Due to the recent publication of the call Retos–Colaboración 2016, of the State Program of I + D + i, the Technology Platforms in the field of Health, in collaboration with the MINECO organized on February, 4th 2016, an Info Day in order to:
- To encourage the participation of companies and research centers
- To generate R & D proposals for the formation of consortia
- To hold bilateral meetings to review proposals
The event included an informative part on the details of the call and a block of proposals and success stories. NANBIOSIS Coordinator, Jesús Izco, presented NANBIOSIS as an entity supporting R & D in collaboration, explaining how the Platform was developed to become part of the National Map of ICTS (Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures) and its range of services for the development of R + D + I.
The NANBIOSIS infrastructure is mainly engaged in research in the health field but from a more transversal and technological point of view than other research centres, with a relevant specialization in biomaterials and tissue engineering, bioengineering and nanomedicine and molecular diagnostics view. That more technological and finalist positioning in the health field, together with the excellence of researchers who coordinate the several units that make up the platform, situates NANBIOSIS as a benchmark for research projects and transfer.