Merce Márquez Martínez
Dr. Merce Márquez Martínez with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology in 1998, followed by a Ph.D. in Biochemistry-Biophysics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 2003.
In 2003, she assumed responsibility for the Animal Tissue Bank of Catalonia (BTAC) at UAB. Alongside managing the repository of animal tissues, she specialized in veterinary neuropathology, resulting in several published works. From 2008, as a senior researcher at Priocat in CReSA-IRTA, she conducted studies in neuropathology associated with animal prion diseases. By 2010, she became the technical responsible of the Murine and Comparative Pathology Unit (UPMiC) at UAB, providing comprehensive histopathological diagnoses for laboratory animals.
Since 2016 she has been part of the Protein Production Platform (PPP) which is a scientific services laboratory of the UAB (PPP) and since 2014 it is part of the ICTS NANBIOSIS, this service is part of the Nanobiotechnology Group (NBT) at UAB and she is a member of CIBER-BBN. As technical coordinator she is specialized in producing and purifying recombinant proteins using diverse eukaryotic and prokaryotic expression systems.
As part of the Naobiotechonoloy group she is focused on designing, producing a purified proteins with the characteristics that are needed for later uses in research.
She has published 29 articles, 4 book chapters and 67 contributions to conferences and has co-directed a thesis. In 2015 she was accredited as lecturer teacher by the Agency for the Quality of the University System in Catalonia (AQU).
According to Scopus her scientific production include 34 publications, 18 ranked in Q1 and 7 of them ranked in D1, with 493 citations giving a h-index of 14.