The Piccolo consortium members met at JUMISC (Cácere) last on 21st-22nd January to hold the 7th face-to-face meeting.
Project partners had the chance to visit Nanbiosis U21 Experimental operating rooms led by Francisco M. Sánchez Margallo and participate in a training session with the prototype demo. A murine specimen was analysed ex-vivo with the probe and the clinicians had the opportunity to evaluate the features present in a neoplastic polyp.
The meeting agenda included a general overview of the project, the status update of OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography), MPT (Multiphoton Tomography) and fluorescence technologies, deep learning algorithms preliminary results, the final steps to follow with the validation on animal and human samples and the exploitation and dissemination plan. All members agreed to focus on the preparation of dissemination material with the results of the project, such as a brochure or videos to approach the project to the scientific community.