+34 620 10 75 37info@nanbiosis.com


U16. Surface Characterisation and Bacterial Colonization Unit

Ciber bbn

U16. Surface Characterisation and Bacterial Colonization Unit

  • Scientific Director: Prof. M Luisa González Martín mlglez@unex.es
  • Scientific Coordinator: Dr. Margarita Hierro Oliva margahierro@unex.es
  • Entities: Universidad de Extremadura
  • Address: Avda Elvas, S/N, 06006, Badajoz, Spain
  • Phone: +34 924 289 532
  • Web: WEB
Order request


The objective of the Unit 16 is to support researchers in the analysis of surface properties, as well as to test and characterise surfaces against bacterial colonisation, allowing a broad understanding of the chemical and physical properties of surfaces.

The combination of the information on the elements present and their co-ordination state, given by the XPS technique, and the molecular structure of the surface provided by the ToF-SIMs equipment, provides the chemical characterisation of the upper layers of the surfaces.

The physical characterisation of the surfaces deals with properties such as surface free energy, hydrophobicity, topography, electrical and mechanical properties of the surfaces and surface forces. For this purpose, the Unit 16 has experience in handling different instruments such as goniometer, optical profilometer, zeta potential analyser and AFM. Its capabilities allow it to work with extended and powdered solids, including those of biological origin such as cells and bacteria.

Along with physical and chemical characterisation, the Unit 16 can provide testing services for microorganism adhesion, viability and biofilm formation on surfaces.

Surface analysis laboratory fulfils the ISO9001:2008 (ES050823-1).  Nanbiosis- U16-logo-ISO9001

Active projects

TitleFundin: OrganismCall: Funding source Role
SAF2017-90810-REDIStrategic Promotion and coordinated management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis IIAgencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA» -ICTS 2017Partner
PICCOLO-732111Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improve in vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision supportEuropean Commission-H2020H2020-ICT-2016-1Partner
0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_EPromotion of an R&I network in biological chemistry for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseasesEuropean Union Interreg : European Territorial Co-operationPOCTEP Interreg España-PortugalPartner

Other projects

RefTitleFunding OrganismUnit Role



  • Monje A., Gonzalez-Garcia R., Fernandez-Calderon M.C., Hierro-Oliva M., Gonzalez-Martin M.L., Del Amo F.S.-L. et al. Surface topographical changes of a failing acid-etched long-term in function retrieved dental implant. Journal of Oral Implantology. 2016;42(1):12-16.
  • Constantino J.A., Delgado-Rastrollo M., Pacha-Olivenza M.A., Gonzalez-Martin M.L., Quiles M., Perez-Giraldo C. et al. In vivo bactericidal efficacy of the Ti6Al4V surface after ultraviolet C treatment. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 2016;:1-9.
  • Rodriguez-Sanchez J., Gallardo-Moreno A.M., Bruque J.M., Gonzalez-Martin M.L.. Adsorption of human fibrinogen and albumin onto hydrophobic and hydrophilic Ti6Al4V powder. Applied Surface Science. 2016;376:269-275.
  • Constantino J.A., Delgado-Rastrollo M., Pacha-Olivenza M.A., Perez-Giraldo C., Quiles M., Gonzalez-Martin M.L. et al. In vivo bactericidal efficacy of farnesol on Ti6Al4V implants. Revista Espanola de Cirugia Ortopedica y Traumatologia. 2016;:-.
  • Crespo L., Hierro-Oliva M., Barriuso S., Vadillo-Rodriguez V., Montealegre M.A., Saldana L. et al. On the interactions of human bone cells with Ti6Al4V thermally oxidized by means of laser shock processing. Biomedical Materials (Bristol). 2016;11(1):-.
  • Pena-Gonzalez C.E., Garcia-Broncano P., Ottaviani M.F., Cangiotti M., Fattori A., Hierro-Oliva M. et al. Dendronized Anionic Gold Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization, and Antiviral Activity. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2016;22(9):2987-2999.
  • Cordoba A., Hierro-Oliva M., Pacha-Olivenza M.A., Fernandez-Calderon M.C., Perello J., Isern B. et al. Direct Covalent Grafting of Phytate to Titanium Surfaces through Ti-O-P Bonding Shows Bone Stimulating Surface Properties and Decreased Bacterial Adhesion. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2016;8(18):11326-11335.

News U16

21 Feb

The NABIHEAL Project Pioneers Wound Healing with New Biomimetic Matrices

Nearly 40 scientists across 7 countries are pioneering this breakthrough in wound healing using a nobel and affordable bio-inspired, anti-bacterial matrix. In addition to the vast consortium, the project also comprises 5 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and 9 academic institutions. These were convened last February at the University of Granada to share insights, progress, and strategies. According to an article published by UGR at the beginning of this month, about 40 researchers involved in the project have attended a meeting to share results and progress. The Horizon Europe project NABIHEAL, coordinated by the Biomedical Research Networking Center (CIBER) at[...]

08 Nov

Impactful research with NANBIOSIS participation in the Poster Tour of CIBER-BBN & CIBEREHD Annual Conference.

2023 CIBER-BBN Annual meeting has taken place at Santemar Hotel, in Santander during November 6-7. This year the format of our annual conferences has been changed towards a collective event scheme between the CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD thematic areas. On Monday 6 the scientific sessions werecommon for EHD and BBN, with appealing contents for the mixed audience. On Tuesday 7 EHD and BBN sessions will specific for each area in separate rooms (with common coffee break). Posters of both areas were on display in the exhibit hall throughout the entirety of the Annual Meeting. Moreover, at the “Posters & beers” session (Monday[...]

08 Nov

NANBIOSIS sesion in the CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD annual meeting. SAFE-N-MEDTECH Project: Outcomes and Future Prospects.

The annual conference of the scientific áreas of CIBER (the most important Centre for Biomedical Research in Spain) are hotly awaited every year for the CIBER community as a foro to be updated about emerging key technologies and discuss about research lines and results, find new opportunities to collaborate and join efforts towards common objectives. Moreover, this year, the Annual Conference of CIBER-BBN (Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine) has been organized as a collective event scheme together with the scientific area of CIBEREHD (Digestive and Liver Diseases). Both areas have already shared experiences of collaborative projects, demonstrating the complementarity of their fields.[...]

03 Jun

Representatives of the Ministry of Science and Innovation visited unit 16 of NANBIOSIS

On May 16 representatives of the General Subdirectorate of Large Scientific-Technical Facilities of the Ministry of Science and Innovation visited unit 16 of NANBIOSIS (created by Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red -CIBER-, and the University of Extermadura). Mrs. Beatriz Albella Rodríguez and Mrs. María Jesús Marcos Crespo, got to know first-hand the facilities of unit 16 of the CTS NANBIOSIS of “Surface Characterization and Calorimetry“. The visit was guided by the Scientific Director of Unit 16 of NANBIOSIS, Maria Luisa González Martín, and by Mr. Javier de Francisco Morcillo, Director of the Secretariat for Scientific Infrastructure and Technological Development[...]

12 May

NABIHEAL project launches website

The website for NABIHEAL, an EU-funded Horizon Europe project developing biomaterials for complex wound healing, is now online. The Horizon Europe project NABIHEALi project is coordinated by the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER) at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC). This project will apply one the “Cutting Edge Biomedical Solutions” of NANBIOSIS for the preparation of different nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, required for the development of the final multifunctional wound healing biomaterials. This case will gather the expertise of two NANBIOSIS unit: NANBIOSIS U6 will produce and characterize these nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, which will be tested in NANBIOSIS U16. Find out mor[...]

24 Mar

NANBIOSIS U16 enlarges its capacities with a new FlexPS-ARPES-E kit

NANBIOSIS unit 16 Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit form CIBER-BBN and University of Extremadura has recently incorporated new equipment acquired through the execution of the project FICTS1420-14-09, cofinanced with FEDER funds, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Junta de Extremadura, Regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Agency. A new FlexPS-ARPES-E kit, manufactured by SPECS, is now available for use by researchers This new resource uses the technique of photoelectron spectroscopy generated by X-rays to analyze the chemical composition of a surface. The electrons given off by the irradiated surface generate a fingerprint of the molecules that make up that surface, yielding information[...]

16 Jan

New European Project NABIHEAL in biomaterials for complex wound healing

The Horizon Europe project NABIHEAL, coordinated by the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER) at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), was launched on 11-12 January 2023 in Barcelona with the first meeting of the international consortium, formed by 14 partners from 7 countries, including research centers, universities, and private companies.  This project will apply one the “Cutting Edge Biomedical Solutions” of NANBIOSIS for the preparation of different nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, required for the development of the final multifunctional wound healing biomaterials. This case will gather the expertise of two NANBIOSIS unit: NANBIOSIS U6 will produce and[...]

10 Aug

New leaflets available of new equipment at NANBIOSIS Unit 16

We are delighted to announce the publication of our new brochures which reflects the new equiments and capabilities incorporated to NANBIOSIS U16 Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit. The equipment is available has been incorporated to the Unit thanks to European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) allocated by the Goberment of Spain for the development of ICTSs, specifically through the Project FICTS-1420-14-09. TOFSIMS_EN-1Download Profilometry_ENDownload Goniometer_ENDownload Further information: NANBIOSIS News[...]

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U17. Confocal Microscopy Service

Ciber bbn

U17. Confocal Microscopy Service

  • Scientific Director: Dr. Gemma Pascual gemma.pascual@uah.es
  • Scientific Coordinator: Dr. Selma Benito  selma.benito@uah.es
  • Technical Coordinator:  Mª Isabel Trabado unidad.cultivos@uah.es
  • Entities: Cell Culture Unit. Modulo IV, Planta Baja. Facultad de Medicina Universidad de Alcalá (UAH)
  • Address: Ctra. Madrid-Barcelona, km. 33,6, 28871, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
  • Phone: +34 918 854 535
  • Web: WEB


Order request


Located in the Cell Culture Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alcalá, has a room perfectly suited to host a Confocal Microscope service that provides 4 lasers and cell incubation cabin. This Unit is coordinated by Dr. Gemma Pascual, PI of the Translational Research and Tissue Engineering Group at the University of Alcalá.



U17. Services & Rates

Active projects

Title Fundin: Organism Call: Funding source Role
SAF2017-90810-REDI Strategic Promotion and coordinated management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis II Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA» -ICTS 2017 Partner
PICCOLO-732111 Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improve in vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision support European Commission-H2020 H2020-ICT-2016-1 Partner
0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_E Promotion of an R&I network in biological chemistry for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases European Union Interreg : European Territorial Co-operation POCTEP Interreg España-Portugal Partner



  • Pascual G., Sotomayor S., Adel F., Perez-Kohler B., Rodriguez M., Cifuentes A. et al. Remodeling of Noncrosslinked Acellular Dermal Matrices in a Rabbit Model of Ventral Hernia Repair. European Surgical Research. 2016;:32-48.
  • Calvo B., Pascual G., Pena E., Perez-Kholer B., Rodriguez M., Bellon J.M.. Biomechanical and morphological study of a new elastic mesh (Ciberlastic) to repair abdominal wall defects. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2016;59:366-378.
  • Cordero A., Hernandez-Gascon B., Pascual G., Bellon J.M., Calvo B., Pena E.. Biaxial Mechanical Evaluation of Absorbable and Nonabsorbable Synthetic Surgical Meshes Used for Hernia Repair: Physiological Loads Modify Anisotropy Response. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2016;:1-8.

News U17

03 Jun

How to accomplish researchers’ goals with Confocal Microscopy: the tools, the know-how and the expertise you need

NANBIOSIS Unit 17 (Confocal Microscopy) is a CIBER-BBN unit located in the Cell Culture Unit, CAI Medicine and Biology, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alcala. This unit of the ICTS NANBIOSIS supports researchers interested on their different studies visualizing diverse samples as tissues, cells, bacterial biofilms, etc. This unit owns the tools, the know-how and the expertise to accomplish researchers’ goals either by transmission or reflection fluorescent. We are happy of sharing this video in which researchers of Unit 17 show all the steps required for the visualization of the PV-1 molecule, also known as PLVAP, on t[...]

18 Apr

Experimental & molecular medicine: a new article with NANBIOSIS U17

ICTS-NANBIOSIS. UNIT 17 CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY SERVICE. (CIBER-BNN. UNIVERSITY OF ALCALÁ) The UAH research groupTranslational research of chronic diseases associated with aging and kidney disease has recently published an article in which unit NANBIOSIS unit 17 and Leica SP5 confocal microscope has had a great contribution Located in the Support Center for Research in Medicine and Biology, Faculty of Medicine and Healthe Sciences, University of Alcalá (UAH). The Unit is equipped with a Leica TCS-SP5 confocal microscope. The confocal module is equipped with three spectral detection channels, AOBS (Acousto-optical beam splitter) and a resonant scanner system that allows analysis at hig[...]

17 Feb

The integrin beta1 modulator Tirofiban prevents adipogenesis and obesity by the overexpression of integrin-linked kinase: a pre-clinical approach in vitro and in vivo

Obesity is caused by the enlargement of the white adipose tissue (WAT) depots, characterized by the hypertrophic enlargement of malfunctioning adipocytes within WAT, which increases the storage of triglycerides (TG) in the lipid droplets (LD). Adipogenesis pathways as well as the expression and activity of some extracellular matrix receptors integrins are upregulated. Integrinβ1 (INTB1) is the main isoform involved in WAT remodeling during obesity and insulin resistance-related diseases. We recently described Integrin Linked Kinase (ILK), a scafold protein recruited by INTB1, as an important mediator of WAT remodeling and insulin resistance. As the few approved drugs to fight obesity hav[...]

08 Oct

“Ring Around the Rosy”

C2C12 myoblast cells differentiating into myotubes and adopting unusual shapes have been obtained and captured by resarchers of UAH and NANBIOSIS Unit 17 Confocal Microscopy Service (of CIBER-BBN and UAH) and and chosen photo of the month by the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) The picture illustrates the month of October on the calendar that the SEBBM publishes and distributes annually among all partners, and is part of the gallery of images that illustrate the activities of the SEBBM. Likewise, the photography will participate in the “Best Scientific Image of the Year” contest. The winning image is[...]

25 Apr

Uraemic toxins impair skeletal muscle regeneration by inhibiting myoblast proliferation, reducing myogenic differentiation, and promoting muscular fibrosis

Elena Alcalde‑Estévez, Patricia Sosa, Ana Asenjo‑Bueno, Patricia Plaza, Gemma Olmos, Manuel Naves‑Díaz, Diego Rodríguez‑Puyol, Susana López‑Ongil & María P. Ruiz‑Torres, are the authors of an article recently published in the Journal Scientific Reports, of Nature Research, ·mentioning the collaboration in the investigation of the ICTS “NANBIOSIS” U17 Confocal Microscopy Service of CIBER-BNN and the University of Alcalá. Uremic toxins (UT) increase in the serum in parallel with a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate and the development of sarcopenia in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). This study analyses the role of UTs in sarcopenia associated with CKD in different[...]

07 Apr

Toxicity evaluation on non-target organisms with the collaboration of NANBIOSIS U17 Confocal microscopy

Sara Jiménez-Jiménez, Georgiana Amariei, Karina Boltes, María Ángeles García and María Luisa Marina have recently published an article in the Journal of Chromatography A, ·mentioning the collaboration in the investigation of the ICTS “NANBIOSIS” U17 Confocal Microscopy Service of CIBER-BNN and the University of Alcalá. The echocytotoxicity of racemic panthenol and dexpanthenol at different concentrations and exposure times in Spirodela polyrhiza has been studied using NANBIOSIS U17 Confocal Microscopy Service “Panthenol (racemic mixture) and its isomer dexpanthenol have been classified as toxic for the aquatic environment by the European Regulation (EC 1272/2008). These studies are based on the natural emission[...]

11 Feb

NANBIOSIS Scientific Women in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Today February 11 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day to raise awareness of the gender gap in science and technology. According to the United Nations, while yet women and girls continue to be excluded from participating fully in science, science and gender equality are vital to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Thus, in recent years, the international community has made a great effort to inspire and promote the participation of women and girls in science. NANBIOSIS wants to acknowledge  the efforts made by scientific women who struggle every day to contribut[...]

13 Jul

Cardiac hypertrophy research with NANBIOSIS unit 17 Confocal Microscopy Service participation

A new article has been recently published about Cardiac hypertrophy research in the Scientific Reports Jorunal by NatureResarch, counting with the expertise of NANBIOSIS unit 17 Confocal Microscopy Service form CIBER-BBN and University of Alcalá de Henares. Cardiac hypertrophy is the abnormal enlargement, or thickening, of the heart muscle, resulting from increases in cardiomyocyte size and changes in other heart muscle components, such as extracellular matrix. This article relates more especifically with the link between long term exposure to xenoestrogen Bisphenol-A and adverse cardiovascular effects and the role of necroptosis in cardiac response to BPA had not yet been explored.[...]

U17-Confocal Microscopy Service
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U18. Nanotoxicology Unit

Ciber bbn

U18. Nanotoxicology Unit

    • Scientific Director: Prof. Ramón Mangues rmangues@santpau.cat
    • Scientific Coordinator: Dra.Isolda Casanova ICasanova@santpau.cat
    • Entities: Institut de Recerca. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau 
    • Address: Hospital Santa Pau. c/Sant Antoni M. Claret, 167, 08025, Barcelona
    • Phone: +34 935 537 918
    • Web: WEB


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This Unit is located in the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, in Barcelona, and is coordinated by Dr. Ramón Mangues, PI of the Oncogenesis and Antitumor Drug Group. The main objective of the Nanotoxicology Unit is to assess the toxicity of new drugs, nanoparticles or nanotechnology-based biomaterials in in vitro and in vivo systems, with the goal of optimizing lead compounds and identifying those with the highest probability of success in the preclinical programme due to their greater safety and tolerability or reduced toxicity. The Unit has rooms equipped for cell culture, for cryopreservation of samples and cell lines, and for sample preparation and analysis and animal facilities for in vivo experimentation.

Equipment: The Unit has access to flow cytometers, sorters, confocal microscope and other equipment of the Platforms available at the Hospital Research Institute as well as housing facilities for small rodents (rat and mouse).

Active projects

Title Fundin: Organism Call: Funding source Role
ICTS-2017-10-CIBER-2 Acquisition and istallation of infrastrucuture to complemntUnis 3-Synthesis of Peptides, U18-Nanotoxicology y U20-In vivoExperiment Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) Programa Operativo FEDER de Crecimiento Inteligente 2014-2020 (POCInt) Coordinator
SAF2017-90810-REDI Strategic Promotion and coordinated management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis II Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA»
-ICTS 2017

Other projects

Ref Title Funding Organism Unit Role
PI15/00378 Intelligent nanoconjugates for targeted therapy of metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) Instituto de Salud Carlos III Working package
PIE15/00028 Targeted nanocongugates for the selective elimination of stem cells in disseminated cancer Instituto de Salud Carlos III Working package
PI15/00272 Design of intelligent nanoconjugates for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. Instituto de Salud Carlos III Participant
CP15/00163 Maria Virtudes Céspedes Navarro Contracts Miguel Servet Type I Instituto de Salud Carlos III Working package
CD14/00055 Contract SARA BORRELL Instituto de Salud Carlos III Working package
Marato 416/C/2030TV32013-132031 Genotoxic nanoparticles targeting colorectal cancer stem cells Marato TV3 Participant



  • Cespedes M.V., Guillen M.J., Lopez-Casas P.P., Sarno F., Gallardo A., Alamo P. et al. Lurbinectedin induces depletion of tumor-associated macrophages, an essential component of its in vivo synergism with gem;citabine, in pancreatic adenocarcinoma mouse models. DMM Disease Models and Mechanisms. 2016;9(12):1461-1471.
  • Rueda F., Cespedes M.V., Sanchez-Chardi A., Seras-Franzoso J., Pesarrodona M., Ferrer-Miralles N. et al. Structural and functional features of self-assembling protein nanoparticles produced in endotoxin-free Escherichia coli. Microbial Cell Factories. 2016;15(1):-.
  • Céspedes MV, Unzueta U, Álamo P, Gallardo A, Sala R, Casanova I et al. Cancer-specific uptake of a liganded protein nanocarrier targeting aggressive CXCR4+ colorectal cancer models.Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine. 2016;12(7):-.
  • Cespedes M.V., Fernandez Y., Unzueta U., Mendoza R., Seras-Franzoso J., Sanchez-Chardi A. et al. Bacterial mimetics of endocrine secretory granules as immobilized in vivo depots for functional protein drugs. Scientific Reports. 2016;6:-.
  • Vazquez E., Mangues R., Villaverde A.. Functional recruitment for drug delivery through protein-based nanotechnologies. Nanomedicine. 2016;11(11):1333-1336.
  • Serna N., Cespedes M.V., Saccardo P., Xu Z., Unzueta U., Alamo P. et al. Rational engineering of single-chain polypeptides into protein-only, BBB-targeted nanoparticles. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine. 2016;12(5):1241-1251.
  • Cano-Garrido O, Céspedes MV, Unzueta U, Saccardo P, Roldán M, Sánchez-Chardi A et al. CXCR4(+)-targeted protein nanoparticles produced in the food-grade bacterium Lactococcus lactis.Nanomedicine (London, England). 2016;11(18):-.
  • Rueda F., Gasser B., Sanchez-Chardi A., Roldan M., Villegas S., Puxbaum V. et al. Functional inclusion bodies produced in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Microbial Cell Factories. 2016;15(1):-.
  • Pesarrodona M., Fernandez Y., Foradada L., Sanchez-Chardi A., Conchillo-Sole O., Unzueta U. et al. Conformational and functional variants of CD44-targeted protein nanoparticles bio-produced in bacteria. Biofabrication. 2016;8(2):-.

News U18

04 Apr

Protein-only Materials offer a new hope in colorectal cancer treatment

Breakthrough colorectal cancer treatment unveiled by NANBIOSIS Units promises enhanced precision & efficacy in targeted cancer therapies. March 2024, UAB/Institut de Recerca Sant Pau/CIBER-BBN (Barcelona) As we leave World Colorectal Cancer Day 2024 behind, marked on March 31st, there have been significant highlights in cancer treatment, a field in which targeted therapies are playing a crucial role. In this context, researchers from the Nanobiotechnology team, at the Institut de Biotecnologia i de Biomedicina from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, led by Prof. Antonio Villaverde, in collaboration with the Oncogenesis and Antitumor Drugs team led by Prof. Ramón Mangues at Institut d[...]

05 Mar

New immunization research for SARS-CoV-2 with the collaboration of NANBIOSIS

This novel immunization platform, recently published in ACS, triggers potent antivirus response, promising efficient and cost-effective vaccination. March 2024, UAB/Vall d’Hebron Research Institute/CIBER-BBN (Barcelona) The battle against infectious diseases demands innovative solutions. The world is especially aware of this fact after facing threats such as the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In a very recent publication in ACS Materials Letters, researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Hospital de Sant Pau, both within the CIBER-BBN, have achieved a significant milestone in vaccine development. Their study, conducted in partnership with international teams as well as NANBIOSIS, has introduced a novel immunization approac[...]

06 Feb

‘Magic Bullets’ Against Cancer: Unveiling the Potential of DNA Nanoparticles

DNA nanoparticles to selectively target tumor tissues through precise control of the synergies between transported drugs. February 2024, IQAC-CSIC/CIBER-BBN, Barcelona. The team led by Drs. Carme Fàbrega and Ramón Eritja, in close collaboration with 3 units of the NANBIOSIS ICTS, has developed a new strategy to improve the efficacy and reduce the toxicity of anticancer drugs. They have chemically linked several cytotoxic drugs, currently used in the treatment of various types of tumors, to DNA nanostructures. These structures selectively target cancerous tissues through folate receptors. This tactic allows precise control of drug concentration and exploits their combined effect. The results[...]

20 Dec

Good News! Protein Nanoparticles with a New Ligand Select and Destroy Tumor-associated Fibroblasts”

With the participation of two units of NANBIOSIS ICTS and the expertise of the scientists managing these units The study, fruit of the collaboration between the Nanotechnology group of the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB-UAB), led by Prof. Antonio Villaverde, and the Oncogenesis and Antitumor Drugs group of the Sant Pau Research Institute, led by Dr. Ramon Mangues, both members of CIBER-BBN, has made significant progress by identifying the natural ligand PDGFD as an effective tool to target protein nanoparticles to tumor-associated fibroblasts that overexpress the PDGFR-β receptor. Given the relevance of the discovery, this technology has been intellectually[...]

08 Nov

Impactful research with NANBIOSIS participation in the Poster Tour of CIBER-BBN & CIBEREHD Annual Conference.

2023 CIBER-BBN Annual meeting has taken place at Santemar Hotel, in Santander during November 6-7. This year the format of our annual conferences has been changed towards a collective event scheme between the CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD thematic areas. On Monday 6 the scientific sessions werecommon for EHD and BBN, with appealing contents for the mixed audience. On Tuesday 7 EHD and BBN sessions will specific for each area in separate rooms (with common coffee break). Posters of both areas were on display in the exhibit hall throughout the entirety of the Annual Meeting. Moreover, at the “Posters & beers” session (Monday[...]

28 Sep

Nanoligent raised €2.8 M and completed Seed round financing with support of i&i Biotech Fund

September 27th 2022 – Nanoligent SL, a Spanish biotech company specialized in the development of cancer treatments based on unique protein conjugates, today announces the completion of a Seed financing round of total € 2.8 M. The final closing of the Seed round consists of € 1 M investment by i&i Biotech Fund I (i&i Bio), an early-stage Life Science fund with teams in Luxemburg and Prague which is backed by the European Investment Fund. i&i Bio joined previous Nanoligent investors, Italian Angels for Growth, the largest network of business angels in Italy, and AVANTECA Partners, a Swiss privately held[...]

02 May

Wide representation of NANBIOSIS research in NALS 2022 and best Oral Presentation to Eloi Parladé

During the last 27-29 April, the 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences 2022 (NALS 2022) has taken place in the Excellence Campus of Universidad de Cantabria in Santander (Spain), organized by the University of Cantabria and Institute Valdecilla-IDIVAL. NALS 2022 has been a multidisciplinary conference series sharing new results and ideas in the fields of biosensors, lab on a chip, drug delivery nanopharmacy. nanobiotechnology, intelligent nanomaterials, magnetic materials, nanotoxicity, antimicrobials, novel applications of 3d bioprinting and nanoimaging. NANBIOSIS has been represented at this edition by members of several of its units, among them we must highlight the set of four ora[...]

03 Feb

Nanoligent, whoes founders are leaders of NANBIOSIS units, raises €1M in Series Seed financing

Barcelona, Spain – Milan, Italy, February 3rd, 2022 – Nanoligent SL, a biotech company specialized in the development of nanotechnology-based cancer treatments, today announces the completion of the first closing of a Seed financing round of €1M. The round has been led by members of Italian Angels for Growth, the largest network of business angels in Italy, through the investment vehicle Nanolinvest, and AVANTECA Partners, a Swiss privately held asset management firm, both specialized in supporting innovative early-stage life-science companies primarily in Europe. An equity campaign, is still ongoing on Doorway, an online investment platform, thus promising to provide additional funding[...]

U18-Nanotoxicology Unit
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U20. Functional Validation & Preclinical Research (FVPR)

Ciber bbn

U20. Functional Validation & Preclinical Research (FVPR)

U20. logo FVPP CIBBIM-Nanomedicina Vall d'HebronVall d´Hebrón_U20,U18

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Located at the Valld’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) in Barcelona, U20 In vivo Experimental Platform has three different sections, a Molecular Imaging section for in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro imaging studies (fluorescence, bioluminescence and X-rays), a preclinical animal model section and a preclinical histology section. All three sections are included within the Functional Validation & Preclinical Research (FVPR) of CIBBIM-Nanomedicine.

This unit is led by Dr. Ibane Abasolo (Head of FVPR). Its mission is to offer products and services for the preclinical proof-of-concept validation of therapeutic compounds and biomarkers with potential clinical applications. One of the distinguishing features of this unit is that basic preclinical studies including toxicology, histopathology and efficacy treatments are complemented with non-invasive optical imaging technologies. In vivo bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging allows monitoring of living mice longitudinally, offering real time insight into treatment efficacy, whole-body biodistribution and target mechanisms. Although in Spain there are other institutions with similar equipment, this is the only case in which imaging services can be combined with specifically devoted animal models.

U20. Services & Rates

Active projects

Title Fundin: Organism Call: Funding source Role
ICTS-2017-10-CIBER-2 Acquisition and istallation of infrastrucuture to complemnt Unis 3-Synthesis of Peptides, U18-Nanotoxicology y U20-In vivo Experiment Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) Programa Operativo FEDER de Crecimiento Inteligente 2014-2020 (POCInt) Coordinator
GA: 720942 SMART FUNCTIONAL GLA-NANOFORMULATION FOR FABRY DISEASE – Smart-4-Fabry Unión Europea (Comisión Europea) H2020-NMBP-2016-2017 Coordinator
SAF2017-90810-REDI Strategic Promotion and coordinated
management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis II
Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA»
-ICTS 2017

Other projects

Ref Title Funding Organism Unit Role
RTC-2014-2207-1 TERARMET: Development of therapies for the treatment of rare congenital metabolic diseases MINECO Participant



  • Giannotti M.I., Abasolo I., Oliva M., Andrade F., Garcia-Aranda N., Melgarejo M. et al. Highly Versatile Polyelectrolyte Complexes for Improving the Enzyme Replacement Therapy of Lysosomal Storage Disorders. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2016;8(39):25741-25752.
  • Pesarrodona M., Fernandez Y., Foradada L., Sanchez-Chardi A., Conchillo-Sole O., Unzueta U. et al. Conformational and functional variants of CD44-targeted protein nanoparticles bio-produced in bacteria. Biofabrication. 2016;8(2):-.
  • Cabrera I., Abasolo I., Corchero J.L., Elizondo E., Gil P.R., Moreno E. et al. α-Galactosidase-A Loaded-Nanoliposomes with Enhanced Enzymatic Activity and Intracellular Penetration. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2016;5(7):829-840.
  • Cespedes M.V., Fernandez Y., Unzueta U., Mendoza R., Seras-Franzoso J., Sanchez-Chardi A. et al. Bacterial mimetics of endocrine secretory granules as immobilized in vivo depots for functional protein drugs. Scientific Reports. 2016;6:-.

News U20

04 Feb

New Pancreatic Cancer Treatment: Hyperthermic Therapy with Magnetic Nanoparticles

Vall d’Hebron develops magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia to enhance pancreatic cancer treatment, now advancing to clinical trials. Barcelona, january 2025. A clinical trial targeting patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer has been approved following a study led by the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). A preclinical study led by the Clinical Biochemistry, Drug Targeting, and Therapy (CB-DDT) group at Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), which Unit 20 of NANBIOSIS is integrated, has proposed the use of magnetic nanoparticles and hyperthermia to enhance the treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The goal is to penetrate the desmoplastic stroma—the dense tissue surrounding these tumors—which acts[...]

29 Jan

A Breakthrough Therapy for Fabry Disease: nanoGLA Demonstrates Promising Results

Fabry disease therapy nanoGLA, developed by NANBIOSIS and our partners, shows superior efficacy in preclinical trials, targeting systemic and brain symptoms. Barcelona, january 2025. An international research team led by the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) and CIBER-BBN, in collaboration with the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), has developed a groundbreaking nanotechnology-based therapy called nanoGLA for the treatment of Fabry disease. The innovative solution has shown remarkable efficacy in preclinical studies and has been published in the open-access journal Science Advances (see below for reference links). What is Fabry disease? Fabry disease is a rare genetic[...]

25 Nov

New Solutions to Old challenges: Key Symposium on Nanomedicine Against Cancer

Symposium on nanomedicine vs cancer: experts gather Nov 28 in Málaga to tackle tumor-targeting challenges and advance innovative therapies. Málaga, november 2024. On November 28th at 9:00 AM, the Salón de Actos at IBIMA (C/Severo Ochoa, 35, Málaga) will host the symposium “Targeting in Nanomedicine Against Cancer,” bringing together leading experts to discuss the critical challenges and advances in applying nanomedicine to oncology. Organized by IBIMA, this event will shed light on one of the most pressing issues in cancer nanomedicine: the difficulty of delivering nanostructures to tumor cells. The challenges to overcome cancer Cancer remains one of the world’s[...]

09 Oct

Nanotechnology to slow down the growth of glioblastomas

Directors of Unit 20 and Unit 3, Ibane Abasolo and Miriam Royo, show us the ReachGlio project, which uses nanomedicines to slow glioblastoma growth by targeting tumors in the brain, improving drug delivery through nanoparticles. Barcelona, october 2024. Each year, on October 9th, Nanotechnology Day is celebrated, a discipline dedicated to understanding and utilizing matter at a nanometric scale for purposes such as industrial or medical applications. Nanotechnology plays a fundamental role in many research lines developed at the Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC) and the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). “Our goal is to propose one or more clinical trials in[...]

16 May

Temperature-sensitive hydrogels: A pioneering therapeutic approach for ovarian cancer

A new project with the participation of NANBIOSIS Unit 20 pioneers thermosensitive hydrogels for localized ovarian cancer treatment, minimizing side effects and enhancing efficacy. May 2024, VHIR/FVPR/CIBER-BBN (Barcelona). As the world recently commemorated Ovarian Cancer Day, from NANBIOSIS we proudly highlight the groundbreaking work of our collaborators in the fight against this deadly disease. Ovarian cancer stands as the seventh leading cause of cancer-related deaths, with Europe bearing the brunt of its impact, recording over 44,000 fatalities annually. In a bid to revolutionize treatment paradigms and enhance patient outcomes, researchers at the Clinical Biochemistry, Drug Delivery and Therapy (CB-DDT) Group,[...]

01 Mar

Reaching for the unreachable: New efforts to treat Lysosomal Storage Diseases

NANBIOSIS researchers pioneer novel treatments for Lysosomal Storage Diseases utilizing extracellular vesicles and liposomes, offering hope to patients. 1 March 2024, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute/ICMAB-CSIC (Barcelona) Lysosomal Storage Diseases (LSDs) encompass a group of rare disorders caused by mutations in lysosomal proteins. These mutations can lead to dysfunctional proteins responsible for breaking down cellular materials, resulting in the accumulation of deposits. Such accumulations can manifest in various neurological symptoms, ranging from progressive neurodegeneration to severe cognitive impairment. Often emerging in childhood, LSDs tragically culminate in premature death for many patients. Currently, up to 14 subtypes of LSDs can be treated[...]

27 Feb

New upcoming events: The active role of NANBIOSIS in awareness of rare diseases

For Rare Disease Day, we raise awareness through 2 events: 1 in Barcelona (Feb 28) & another in Madrid (Feb 29). Collaboration & research in focus. 28-29 February 2024, Rare Disease Day 2024 NANBIOSIS is actively involved in promoting awareness and understanding of rare diseases, Due to their lower incidence, these conditions are often face neglect in medical research and industrial treatment. To spotlight this crucial issue, NANBIOSIS is pleased to announce its participation in two significant events coinciding with Rare Disease Day celebrations. These events will address various aspects of rare and minority diseases research and treatment. Event 1:[...]

12 Feb

Polymeric Micelles Delivering Hope: A Revolutionary Strategy to Fight Cancer

NANBIOSIS researchers reach intracellular targets with encapsulated antibodies. February 2024, IQAC-CSIC/CIBER-BBN, Barcelona (Spain) and Santiago (Chile) Dr. Abasolo and her team have developed an innovative strategy to combat intracellular oncogenes, notably KRAS, implicated in various deadly cancers. By encapsulating therapeutic antibodies within polymeric micelles, they have successfully facilitated the entry of these antibodies into cancer cells, targeting internal markers. This breakthrough, achieved through international collaboration, represents a significant advancement in cancer treatment and holds promise for addressing other diseases with intracellular targets. These findings provide hope for improved therapies and outcomes in cancer and beyond. Every individual is said to[...]

U20-In Vivo Experimental Unit
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U25. NMR: Biomedical Applications I

Ciber bbn

U25. NMR: Biomedical Applications I

  • Scientific Director: Ana Paula Candiota AnaPaula.Candiota@uab.cat
  • Scientific Coordinator: Silvia Lope-Piedrafita Silvia.Lope@uab.cat
  • Entities: Servicio de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear (SeRMN) & Institut de Biotecnología i Biomedicina (IBB) & Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)
  • Address: Facultad de Ciencias, Edificio C, 08193, Cerdanyola del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain
  • Phone: +34 935 814 126
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The platform is divided between the Servei de Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility) (SeRMN) and the Institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina (IBB) for bioinformatics applications of the UAB. This platform is coordinated by Prof. Carles Arús, PI of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Biomedical Applications Group (GABRMN), with a recognized research track record in the use of NMR as a tool for biomedical applications, and more especifically to identify biomarkers of different pathologies. The main objective of the Platform of Biomedical Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is the acquisition, processing and/or interpretation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance data.

The platform is equipped with 10 spectrometers operating at magnetic fields between 5.8 and 14.1 Teslas (T), including a MRI scanner, Bruker BioSpec, equipped with a 7T horizontal magnet for preclinical trials.

The unit also hosts a computational platform at the IBB, with a total storage capacity of 12TB, which is accessible through the UAB network. The computational platform also hosts two multicentre databases (INTERPRET and eTUMOUR), with NMR and clinical data for more than 1000 human brain tumour patients.

The uniqueness in this case lies in access, in the same location, equipment for NMR studies in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro, molecular imaging accessories by using polarization as well as fixed metabolomic patterns. This configuration allows to validate results of molecular imaging in vivo with other in vitro facilities.

Active projects

TitleFundin: OrganismCall: Funding source Role
SAF2017-90810-REDIStrategic Promotion and coordinated management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis IIAgencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA» -ICTS 2017Partner
PICCOLO-732111Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improve in vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision supportEuropean Commission-H2020H2020-ICT-2016-1Partner
0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_EPromotion of an R&I network in biological chemistry for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseasesEuropean Union Interreg : European Territorial Co-operationPOCTEP Interreg España-PortugalPartner



  • Delgado-Goni T., Ortega-Martorell S., Ciezka M., Olier I., Candiota A.P., Julia-Sape M. et al. MRSI-based molecular imaging of therapy response to temozolomide in preclinical glioblastoma using source analysis. NMR in Biomedicine. 2016;:-.
  • Cordon-Barris L., Pascual-Guiral S., Yang S., Gimenez-Llort L., Lope-Piedrafita S., Niemeyer C. et al. Mutation of the 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 (PDK1) substrate-docking site in the developing brain causes microcephaly with abnormal brain morphogenesis independently of akt, leading to impaired cognition and disruptive behaviors. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2016;36(23):2967-2982.
  • Ferrer-Font L., Alcaraz E., Plana M., Candiota A.P., Itarte E., Arus C.. Protein Kinase CK2 Content in GL261 Mouse Glioblastoma. Pathology and Oncology Research. 2016;:-.
  • Ciezka M., Acosta M., Herranz C., Canals J.M., Pumarola M., Candiota A.P. et al. Development of a transplantable glioma tumour model from genetically engineered mice: MRI/MRS/MRSI characterisation. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 2016;:1-10.

News U25

19 Dec

Leadership changes and their new contribution to cutting-edge MRI research

Prof. Ana Paula Candiota and Prof. Silvia Lope-Piedrafita lead NANBIOSIS Unit 25, advancing MRI research and glioblastoma imaging with innovative contrast agents. Barcelona, December 2024. We are proud to announce that Prof. Ana Paula Candiota has been appointed Scientific Director and Prof. Silvia Lope-Piedrafita has taken on the role of Scientific Coordinator of Unit 25 of our ICTS. This pivotal Unit specializes in NMR and MRI biomedical applications and is jointly managed by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and CIBER-BBN. Unit 25 has a longstanding reputation for excellence in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research, and the recent publication titled[...]

25 Sep

Latest breakthroughs in pulmonary drug delivery and cancer research at NANBIOSIS

On World Pharmacists’ Day, NANBIOSIS Units highlighted for breakthroughs in pulmonary drug delivery and cancer research, advancing treatments for respiratory diseases and brain cancer. Barcelona and Zaragoza, September 2024. On World Pharmacists Day, we celebrate the vital contributions pharmacists make, not only in patient care but also in groundbreaking research that is shaping the future of healthcare. This year 2024, we want to give this significant date a little twist: by showcasing a few examples of how our Units are contributing to healthcare and new pharmaceutical approaches. Two key NANBIOSIS units —Unit 9 and Unit 25— are at the forefront[...]

08 May

Last seat: Our Training in Spectroscopy and MRI for animal testing applications is still open.

Do not miss the chance to join our hands-on XV Workshop of Theoretical-Practical Training in MRS / MRI, with specific application in laboratory animals Our excellent teacher Dr. Silvia Lope will be at the helm in this practical workshop. And it provides all the required skills users need to operate our fantastic Biospec, available as a service in our Unit 25. The registration period for the “XV Workshop of Theoretical-Practical Training in Spectroscopy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRS / MRI): Application in Laboratory Animals” is still open until May the 17th, 2024. This workshop is organized by the Department of[...]

20 Mar

Nanoparticles to modulate topography and ligand distribution at the nanoscale: impact on cell behavior

Doctor Marc Martínez from the Nanomol-Bio group – NANBIOSIS U6 from CIBER-BBN at ICMAB-CSIC, defended his PhD thesis “Nanoparticles to modulate topography and ligand distribution at the nanoscale: impact on cell behavior” on 9 March 2023 at ICMAB. he PhD thesis was supervised by Imma Ratera, Judith Guasch and Nora Ventosa from the Nanomol-Bio group at ICMAB-CSIC. Ana Paula Candiota Silveira, Scientific Coordinator of NANBIOSIS U25 was part of the Committee that evaluated the Thesis tooghether with Jesús Martínez de la Fuente, Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA-CSIC) (President),  and Anna Lagunas Targarona, Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC) (Vocal). As[...]

07 Sep

Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) -NANBIOSIS U25 collaboration on the study of tumour microenvironment (TME) changes in Glioblastoma

The scientific coordinator of NANBIOSIS U25 “RNM: Biomedical Application I”, Ana Paula Candiota, was recently awarded with a mobility fellowship from CIBER-BBN for a scientific exchange visit to Philipps-Universität Marburg, in Marburg, Germany. This scientific stage was motivated for a sustained collaboration between the research groups (GABRMN, in charge of U25 and Neurosurgery Lab group in Marburg), regarding the study of tumour microenvironment (TME) changes in Glioblastoma and possible relationship with the noninvasive MRSI-based biomarkers. Both groups have applied together to different funding calls including ERA-NET Transcan and Pathfinder Open, and Marburg group has hosted a predoctoral stage from a[...]

16 Aug

Two NANBIOSIS Units of CIBER-BBN at UAB, one of the 300 best universities in the world, according the Shanghai Ranking

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), known as Shanghai Ranking, which was made public on August 15, places the Autonomous University of Barcelona among the elite of the 300 best universities in the world. This indicator organizes up to 20,000 university centers worldwide,based on transparent methodology and objective third-party data. ARWU is regarded as one of the three most influential and widely observed university rankings Two of NANBIOSIS Units created by UAB and CIBER-BBN are part of this university: U1 Protein Production Platform (PPP), led by Toni Villaverde, Neus Ferrer and Mercedes Marquez, offer an “tailored” service for the design,[...]

05 Jul

Metal-free contrast agents: novel approaches

The joint expertise of CIBER-BBN Nanomol Group – NANBIOSIS U6 from at ICMAB-CSIC (José Vidal and Vega Lloveras) and NANBIOSIS U25 at UAB (Ana Paula Candiota), led to a recently published article in the prestigious journal Biomacromolecules Brain tumours such as Glioblastomas are a challenge in the clinics and proper diagnosis and follow-up are crucial for patient outcome. Contrast agents are usually administered to patients for assessing blood brain barrier integrity and quantitation of enhancing areas are part of the clinical criteria for estimating response/relapse. However, most contrast agents currently used in clinics are based in metal elements such as[...]

10 May

Improving quality of MR spectra from mouse brain. MRSI-detected pattern in glioblastoma patients

Work performed at Unit 25 of Nanbiosis ICTS of “NMR: Biomedical ApplicationsI” is being shown at the Joint annual meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB (May 7-12th) London, with the participation of CIBER-BBN group members Ana Paula Candiota, Silvia Lope-Piedrafita, Miquel Cabañas (abstract 1), Carles Arús, Gulnur Ungan, Margarida Julià-Sapé, Alfredo Vellido and Carles Majós (abstract 2). In the first abstract, entitled “High resolution Multi-voxel spectroscopy using CSI-semi-LASER for mouse brain preclinical studies” we focused into improving quality of MR spectra obtained from mouse brain, a key factor when trying to pursue metabolomic-based biomarkers. The second abstract, entitled “MRSI-detected pattern in glioblastoma patients on[...]

U25-NMR Biomedical Applications I
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U26. NMR: Biomedical Applications II

Ciber bbn

U26. NMR: Biomedical Applications II

  • Scientific Director: Prof. Ramon Martinez Máñez  rmaez@qim.upv.es
  • Scientific Coordinator: Dr. Salvador Gil salvador.gil@uv.es
  • Entities: Universitat de Valencia (UV)
  • Address: C/Dr. Moliner, 50, Edificico Investigación, 1º Pl., 46100, Valencia, Spain
  • Phone: +34 963877343
  • Tel Prof. Martínez: +34 963877343 ; Tel Dr. Gil : +34 963543135
  • Web: UV


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Located in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valencia (UV) has a laboratory with a NMR (14T) for acquiring unique metabolic profiles of biofluids, cell lines and tissues. This Unit is coordinated by Dr. Ramón Martínez Máñez, PI of the Applied Molecular Chemistry Group of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, together with Dr. Salvador Gil, Director of the Central Service for Experimental Research (SCSIE).

Active projects

Title Fundin: Organism Call: Funding source Role
SAF2017-90810-REDI Strategic Promotion and coordinated management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis II Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA» -ICTS 2017 Partner
PICCOLO-732111 Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improve in vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision support European Commission-H2020 H2020-ICT-2016-1 Partner
0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_E Promotion of an R&I network in biological chemistry for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases European Union Interreg : European Territorial Co-operation POCTEP Interreg España-Portugal Partner

Other projects

Ref Title Funding Organism Unit Role
PROMETEOII/2014/047 New approaches for the design of controlled release materials and the detection of dangerous compounds Generalitat Valenciana Participant
AP2012-1478 HELP CONV FPU 2012 - DE LA TORRE PAREDES, CRISTINA Ministerio de Educacion, cultura y deporte Participant
MAT2012-38429-C04-01 Development of functionalized materials with nanoscopic doors for controlled release applications and sensors for the detection of ammonium nitrate, sulfuric acid and CO Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Participant
UPV-FE-15-A2 Development of nanomaterials and sensors for early and non-invasive diagnosis and prognosis UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA Participant
AP2013-06017 HELP CONTRACT FPU 2013-SANCHEZ CABEZAS MInisterio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte Participant



  • Rosales A.M., Aznar E., Coll C., Garcia Mendoza R.A., Lorena Urbano Bojorge A., Gonzalez N.F. et al. Study of the dependency of the specific power absorption rate on several characteristics of the excitation magnetic signal when irradiating a SPION-containing ferrofluid. Journal of Magnetics. 2016;21(3):460-467.

News U26

17 Dec

NANBIOSIS enables new breakthrough study on Carotid Plaque vulnerability

NANBIOSIS Unit 26 identifies biomarkers of carotid plaque vulnerability, aiding stroke prevention with advanced NMR metabolomics and collaborative innovation. Valencia, december 2024. NANBIOSIS Unit 26, one of our NMR Biomedical Applications Platforms, has once again demonstrated its essential role in cutting-edge medical research. A recent study, conducted in collaboration with multiple research institutions, identified key biomarkers associated with carotid plaque vulnerability, a critical factor in stroke risk. A Collaborative Effort in Cardiovascular Research The study analyzed metabolic differences between symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid plaques, aiming to predict which plaques are at higher risk of rupture. Using advanced nuclear magnetic resonanc[...]

07 Nov

European Partnership Opens a New Era in Rare Disease Research

The European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA) kicked off last month, with an estimated budget of 380 million euros and the aim of improving the lives of 30 million rare disease patients in Europe and beyond. Paris, october 2024. The European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA), a new initiative under Horizon Europe, has officially launched with an ambitious mission to improve the lives of 30 million people affected by rare diseases across Europe and beyond. Backed by a budget of €380 million, ERDERA brings together more than 170 organizations from the public and private sectors, led by the National Institut[...]

18 Oct

Prof. Ramón Martínez, Director of NANBIOSIS, has been awarded the Spanish National Research Prize

Prof. Ramón Martínez Máñez wins the 2024 National Research Award for his work in nanotechnology, drug delivery systems, and biomedical, environmental sensors. Valencia, october 2024. Prof. Martínez Máñez has been honored with the “Juan de la Cierva” National Research Award for the impact of his scientific career and its transfer in the field of chemistry, specifically in nanotechnology for controlled release systems and their use in sensors for medical, environmental, and agricultural applications. The evaluators also highlighted the high number of patents obtained and licensed by the awardee and emphasized the number of companies he has created, one of whic[...]

25 Oct

Ramón Martínez Máñez, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U26 obtains an ERC Advanced Grant

Ramón Martínez Máñez, researcher at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) and scientific director of the Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine area of ​​the CIBER (CIBER-BBN) and NANBIOSIS U26, has obtained an ERC Advanced Grant –the most prestigious grant from the European Research Council– endowed with 2.5 million euros for the development of the EDISON project (Engineered Particles for Chemical Communication). This project focuses on the field of chemical or molecular communication. Its objective is the study, development and application of nanoparticles that are capable of communicating with each other and whose application would represent a revolution in the field of[...]

16 Aug

The University of Valencia among the 300 best universities in the world, hosting NANBIOSIS U26 of CIBER-BBN on RNM for Biomedical Applications

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), known as Shanghai Ranking, which was made public on August 15, places the University of Valencia among the elite of the 300 best universities in the world and the second of the Spanish universities. This indicator organizes up to 20,000 university centers worldwide,based on transparent methodology and objective third-party data. ARWU is regarded as one of the three most influential and widely observed university rankings The NANBIOSIS U26 NMR: Biomedical Applications II created by CIBER-BBN is hosted by the University of Valencia is led by Prof. Ramón Martínez Ma´ñez and Prof Salvador Gil Grau[...]

27 Jul

1st Nanomedicine Forum of CIBER-BBN/NANBIOSIS and CSIC Nanomed Conection

During the days 30 of June and 1st of July took place in Barcelona, in the auditorium of the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), the 1st Forum on Nanomedicine gathering scientists from the CSIC net Nanomed Conection and from the CIBER-BBN and its ICTS NANBIOSIS. This forum brought toguether researchers from the most eminent national research centers in nanomedicine, that during the two days meeting presented their works and findings and discussed the impact of nanomedicine in the fields of drug delivery, diagnosis and therapy. The workshop was open by the Director of IQAC-CSIC,  Jesús Joglar, the  Scientific Coordinator[...]

29 Mar

Is it possible to communicate microorganisms from different kingdoms? Yes, it is, using “Nanotranslators”

CIBER, March 28 2022 Researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) and the CIBER-BBN has demonstrated, for the first time, the potential of using “translator” nanoparticles to facilitate communication between different types of cells or microorganisms. His study could have application in multiple fields, especially in the medical field for the prevention and treatment of cancer. “We have shown that it is possible to communicate microorganisms from different kingdoms using nanoparticles as translators. The nanoparticles process a message produced by the first type of cells (bacteria) and transform it into an understandable message for the second type of cells[...]

01 Dec

Nanomedicine in the Medicine of the Future

Scientists of CIBER-BBN and NANBIOSIS ICTS have participated in the 4th Conference “Anticipating the Medicine of the Future”, which took place on November 30th, organized by the Roche Institute Foundation. The topics for this ediction had been identified by the Observatory of Trends in the Medicine of the Future: Pharmacogenomics, Nanomedicine and Epigenomic The event counted with three roundtables for discussion in relation to the three topics. The second one, on Nanomedicine, was moderated by Joaquín Arenas, Director of the Research Institute of the 12 de Octubre University Hospital. Ramón Martínez Máñez, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Interuniversity Researc[...]

U26-NMR Biomedical Applications II
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U27. High Performance Computing

Ciber bbn

U27. High Performance Computing

  • Scientific Director: Prof. Pablo Laguna laguna@unizar.es
  • Scientific Coordinator: Dariel Figueredo dfigueredo@unizar.es
  • Entities: I3A-Universidad de Zaragoza.
  • Address: C/Mariano Esquillor s/n 50018, Zaragoza
  • Phone: +34 976 76 27 07
  • Web: I3A-UZ
Nanabiosis-logo Universidad de Zarargoza-U9-U13-U27.
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Located at the Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), an Interdisciplinary University Research Institute specialized in engineering of the University of Zaragoza, this HPC service counts with a conditioned room to host a cluster of computers that allows remote access for High Performance Computing, massive storage and different software applications for the research in four divisions: Biomedical Engineering, Information and Communications Technologies Division, Processes and Recycling Division and Industrial Technology Division. This Unit is coordinated by Prof. Pablo Laguna, PI of the Biomedical Signal Interpretation & Computational Simulation Groups (BSICoS).

Active projects

TitleFundin: OrganismCall: Funding source Role
SAF2017-90810-REDIStrategic Promotion and coordinated management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis IIAgencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA» -ICTS 2017Partner
PICCOLO-732111Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improve in vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision supportEuropean Commission-H2020H2020-ICT-2016-1Partner
0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_EPromotion of an R&I network in biological chemistry for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseasesEuropean Union Interreg : European Territorial Co-operationPOCTEP Interreg España-PortugalPartner

Other projects

RefTitleFunding OrganismUnit Role
UZCUD2016-TEC-03Optimization of a submersible device for the monitoring of the photoplestimográfica signalCUDParticipant



  • Laguna P., Martinez Cortes J.P., Pueyo E.. Techniques for Ventricular Repolarization Instability Assessment from the ECG. Proceedings of the IEEE. 2016;104(2):392-415.
  • Pueyo E., Dangerfield C.E., Britton O.J., Virag L., Kistamas K., Szentandrassy N. et al. Experimentally-based computational investigation into beat-to-beat variability in ventricular repolarization and its response to ionic current inhibition. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(3):-.
  • Romero D., Martinez J.P., Laguna P., Pueyo E.. Ischemia detection from morphological QRS angle changes. Physiological Measurement. 2016;37(7):1004-1023.
  • Vicente J., Laguna P., Bartra A., Bailon R.. Drowsiness detection using heart rate variability. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. 2016;:1-11.
  • Alcaine A., De Groot N.M.S., Laguna P., Martinez J.P., Houben R.P.M.. Spatiotemporal model-based estimation of high-density atrial fibrillation activation maps. Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal. 2016;54:64-74.
  • Bolea J., Pueyo E., Orini M., Bailon R.. Influence of heart rate in non-linear HRV indices as a sampling rate effect evaluated on supine and standing. Frontiers in Physiology. 2016;7(NOV):-.
  • Ortigosa N., Rodriguez-Lopez M., Bailon R., Sarvari S.I., Sitges M., Gratacos E. et al. Heart morphology differences induced by intrauterine growth restriction and preterm birth measured on the ECG at preadolescent age. Journal of Electrocardiology. 2016;:-.
  • Hernando A., Lazaro J., Gil E., Arza A., Garzon J.M., Lopez-Anton R. et al. Inclusion of Respiratory Frequency Information in Heart Rate Variability Analysis for Stress Assessment. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2016;20(4):1016-1025.

News U27

18 Dec

New Database Provides Valuable Insights into Predicting Sudden Cardiac Death and Atrial Fibrillation

The BSICoS research group (Unit 27 of NANBIOSIS) shared 4 years of heart failure data from 1,000 patients on the Physionet portal for scientific use. Zaragoza, December 2024. The BSICoS research group (Biomedical Signal Interpretation and Computational Simulation) from the Aragón Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), in whcih the Unit 27 of NANBIOSIS is located, has shared a clinical database containing information from 992 heart failure patients. These patients underwent a 24-hour electrocardiogram (ECG) recording and were monitored over a four-year period. This dataset enables advancements in research on predicting the risk of sudden cardiac death using Holter monitoring data.[...]

08 Mar

The revolutionary path of research in NANBIOSIS and advice on Woman’s Day 2024

Our interview series delve into the journeys of 7 female researchers, their challenges, and the call for gender equality in science, inspiring the next generation. March 8th 2024, NANBIOSIS (Spain) Kicking off on 11F “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” 2024, and spanning all the way until Woman’s Day 2024, our interview series has aimed to highlight the life, career and opinions of some of the brilliant minds within our network. Today is time to wrap it up, and for this reason we present you a summary of each of them and a chance to take a deeper[...]

04 Mar

Women in NANBIOSIS part 6: A conversation with Ana Mincholé on unlocking the heart’s secrets

Dr. Mincholé discusses cardiac risk assessment, gender challenges in science, and the transformative potential of Digital Twins in healthcare research. This is part of a series of interviews to several female researchers within the context of International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024 and Woman’s Day 2024. For more interviews, visit our news section here. March 2024, I3A-Unizar, Zaragoza (Spain) The meeting room of the High Performance Computing cluster is a comfortable place. A whiteboard full of diagrams occupies a good portion of one of the side walls, creating a welcoming atmosphere where complex concepts become accessible. In[...]

11 Nov

Researchers of two NANBIOSIS units success in the Third Millennium Awards

Researchers of two NANBIOSIS units success in the Third Millennium Awards: the Young Research Talent award to Julia Ramirez (NANBIOSIS U27) and the Research and Future Award to the NFP group (NANBIOSIS U9) Last November 8, four initiatives received the highest award in the eighth edition of the HERALDO contest Third Millennium Awards which represent the recognition of the Aragonese community from the youngest to the most consolidated trajectories in knowledge transfer, innovation, and scientific dissemination. The Paraninfo of the University of Zaragoza hosted this event in which researchers CIBER-BBN – NANBIOSIS were recognised this year: The Films and Nanostructured[...]

02 Mar

Conversations with women scientists: Cardiology

Esther Pueyo, member of the BSICoS group, which coordinates NANBIOSIS U27 “High Performance Computing” from CIBER-BBN and I3A-UZ, participes with Lina Badimon, professor at the CSIC and group leader at the CIBERCV in the first of a series of videos where two women scientists share their experiences, prepared by the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) of the CIBER Both researchers work in the field of Cardiology and share their passion for science and their vocation to help patients. In this video they talk in depth about their career, their difficulties, their achievements, and what their vision is about t[...]

08 Feb

Women in Signal Processing: Raquel Bailón

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11 honor women’s significant achievements in science and place a much-needed focus on girls entering Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) careers. We want to take this day to congratulate all the women scientists, especially to our scientists at NANBIOSIS ICTS. In this occasion we want to put the spotlight on Raquel Bailon, researcher of Bsicos Group coordinating NANBIOSIS Unit 27 of High-Performance Computing form CIBER-BBN and University of Zaragoza-I3A, who last month has been highlighted by Inside Signal Processing Newsletter. In the interview Dr. Raquel Bailon talks about her motivations[...]

15 Oct

Pablo Laguna talking about Physiologically driven biomedical signal processing at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí

Zaragoza, October 14th, 2021 Bsicos.i3a.es Pablo Laguna, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U27 High Performance Computing and researcher of BSICoS Group of I3A-UNIZAR and CIBER-BBN gave a talk about Physiologically driven biomedical signal processing at the Faculty of Physics at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (UASLP) in Mexico. He explaned how biomedical signals convey information about biological systems and can emanate from sources of as varied origins as electrical, mechanical or chemical. In particular, biomedical signals can provide relevant information on the function of the human body. This information, however, may not be apparent in the signal due to measurement noise,[...]

24 Sep

Cristina Pérez, Young Investigator Award at the STAFF congress

Cristina Pérez, has been the winner of the Young Researcher Award (YIA) at the STAFF congress held in Sirolo (Italy), from Septembre 1 to 4, for her work entitled “Characterization of impaired ventricular repolarization by quantification of QT delay after heart rate changes in stress test” Cristina Pérez is a researcher from BSICoS. Research Group that coordinates NANBIOSIS ICTS Unit 27 “High Performance Computing”, led by PAblo Laguna (from I3A-UNIZAR and CIBER-BBN) Further information at BSICoS Websit[...]

U27- High Performance Computing
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U28. NanoImaging Unit

U28. NanoImaging Unit

    • Scientific Director: Dr. Mª Luisa García Martín mlgarcia@ibima.eu
    • Scientific Coordinator: Mónica Feijóo Cuaresma mfeijoo@ibima.eu
    • Entities: Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Málaga y Plataforma en Nanomedicina (IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND)
    • Address: C/Severo Ochoa 35, 29590, Málaga, Spain
    • Phone: +34 952 367 600
    • Web: IBIMA-Plataforma BIONAND

Junta de Anadalucía       Universidad de Málaga

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The Nanoimaging Unit is located in Malaga at the Andalusian Centre for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (BIONAND), and it has been conceived and optimized to provide very diverse and integrated technological support for nanotechnology-based biomedical research, offering advanced services to internal and external users. This facility is coordinated by Dr Mª Luisa García Martín, who has wide expertise in the field of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy applied to biomedical research.

The Unit brings together a wide range of cutting-edge technologies, and it is divided into four departments, each with a dedicated specialist:

– Small Animal Multimodal Imaging: Small animal (pre-clinical) imaging is a vital tool in biomedical research that allows biological processes and potential medicines to be studied in animal models using non-invasive methods. This department offers some of the most relevant pre-clinical imaging modalities, namely, MRI, in vivo Bioluminescence and Fluorescence Imaging, and micro-CT. These techniques are essential for preclinical evaluation and characterization of new diagnostic and therapeutic agents. The combined use of these technologies and new highly specific imaging probes are the basis of molecular imaging.

– Magnetic Resonance (NMR): it is equipped with two High-resolution NMR Spectrometers: a 400MHz NMR spectrometer for routine experiments and a higher field, 600 MHz, spectrometer dedicated to high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR and in vitro studies that are very demanding in terms of sensitivity. It also has a TD-NMR analyzer for relaxivity measurements in the clinical field (1.44 T).

– Electron Microscopy: It offers access to transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Cryo-TEM and Electron Tomography, high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and environmental SEM. A special emphasis has been made on high-end sample preparation techniques through cryo-immobilization. All the equipment has been configured to provide its best on biological and nanomedicine applications. TEM, SEM and sample preparation facilities and services are offered to provide structural characterizations at the micro and nano scales. Biological and medical applications are the main objective of this equipment but are not limited to them. Any other scientific and engineering field can take advantage of them due to their versatility for public and private research, quality control, failure analysis, etc.

– Advanced Fluorescence: It hosts an excellent range of facilities capable of supporting high-quality biomedical research. These applications can range from the initial characterization of the fluorescent properties of novel nano-compounds to the evaluation of their medical applications using tissue culture and animal models. In addition, the range of possible applications goes far beyond nanomedicine to include the characterization of patient tissues, preclinical studies using rodent models, small-scale drug screening and studies using model organisms such as Zebrafish or Drosophila Melanogaster. The service is operated in close collaboration with the other advanced facilities of the Nanoimaging Unit, and the other units of Bionand, to ensure that researchers can easily combine fluorescence-based techniques with other complementary approaches such as Electron microscopy or Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

Moreover, the location of the NanoImaging Unit allows it to be linked to other complementary Units available at BIONAND, such as the Cell Culture Unit (containment levels 1 and 2), the Chemical Unit (it offers a wide range of equipment and techniques in which materials and their interaction with biological samples can be characterized), the Animal House (rat, mouse and zebrafish accommodation), and the Histology Unit (it also offers Cutting/grinding based histological sectioning for hard tissues or other materials unsuitable to be sectioned by routine methods)


In addition to the services within the NanoImaging Unit, the following specialised services are offered:

– Cutting/grinding based histological sectioning (Onsite&Remote) OUTSTANDING: This technique is recommended for obtaining histological samples from hard tissues or other materials unsuitable to be sectioned by routine methods, e.g. undecalcified bone tissue, metallic or ceramic implants, or samples that combine hard and soft components. With the EXAKT system, 10-15 μm slices can be made without disrupting the interface between areas of different hardnesses. Applications: Processing and fixation of fresh samples, Dehydration, plastic infiltration and polymerization, Cutting of blocks to obtain surfaces of interest, Block grinding, and Histological staining.

– Animal Housing (Onsite&Remote): The BIONAND Animal Facility Service is a research support service that aims to house experimental animals: zebrafish, rats and mice, and provide the facilities, materials, equipment and expertise needed to conduct pre-clinical trials based on the technologies and products developed in Centre from both research groups and companies

U28. Services & Rates

Active projects

Title Fundin: Organism Call: Funding source Role
SAF2017-90810-REDI Strategic Promotion and coordinated management of Nanbiosis: Pronanbiosis II Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) Acciones de dinamización «REDES DE EXCELENCIA» -ICTS 2017 Partner
PICCOLO-732111 Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improve in vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision support European Commission-H2020 H2020-ICT-2016-1 Partner
0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_E Promotion of an R&I network in biological chemistry for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases European Union Interreg : European Territorial Co-operation POCTEP Interreg España-Portugal Partner

Other projects

Ref Title Funding Organism Unit Role
UZCUD2016-TEC-03 Optimization of a submersible device for the monitoring of the photoplestimográfica signal CUD Participant



  • Laguna P., Martinez Cortes J.P., Pueyo E.. Techniques for Ventricular Repolarization Instability Assessment from the ECG. Proceedings of the IEEE. 2016;104(2):392-415.
  • Pueyo E., Dangerfield C.E., Britton O.J., Virag L., Kistamas K., Szentandrassy N. et al. Experimentally-based computational investigation into beat-to-beat variability in ventricular repolarization and its response to ionic current inhibition. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(3):-.
  • Romero D., Martinez J.P., Laguna P., Pueyo E.. Ischemia detection from morphological QRS angle changes. Physiological Measurement. 2016;37(7):1004-1023.
  • Vicente J., Laguna P., Bartra A., Bailon R.. Drowsiness detection using heart rate variability. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. 2016;:1-11.
  • Alcaine A., De Groot N.M.S., Laguna P., Martinez J.P., Houben R.P.M.. Spatiotemporal model-based estimation of high-density atrial fibrillation activation maps. Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal. 2016;54:64-74.
  • Bolea J., Pueyo E., Orini M., Bailon R.. Influence of heart rate in non-linear HRV indices as a sampling rate effect evaluated on supine and standing. Frontiers in Physiology. 2016;7(NOV):-.
  • Ortigosa N., Rodriguez-Lopez M., Bailon R., Sarvari S.I., Sitges M., Gratacos E. et al. Heart morphology differences induced by intrauterine growth restriction and preterm birth were measured on the ECG at preadolescent age. Journal of Electrocardiology. 2016;:-.
  • Hernando A., Lazaro J., Gil E., Arza A., Garzon J.M., Lopez-Anton R. et al. Inclusion of Respiratory Frequency Information in Heart Rate Variability Analysis for Stress Assessment. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2016;20(4):1016-1025.

U28. NanoImaging Unit
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U29. Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform (OSP)

U2 CAbS-hybridoma clone

Ciber bbn

U29. Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform (OSP)

  • Scientific Director: Prof. Ramon Eritja: recgma@cid.csic.es
  • Scientific Coordinator: Dr. Anna Aviñó: aaagma@cid.csic.es
  • Entities: Institute of Avanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
  • Address: Jordi Girona, 18-26, 088034, Barcelona, Spain
  • Phone: +34 934 006 145
  • Web: IQAC- CSIC


Order request


This unit is coordinated by the Nucleic Acids Chemistry Group at the Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and has the equipment needed for the production of oligonucleotides at low scale (mg to mg), purification, characterization and post-synthesis modification. The service counts with laboratories for synthesis and modification of oligonucleotides including DNA/RNA synthesizer, analytical and semi-preparative HPLC equipment for the purification and characterization of oligonucleotides. The service will focus in providing expert opinion to researchers as well as the production of tailored oligonucleotides. Routine synthesis of oligonucleotides used as primers will not be produced as there is a large number of commercial sources that provide a quick and low price service. The oligonucleotide synthesis platform will focus in providing modified oligonucleotides (ONs) that are difficult to obtain from commercial sources. These include microgram to milligram amounts of DNA and RNA derivatives carrying several modifications as well as oligonucleotide conjugates carrying lipids, membrane-receptors ligands, carbohydrates and peptides designed for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. The facility benefits from the wide experience of Prof. Ramon Eritja that has more than 30 years expertise in the development of modified oligonucleotides.

Active projects

Ref Title Fundin Organism Role

Other projects

Ref Title Fundin Organism Role
SBPLY/17/180501/000376 Development and validation of new intelligent administration systems of RNAs in the injured spinal cord: application in a neuroprotective therapy based on miR-138 Junta de Castilla-La Mancha Participant
BIO2017-92113-EXP New tailored microRNA-based antifungal agents for crop protection MINECO - Explora- Participant
CA17103 CA17103 Delivery of antisense RNA therapeutics (DARTER) C.C.E.E. COST Action Participant
AC18/00046 Monitoring of Acquired Brain Injury and recovery of biomarkers by the combined label-free NanoSensing of multiple circulating molecules (ABISens). Euronanomed-III (ERA-Net cofund action on Nanomedicine) Participant
CSIC-COV19-041 Point-of-care tests for the rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 (POC4CoV) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Participant
Prometeo/2020/081 Use of microRNA modulators as experimental therapies in type 1 myotonic dystrophy Generalitat Valenciana Participant



“Synthesis of oligonucleotides carrying nucleic acid derivatives of biomedical and structural interest” Eritja, R., Aviñó, A., Fàbrega, C., Alagia, A., Jorge, A.F., Grijalvo, S. In “Enzymatic and chemical synthesis of nucleic acid derivatives” (Fernández Lucas and Camarasa Eds) Willey-VCH Verlag, Weinheim (Germany), pp 237-258, (2019).

Cationic niosomes as non-viral vehicles for nucleic acids. Challenges and opportunities in gene delivery. Grijalvo, S., Puras, G., Zárate, J., Sainz-Ramos, M., AL Qtaish, N., López, T., Mashal, M., Attia, N., Díaz Díaz, D., Pons, R., Fernández, E., Pedraz, J.L., Eritja, R.  Pharmaceutics, 11(2), 50 (2019).

“Parallel clamps and polypurine hairpins (PPRH) for gene silencing and triplex-affinity capture: design, synthesis and use” Aviñó, A., Eritja, R., Cuidad, C., Noe, V. Current Protocols on Nucleic Acid Chemistry, e78 (2019).

“Efficient bioactive oligonucleotide-protein conjugation for cell-targeted cancer therapy” Aviñó, A., Unzueta, U., Cespedes, M.V., Casanova, I., Vázquez, E., Villaverde, A., Mangues, R., Eritja, R. ChemistryOpen, 8, 382-387 (2019).

“The small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in cancer therapy: nano-based approach” Mahmoodi Chalbatani, G., Dana, H., Gharagouzloo, E., Grijalvo, S., Eritja, R., Logsdon, C.D., Memari, F., Miri, S.R., Rad, M.R., Marmari, V. Int. J. Nanomedicine, 14, 3111-3128 (2019).

“The origins and the biological consequences of the Pur/Pyr DNA•RNA asymmetry” Terrazas, M., Genna, V., Portella, G., Villegas, N., Sánchez, D., Arnan, C., Pulido-Quetglas, C., Johnson, E., Guigó, R., Brun-Heath, I., Aviñó, A., Eritja, R., Orozco, M. Chem., 5, 1619-1631 (2019).

“On the race for more stretchable and tough hydrogels” Grijalvo, S., Eritja, R., Díaz Díaz, D. Gels, 5, 24 (2019).

“Gene delivery to the rat retina by non-viral vectors based on chloroquine-containing cationic niosomes” Mashal, M., Attia, N., Martínez-Navarrete, G., Soto-Sánchez, C., Fernández, E., Grijalvo, S., Eritja, R., Puras, G., Pedraz, J.L. J. Control. Rel., 304, 181-190 (2019).

“Study of conformational transitions of i-motif DNA using time-resolved fluorescence and multivariate analysis methods” Benabou, S., Ruckebusch, C., Sliwa, M., Aviñó, A., Eritja, R., Gargallo, R., de Juan, A.  Nucleic Acids Res., 47, 6590-6605 (2019).

“Expanding the limits of amide-triazole isosteric substitution in bisamide-based physical gels” Tautz, M., Torras, J., Grijalvo, S., Eritja, R., Saldías, C., Alemán, C., Díaz Díaz D. RSC Adv., 9, 20841-20851 (2019).

“Aptamer-peptide conjugates as a new strategy to modulate human α-thrombin binding affinity” Aviñó, A., Jorge, A.F., Huertas, C.S., Cova, T.F.G.G., Pais, A., Lechuga, L.M., Eritja, R., Fàbrega, C. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (General subjects), 1863, 1610-1630 (2019).

“Cationic niosome-based hBMP7 gene transfection of neuronal precursor NT2 cells to reduce the migration of glioma cells in vitro” Attia, N., Mashal, M., Grijalvo, S., Eritja, R., Puras, G., Pedraz, J.L. J. Drug Delivery Science Technol., 53, 101219 (2019).

“Stabilization of c-KIT G-quadruplex DNA structures by the RNA polymerase I inhibitors BMH-21 and BA-41” Mazzini, S., Gargallo, R., Musso, L., De Santis, F., Aviñó, A., Scaglioni, L., Eritja, R., Di Nicola, M., Zunino, F., Amatulli, A., Dallavalle, S. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 20, 4927 (2019).

“Alginate hydrogels as scaffolds and delivery systems to repair the damaged spinal cord” Grijalvo, S., Nieto-Díaz, M., Maza, R.M., Eritja, R., Díaz Díaz, D. Biotech J., 14, e1900275 (2019).

“A pH-dependent bolt involving cytosine bases located in the lateral loops of antiparallel G-quadruplex structures within the SMARCA4 gene promotor” Benabou S., Mazzini, S., Aviñó, A., Eritja, R. Gargallo, R. Sci. Rep., 9, 15807 (2019).


Selective depletion of metastatic stem cells as therapy for human colorectal cancer. Céspedes, M.V., Unzueta, U., Aviñó, A., Gallardo, A., Álamo, P., Sala, R., Sánchez-Sardi, A., Casanova, I., Mangues, M.A., Lopez-Pousa, A., Eritja, R., Villaverde, A., Vázquez, E., Mangues, R. EMBO Mol. Med., 10, e8772 (2018).

DNA-based nanoscaffolds as vehicles for 5-fluoro-2’-deoxyuridine oligomers in colorectal cancer therapy. Jorge, A.F., Aviñó, A., Pais, A.A.C.C., Eritja, R., Fàbrega, C. Nanoscale, 10, 7238-7249 (2018).

Exploring PAZ/3’-overhang interaction to improve siRNA specificity. A combined experimental and modeling study. Alagia, A., Jorge, A.F., Aviño, A., Cova, T.F.G.G., Crehuet, R., Grijalvo, S., Alberto Pais, A.A.C.C., Eritja, R. Chem. Sci., 9, 2074-2086 (2018).

DNA origami-driven lithography for patterning on gold surfaces with sub-10 nanometer resolution. Gállego, I., Manning, B., Prades, J.D., Mir, M., Samitier, J., Eritja, R. Adv. Mat., 29, 1603233 (2017).

Glucose-nucleobase pseudo base pairs as a new biomolecular interaction in a DNA context. Vengut-Climent, E., Gómez-Pinto, I., Lucas, R., Peñalver, P., Aviñó, A., Fonseca-Guerra, C, Bickelhaupt, F.M.., Eritja, R., González, C., Morales, J.C. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 55, 8643-8647 (2016).

News U29

08 Mar

The revolutionary path of research in NANBIOSIS and advice on Woman’s Day 2024

Our interview series delve into the journeys of 7 female researchers, their challenges, and the call for gender equality in science, inspiring the next generation. March 8th 2024, NANBIOSIS (Spain) Kicking off on 11F “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” 2024, and spanning all the way until Woman’s Day 2024, our interview series has aimed to highlight the life, career and opinions of some of the brilliant minds within our network. Today is time to wrap it up, and for this reason we present you a summary of each of them and a chance to take a deeper[...]

29 Feb

The new official webpage of RED-DM is coordinating research efforts in Myotonic Dystrophy

NANBIOSIS introduces the new webpage of RED-DM, uniting experts to combat Myotonic Dystrophy. Highlighting Ramón Eritja’s group’s pivotal role. 29 February 2024, IQAC-CSIC (Barcelona) In a significant stride toward addressing the challenges posed by Myotonic Dystrophy, the Translational Genomics Group of the INCLIVA Health Research Institute (associated with the Valencia Clinical Hospital) and the University of Valencia (BIOTECMED Institute) have spearheaded the establishment of the Red Temática Nacional en Distrofia Miotónica tipo 1 (National Thematic Network in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1). This progressive and degenerative disease, also referred to simply as DM1, is currently incurable and underdiagnosed. In addition, it[...]

15 Feb

Women in NANBIOSIS part 1: Anna Aviñó, from Curiosity to Innovation

Anna Aviñó speaks about her journey as a researcher and her captivating oligonucleotides. This is part of a series of interviews to several female researchers within the context of International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024 and Woman’s Day 2024. For more interviews, visit our news section here. February 2024, IQAC-CSIC/CIBER-BBN, Barcelona (Spain) Could you share with us a bit about your research area and the projects you are currently working on? I am a chemist specializing in nucleic acid chemistry. These compounds are wonderful, I would say unique; not only do they contain genetic information, but they[...]

06 Feb

‘Magic Bullets’ Against Cancer: Unveiling the Potential of DNA Nanoparticles

DNA nanoparticles to selectively target tumor tissues through precise control of the synergies between transported drugs. February 2024, IQAC-CSIC/CIBER-BBN, Barcelona. The team led by Drs. Carme Fàbrega and Ramón Eritja, in close collaboration with 3 units of the NANBIOSIS ICTS, has developed a new strategy to improve the efficacy and reduce the toxicity of anticancer drugs. They have chemically linked several cytotoxic drugs, currently used in the treatment of various types of tumors, to DNA nanostructures. These structures selectively target cancerous tissues through folate receptors. This tactic allows precise control of drug concentration and exploits their combined effect. The results[...]

27 Feb

New method for the detection of RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2

Several CIBER-BBN groups at the University of Barcelona, the Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC) and the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon (INMA) —a joint institute of the CSIC and the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)— have developed a new method for detecting RNA viruses based on the technology of using probes that form triplex structures. This innovative methodology opens up new options to detect viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the influenza A (H1N1) virus or the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a pathogen that affects newborns and requires differential diagnostic care. This[...]

15 Nov

Happy Day of Chemistry! The role of Chemistry in a sustainable research in health

Today, November 15 is a day of celebration for us, the Day of the Chemistry in Spain! Chemistry is the science that studies matter, how it is composed, its properties and how its structures are transformed and, as matter is everything, including living beings and ourselves, we can say that chemistry is omnipresent and transversal in all areas surrounding us. Chemistry is everywhere, we ourselves are chemistry and our health and our life is chemistry. “Everything around us is chemistry in the environment, foods, what we use and what we touch every day. Our own body is a sophisticated complex[...]

27 Jul

1st Nanomedicine Forum of CIBER-BBN/NANBIOSIS and CSIC Nanomed Conection

During the days 30 of June and 1st of July took place in Barcelona, in the auditorium of the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), the 1st Forum on Nanomedicine gathering scientists from the CSIC net Nanomed Conection and from the CIBER-BBN and its ICTS NANBIOSIS. This forum brought toguether researchers from the most eminent national research centers in nanomedicine, that during the two days meeting presented their works and findings and discussed the impact of nanomedicine in the fields of drug delivery, diagnosis and therapy. The workshop was open by the Director of IQAC-CSIC,  Jesús Joglar, the  Scientific Coordinator[...]

03 May


Dr. Ramon Eritja, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS unit 29 of Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform (OSP) and Dr. Santiago Grijalvo researcher at NANBIOSIS unit 12 of Nanostructured liquid characterization, from CIBER-BBN and IQAC-CSIC, together with Dr. Andreia F. Jorge, from Coimbra Chemistry Centre (CQC), acting as guest editors of journal Pharmaceutics, of MDPI Publisher, welcome authors to submit their articles on special issues on Recent Trends in Oligonucleotide Based Therapies. In the past few decades, significant efforts have been made towards the clinical application of oligonucleotides. However, the potential of the therapeutic applications of RNA-based strategies have recently been spotlighted after the first approval of mRNA vaccines in response to COVID-19[...]

U29. Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform
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U30. Proteomics


U30 Proteomics
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