Judit Morlà Folch, CIBER-BBN Researcher in Nanomol Group and NANBIOSIS U6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit at ICMAB-CSIC is giving the seminar “Nanoprobes for the next generation of Optical Imaging“, today Monday, 5 October 2020 at 12 pm, Hosted by Nora Ventosa, Nanomol Group in the cycle of Online ICMAB PostDoc Talk.
Online Invited Seminar by Zoom. Register here to attend.
About the Seminar: Molecular imaging plays a vital role in the healthcare sector, since abnormal conditions and diseases are often diagnosed through imaging, while therapeutics methods used for the treatment of the abnormalities are often guided by imaging. Optical imaging is a highly sensitive technique and low-cost procedure in comparison to tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or ultrasounds among the other forms of imaging currently employed. Among the imaging agents, fluorescent organic nanoparticles (FONs) are emerging as an attractive alternative to the well-established fluorescent inorganic nanoparticles or small organic dyes. Their proper design allows one to obtain biocompatible probes with superior brightness and high photostability, although usually affected by low colloidal stability
Judit Morlà Folch began her postdoc in 2008 at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT, EEUU) under the Marie Curie Tecniospring and Postdoctoral Programme in collaboration with ICMAB-CSIC (Nanomol Group), where she is nowadays working on the development of fluorescent organic nanoparticles for bioimaging.