The new map of Infraestructuras Científico-Tecnológicas Singulares (ICTS), updated by the Council for Science Policy, Technology and Innovation on 7 October 2014, incorporates integrated production infrastructure and characterization of nanomaterials, biomaterials and biomedical systems (NANBIOSIS) . The new ICTS consists of the CIBER-BBN and the Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery Jesus Uson (CCMIJU).
Pablo Laguna, scientific director of the CIBER-BBN notes that “recognition is the result of efforts of both institutions to try to provide research services of high quality and added value, usually high-cost equipment, which is available to the community scientific, giving them greater and better use and avoiding costly and not always necessary redundancies. Furthermore, the fact that these infrastructures are coordinated by experts in their subject groups, makes the scope of these infrastructures exceeds the national to become an actor at the international level “.
The research infrastructure is aimed at medical applications and tries to provide a complete service and easy access through a “single window”, which includes the design, production of biomaterials and nanomaterials characterization of these materials, fabrics , medical and systems from a physical, chemical, functional, toxicological and biologically devices including preclinical validation.
NANBIOSIS has locations in Zaragoza, Badajoz, Barcelona, Caceres, Madrid, Valencia and Álava. Provides equipment and personnel in all the units in which infrastructure is organized, cross-cutting and dedication to service to the entire scientific community.
The new map of ICTS has 29 insfraestructuras and has been updated taking into account criteria of highest scientific quality, technology and innovation, infrastructure subjecting candidates to a rigorous process of independent evaluation. The ICTS are available to the scientific, technological and industrial, national and international community, are unique in its kind and has a capital and operating cost very high.