singular Scientific and Technical infrastructures) for biomedical research plays a very important role in the fight against cancer. Dr. Miriam Royo, who leads NANBIOSIS unit 3 of Synthesis of Peptide, explains one of the projects in which the ICTS is involved in relation with cancer therapy. The improvement of solubility and stability of clinically approved chemotherapeutic drugs still represent a big[...]

U3-Synthesis of Peptides Unit
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