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Competitive calls 2025

 2025 Competitive Calls

1st competitive Call 

Dates: 1st January-31 th January

The number of order requests for NANBIOSIS services, received during this call, was 238, of which:

  • 164 proposals were granted and prioritized in Open Access modality. Of these competitive granted applications, 163 corresponded to 84 scientific research groups and 1 corresponded to a company.
  • 38 proposal were letf “on hold” for being considered Competitive Open Access. Applications on hold, shorlisted after the proposals accepted on Competitive Open Assess mode could be prioritized after them and  considered in Open and Compeititive Access mode in the event that the pervious applications are cancelled, till covering the 20% of the Unit capacity in Open and Compeititive Access mode. 
  • 36 proposals were accepted as Access on Demand

The execution of the accesses approved  will be carried out following the times asigned by each Unit (according the priorization list in the case of Competitive Open Access mode or agreed upon the Unit after the prioritized access is covered)

Once the access granted has been exercised, we will be grateful if users complete a brief satisfaction survey.


2nd competitive Call 

Dates: 1st June-30th June

Access protocol