U15-E02. T1 and T2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry
T1 and T2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry:
Stelar SmarTRACER (Italy) + Bruker (Germany) 2 T electromagnet. Fast Field Cycling designed to measure longitudinal nuclear magnetic relaxation as a function of the magnetic field intensity. Measurements of the longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) time constants as a function of the Larmor frequency.
•• Measurement range: continuous measurement from 10 kHz (almost null field) to 10 MHz (0.25T) to obtain T1.
•• Measurement range: measurement from 10 MHz (0.25T) to 80MHz (1.9T) at desired intervals to obtain T1 and T2.
•• Inhomogeneity lower than 150 PPM.
•• Main pulse sequences implemented with the possibility of modifying parameters to the design and programming of new sequences.
•• Temperature control from -120°C to +140°C with accuracy and stability of 0.1°C.