A new extraordinary deadline for admissions to the II MASTER ON ENDOSCOPY AND MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY IN SMALL ANIMALS has been set up, from 1st to 14th September. It is organised in collaboration with the Extremadura University ant takes place in Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre as affiliated entity, offering 60 ECTS-credits.Necessary requirements include having a Veterinary studies degree and a B1 English Certificate. The Master will be held during the academic calendar 2017-2018, according to the established program, that will promote the interaction with the students via an on-line training platform, the direct contact with professors and experts, as well as offering an open material repository.
The Master consists on 4 hands-on training sessions at the JUMISC’s, an external stage in one of our partners centre and the Master’s degree final project.
Further info: www.ccmijesususon.com/ceycmi2017