CIBER Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (Consortium for Biomedical Research Network), one of the ICTS NANBIOSIS nodes to which 18 of its 26 units belong, presents the new institutional video “CIBER is Collaboration”
This video puts a face to the scientific activity of CIBER researchers and highlights CIBER capacity for synergy. CIBER researchers speak about the main research lines of its 13 subject areas and highlights the collaboration between its more than 500 groups and more than 6,000 researchers belonging to more than 100 institutions of different natures that make up CIBER: hospitals, research centers, universities, foundations, etc.
The ICTS NANBIOSIS, created between CIBER and the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center in 2014, (to which Bionand joined in 2019 as a third node), is a clear example of CIBER’s capacity for synergy, bringing together 3 nodes and 26 units or platforms research to provide cutting-edge solutions to the problems faced by researchers in bio and nanomedicine.
Likewise, the video highlights some of the most relevant CIBER projects as well as the importance of technology transfer and scientific dissemination.
The researcher Elisabeth Prats is one of the “faces” in the video. She is part of the NANBIOSIS Unit 8 Micro– Nano Technology Unit at IMB-CNM CSIC