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U26. NMR: Biomedical Applications II

U26. NMR: Biomedical Applications II

U26-E05 Bruker Avance III 400 WB spectrometer, with ultrashielded widemouth magnet (89 mm), 400 MHz (9.4 T), with two RF channels and high power amplifiers for solid-state experiments.


  • DVT 1H/BB Probe. 4mm multinuclear probe, with 1H channel and broadband channel with range frequency from 15N to 31P.
  • DVT 1H/BB Probe. 7mm multinuclear probe, with 1H channel and broadband channel with range frequency from 15N to 31P.
  • 2H lock channel for observing liquids.
  • PA BBOF Probe. 5mm direct multinuclear probe with broadband channel (range frequency from 15N to 31P) and additional observation of 19F.
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U26-E03. Bruker DRX500 spectrometer (11.7 T), and with three RF channels

11T NMR equipment with the following probes:

•• HR-MAS,
•• Cryoprobe, and
•• multinuclear probe with service for metabolomics for tissues, cell lines and biofluids.


  • BBOF Plus ATM. 1H/BB/19F direct multinuclear probe (5mm), with field gradients along the z axis, and automatic frequency tuning. Range of frequencies in the broadband channel from 15N to 31P.
  • TBI. 1H/BB/15N triple reverse probe (5mm), with field gradients along the z axis. Range of frequencies in the broadband channel from 15N to 31P.
  • BACS autosampler for 60 samples.
  • Accessory to control temperature, with air down to 5ºC. Liquid nitrogen evaporator for low temperature experiments.
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U26-E01. DRX-600 Bruker NM R equipment (14 Teslas)

DRX-600 Bruker NM R equipment (14 Teslas):

•• 4-channel electronic systems with applications in fluids, tissues, biomaterials and microimaging
•• Thermostating system for fluids and tissues, and for molecular imaging and microimaging
•• Set of coils: fluids 5 mm, micro-fluids 1 mm, tissues (High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning, HR-MAS) + pneumatic and microimaging system for 10, 5 and 2 mm.
•• 60 Amp GREAT unit for each X/Y/Z axis of the field gradients
•• 13C selective device with 1H decoupling.
•• 2D microcoil for 500 μm and 100 μm microsamples.
•• Refrigerated SampleJet autosampler with temperature control for 60 Samples

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