MATERPLAT, the Spanish Technological Platform of Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials, emerged in 2008 as framework for meetings and collaborations between the different agents of the National Enterprise, Science and Technology System interested in promoting the research, development and application of advanced materials and nanomaterials.
On February 3, 2017 the leaders of the MATERPLAT Innovation Groups met to define the lines of action of the working groups during the year 2017. These groups are transportation, health, energy, raw materials, and cities Intelligent.
They were present, following the order of the photograph: Back row, from left to right: Luis Guaita (KERABEN), José Manuel Puente (ARCELORMITTAL), Marta Serrano (CIEMAT), Eduardo Troche (IMDEA MATERIALS), José Manuel Baena (REGEMAT3D), Rafael Domínguez (AIRBUS). Front row, from left to right: Emilio Nieto (CEINNMAT), Nerea Anacabe (TECNALIA), Jesus Izco (NANBIOSIS-CIBERBBN), Miguel Angel Rodiel (IMDEA MATERIALS), Jose Sánchez (AIRBUS), Carlos Mendoza (AIRBUS) and Alfonso Grande (REPSOL) (AIRBUS, REPSOL, AIMPLAS, KERABEN, CEINNMAT, ITC, CIEMAT, ARCELORMITTAL, CIBER-BBN, REGEMAT3D, TECNALIA and IMDEA MATERIALS). The meeting took place in Getafe (Madrid) in the seat of AIRBUS, entity that holds the presidency of MATERPLAT.
In the meeting the participants agreed as the main action of the Innovation Groups, the preparation of a document entitled “Technological Strategy of Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials – MATERPLAT”, which serves as a reference in the coming years to identify priorities and opportunities for R & D + i in the field of advanced materials and nanomaterials.