Oocyte holding in the Iberian red deer: Effect of initial oocyte quality and epidermal growth factor addition on in vitro maturation
José Mijares Gordún, and Francisco M. Sánchez Margallo, Scientific Director and Scientific Coordinator of NANBIOSIS U23. Asisted Reproduction, are co-authors of de article “Oocyte holding in the Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus): Effect of initial oocyte quality and epidermal growth factor addition on in vitro maturation“, published by Reproduction in Domestic Animals.
The scientists have demonstrated that oocyte holding can be used in Iberian red deer oocytes. Interestingly, EGF addition increases the oocytes’ meiotic competence in immediately matured oocytes but not after oocyte holding depending upon initial oocyte quality.
The investigation has been continued in the assisted reproduction laboratory of unit 23 of NANBIOSIS, equipped with two intracitoplasmatic micromanipulation equipment of the latest generation with IMSI, Laser and Oosight system, embryo biopsy systems, vision systems of the mitotic spindle, with flow cabinets with stereo-microscopes and heated plates, incubators with different gasses systems, equipment and cryopreservation freeze gamete and embryo, among others.
For further information: DOI: 10.1111/rda.13099