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U12. Nanostructured liquid characterization unit – Equipment

U12. Nanostructured liquid characterization unit – Equipment

U12-E02. CytoViva Hyperspectral Imaging System (HSI)

U12-E02. CytoViva Hyperspectral Imaging System (HSI)

The instrument combines enhanced dark field optical microscopy with high resolution spectral imaging. These integrated technologies have been designed to allow optical observation and spectral characterization of nanomaterials and cell matrices. There is no need of sample preparation in advance or fluorescent labeling to observe or characterize spectroscopically nanomaterials in complex media.

Quantitative spectral analysis of nanomaterials, characterization of surfaces and functional groups bound to nanomaterials, spectral characterization of biological samples .

U12-E02. CytoViva Hyperspectral Imaging System (HSI)
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U12-E01. 3D cross-correlation dynamic light scattering (DLS) spectrometer

U12-E01. 3D cross-correlation dynamic light scattering (DLS) spectrometer

Photon Correlation Spectrometer (PCS) for dynamic (DLS) and static (SLS) light scattering measurements for angles in the 20-140º range and capacity of suppressing multiple scattering thanks to the 3D-cross correlation technology (down to 5% of transmission for sub-micrometer sample thickness). The instrument is equipped with a He-Ne laser and its software allows the estimation of particle size by Cumulant or CONTIN analysis. It is also possible to measure non-ergodic samples with a rotating sample holder.

Determination of particle size and shape, size distribution, etc. in colloid systems (e.g. solid dispersions, micelles, microemulsions, nano-emulsions, polymers, vesicles or liposomes) Estimation of molecular weight of polymers and interaction parameters (e.g. second virial coefficient). Estimation of gel transitions.

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