The aim of the quality certification obtained is to ensure the quality of the service provided and to continue with its improvement and extension to future services.
The Scientific and Technical Service for the characterization of nano and biomaterials, the Soft Lab, run by the Nanomol Research Unit of the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB, CSIC), and which is part of Unit 6 of the ICTS Nanbiosis, and CIBER-BBN, aims to offer characterization services of micro- and nanostructured soft molecular materials to the entire scientific community that requires them.
To this end, the Soft technical service has several laboratories at ICMAB equipped for the study of the stability of solutions, the study of particle size distribution, the determination of the density of porous solids, or the study of biomolecular interactions of materials, among others.
Following a series of audits that evaluated the Soft service’s characterization services, the service was awarded the ISO 9001:2015 quality certification at the end of 2021.
The ISO standard is the most widespread and recognised reference system for the implementation and certification of a quality management system, based on three axes: continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and involvement of all stakeholders.
The principles of quality management taken into account in the evaluation are: focus on the customers; management leadership; commitment with the people; process approach; continuous improvement; evidence-based decision making; relationship management.
Therefore, the Soft service is responsible, as reflected in the quality commitment agreement, for providing its services with the highest quality standards, and for the continuous monitoring of various indicators to assess the degree of compliance with the quality commitments, including the customer satisfaction degree. These statistics will be part of the corresponding quality reports and reviewed by the management team, as set out in the Soft/U6 Nanbiosis quality policy.
Congratulations to the Soft service and to all the Nanomol team for achieving this quality certification!

Soft Service ICMAB / U6 Nanbiosis