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U26. NMR: Biomedical Applications II

U26. NMR: Biomedical Applications II

U26-S06. Biomedical and metabolomic imaging

Biomedical and metabolomic imaging

The service is intended for obtaining images animals such as mice and rats. Longitudinal studies can be performed as well. Thanks to a pre-clinical 7 T nmr equipment equipped with a PET plug-in. Co-localized NMR-PET-CT imagens can be obtained.

Customer benefits

The service is integrated in the University of Valencia core facility that ensures the correct maintenance and the offsite service runed by technicians under ISO 9001.

Target customer

The primary audience are pre-clinic research groups that require punctual or longitudinal studies on such animals. Plant and food researchers can benefit from the fact that the equipment can acquire the image in vertical position preserving the natural flux of fluids in plants.

Additional information

Root growth of a maize plant in soil monitored over several days with MRI. Imaged published in https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.15.01388 under Creative Commons.
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U26-E07. MRS*DRYMAG3017-Flexiscan

Equipment Features:

Description: 3T preclinical imaging equipment with PET ClipOn attached.

Technical specifications: Imaging equipment with superconducting magnet, capable of varying the angle from 0 to 90º, without cryogenics of 3 Teslas; mouth diameter of 170mm; 600 mT/m gradients with 5% linearity; 30 mm DSV for Homogeneity and 0.05 ppm/hour for stability; 350 Kg of total weight.


Acquisition and viewing of in vivo images of mice and rats as well as other beings or materials of similar size.

  • Qualitative and quantitative studies (relaxation times T1 and T2 and even making maps) at the brain level and other organs.
  • Cardiological sequences: diffusion, determination of blood volume…
    Anatomical and functional studies of different organs (for example: renal, abdominal, liver…).
  • Bone-level imaging, distinguish between bone material from soft tissue.
    Fat suppression techniques.
  • Oncological studies to detect and locate tumors and volume calculation.
  • Carry out studies on fruits and vegetables (grapes, kiwi, tomato, seeds…).
  • Perform studies with/without contrast (Gadolinium) and see the differences between the 2 images.
  • Thanks to the possibility of rotating the equipment in a vertical position, images of plants can be obtained (because by their nature, they have to be in a vertical orientation, such as a stem).
  • Ex-vivo studies can also be carried out vertically and in this way we maintain the integrity of the organ (eg heart).
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U26-S05. Training Advice and assistance

Training Advice and assistance

The service is intended for assisting researchers that want to perform experiments onsite and require to adapt the equipment to perform special NMR experiments.

Customer benefits

The service is integrated in the University of Valencia core facility provides three experienced technicians in NMR to help and assist in the experiments.

Target customer

The primary audience are researchers looking for direct access to the equipment or with special requirements. Will attend also to less experienced people in NMR, demanding those solutions to their problems that NMR can provide.

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U26-S04. In vivo NMR of small animals (zebrafish,Drosophila)

In vivo NMR of small animals (zebrafish, Drosophila)

The service is intended for obtaining images of small animals such as zebrafish, Drosophila. Also longitudinal studies can be performed. Thanks to a 14 T NMR equipment equipped with a micro-image probe.

Customer benefits

The service is integrated in the University of Valencia core facility that ensures the correct maintenance and the offsite service runed by technicians under ISO 9001.

Target customer

The primary audience are pre-clinic research groups that require punctual or longitudinal studies on such small animals with high resolutions.

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U26-S03. Metabolomic Studies

Metabolomic Studies

The service is intended for undergoing metabolic studies. Thanks to a 14 T NMR equipment equipped with thermostatic automatic sampler.

Customer benefits

The service is integrated in the University of Valencia core facility that ensures the correct maintenance and the offsite service runed by technicians under ISO 9001.

Target customer

The primary audience are clinic groups that require massive metabolic studies for research either in plasma or urine or other biofluids.

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U26-S02. NMR experiments in solid state

NMR experiments in solid state

The service is intended for the determination of the structure of insoluble organic compounds, inorganic materials, nanomaterials, Studies of their modifications. Thanks to a 9.4 T solid NMR equipment.

Customer benefits

The service is integrated in the University of Valencia core facility that ensures the correct maintenance and the offsite service runed by two technicians under ISO 9001.

Target customer

The primary audience are groups working on materials or nanomaterials, enterprises that require solid nmr to performe quality control.

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U26-S01. Acquisition of mono and bidimensional spectra

Acquisition of mono and bidimensional spectra

The service is intended for the determination of the structure of organic compounds, metabolomics, diffusion studies. Thanks to a 11.7 T NMR equipment.

Customer benefits

The service is integrated in the University of Valencia core facility that ensures the correct maintenance and the option of offsite service runed by two technicians under ISO 9001.

Target customer

The primary audience is synthetic organic chemistry, enterprises that require nmr to performe quality control, other unknown materials that require elucidation such as synthetic abuse drugs.

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U26-E06. Gilson 215 liquid handler for automated sample preparation of liquid samples

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U26-E04. Bruker DPX300 spectrometer(7 T) with standard entrance, and two RF channels.

Routine equipment for obtaining spectra for the characterization of molecules in solution


  • 5mm QNP (1H, 13C, 31P and 19F), with pneumatic accessory for automatic nucleus change and field gradients along the z axis.
  • BACS autosampler for 60 samples.
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U26-E02. -NMR microscopy system for imaging Bruker 14T

  • Functional and metabolic studies in cells, tissues and animal models. Coils 2mm, 5mm and 10mm. Image of 1H, 13C and 31P.
  • Microcamera for its use in the NM R equipment for:
  • The simultaneous determination of structural images (dimensions and sections of 50 μm and less)
  • Metabolic images (voxel sizes < 200 μm) in model systems.
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