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U9-S02. Synthesis of nanoparticles by wet methods and microfluidic technology

Synthesis of nanoparticles by wet methods and microfluidic technology

This facility is able to draw on a wide range of nanoparticles fabrication techniques by wet chemical approaches including the use of co-precipitation techniques, light-assisted co-deposition methods, hydrothermal, solvothermal synthesis. It also entails the use of alternative microfluidic reactors to achieve a higher control and reproducibility of targeted nanoparticles.

Customer benefits

The customers will benefit from the expertise of researchers to synthesize a wide variety of nanomaterials and nanocomposites including polymeric, magnetic, plasmonic, core-shell, nanorods, nanostars, nanoalloys of noble metal, transition metal and inorganic oxides. Microfluidic technology can be also designed to optimize specific demands of continuous production or in situ encapsulation of cargoes of interest.

Target customer

Companies, nanoparticle suppliers and research groups can benefit from custom-designed delivery of an ample portfolio of nanoparticle designs that can be applied in biomedicine, sensing, toxicology, delivery, decontamination and energy applications.

Additional information

Selected References:

  1. M.C. Ortega-Liebana, J.L. Hueso, R. Arenal, J. Santamaria, Titania-coated gold nanorods with expanded photocatalytic response. Enzyme-like glucose oxidation under near-infrared-illumination, Nanoscale, 9 (2017) 1787-1792.
  2. B. Rubio-Ruiz, A.M. Perez-Lopez, L. Uson, M.C. Ortega-Liebana, T. Valero, M. Arruebo, J.L. Hueso, V. Sebastian, J. Santamaria, A. Unciti-Broceta, In Cellulo Bioorthogonal Catalysis by Encapsulated AuPd Nanoalloys: Overcoming Intracellular Deactivation, Nano Letters, 23 (2023) 804-811.

Related Research Projects:

CADENCE – Catalytic Dual-Function Devices Against Cancer
09/2017 – 08/2022. Funding Entity: European Union H2020 – Advanced Grant. PI: Jesus Santamaria


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U9-S01. Synthesis of nanoparticles by laser induced-pyrolysis

Synthesis of nanoparticles by laser induced-pyrolysis

The unit provides an automated system for the synthesis of nanoparticles using laser-induced pyrolysis of chemical precursors in gas and/or aerosol phase, which enables the generation of different type of nanoparticles. This service includes the possibility of selecting different feeding precursors either in gas, liquid or resuspended solids. The unit can also explore solid or liquid recollection of nanoparticles.

Customer benefits

This service can be quite convenient for generation of large quantities of magnetic or carbonaceous materials. It can be also ideal for custom-designed configurations of hybrid composites containing first and second transition metal oxides.

Target customer

This service is designed to supply nanoparticles for biomedical applications, including diagnosis and sensing. Research groups interested in generating large quantities for in vivo experiments, nanotoxicology or energy related applications are ideal customers.

Additional information

Selected References:

  1. A. Madrid, G. Martinez, F. Hornos, J. Bonet-Aleta, E. Calvo, A. Lozano, J.L. Hueso, Laser-induced tuning of carbon nanosensitizers to maximize nitrogen doping and reactive oxygen species production in the visible range, Catalysis Today, 422 (2023).
  2. G. Martinez, A. Malumbres, A. Lopez, R. Mallada, J.L. Hueso, J. Santamaria, Laser-Assisted Production of Carbon-Encapsulated Pt-Co Alloy Nanoparticles for Preferential Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide, Frontiers in Chemistry, 6 (2018).
  3. G. Martinez, A. Malumbres, R. Mallada, J.L. Hueso, S. Irusta, O. Bomati-Miguel, J. Santamaria, Use of a polyol liquid collection medium to obtain ultrasmall magnetic nanoparticles by laser pyrolysis, Nanotechnology, 23 (2012).

Selected Research Projects:

  1. Laser Pyrolysis For The Development Of Inorganic Nanoparticles –10/2017 – 09/2018. Funding Entity: TEIJIN LIMITED. PI: Jesús Santamaría
  2. PID2020-114926RB-I00: Generación asistida por láser de catalizadores de átomos aislados. Aplicaciones en energía, medio ambiente y salud. 09/2021 – 08/2024. Funding Entity: AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN PI: Jesús Santamaría


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U8-S02. Electrochemical and electrical characterization of the above mentioned microelectrodes (On-site&Remote) OUTSTANDING

Electrochemical and electrical characterization of the above mentioned microelectrodes (On-site&Remote) OUTSTANDING

Complete electrochemical and electrical characterization of microelectrode arrays in either rigid or flexible substrates.

Customer benefits

Adaptable platform for electrical characterization of microelectrodes to meet customer needs

Target customer

Research groups and SMEs


  • Guimerà A, Illa X et al., Biomed Microdevices 15 (2013) 849-858
  • Suarez-Perez A et al., Front Neurosci-Switz 12 (2018) 862
  • Capone C et al., Cereb Cortex 29 (2019) 319-335
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U8-S01. Design, fabrication and encapsulation of microelectrodes (based on gold or platinum) on different rigid (Si, SiC or Pyrex) or flexible polymeric substrates

Design, fabrication and encapsulation of microelectrodes (based on gold or platinum) on different rigid (Si, SiC or Pyrex) or flexible polymeric substrates

Design and fabrication of microelectrode arrays in either rigid or flexible substrates.

Customer benefits

  • Flexibility on design rules.
  • Short delivery times.

Target customer

Research groups and SMEs


  • Guimerà A, Illa X et al., Biomed Microdevices 15 (2013) 849-858
  • Suarez-Perez A et al., Front Neurosci-Switz 12 (2018) 862
  • Capone C et al., Cereb Cortex 29 (2019) 319-335
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U7-S09. Thin layer deposition

Thin layer deposition

The Thin Film Deposition service of U7, allows the integration of microelectronics in biomedical devices. Having four different deposition sources, being resistive evaporation, electron beam evaporation, DC sputtering and RF sputtering, this is a versatile equipment, due to the wide range of deposition techniques and materials available (Ti, Cr, Cu, Au, Al, ITO, SiOx and AlOx).

Customer benefits

Our Thin Film Deposition service benefits from being part of a bioengineering-specialized research centre, providing wide knowledge in the main applications of these methods and materials in the field of bioengineering. We offer custom services, assuring close and direct interaction with the client, to meet conclusive results and high-quality needs.

Target customer

Our target customers are researchers in the field of bioengineering and microelectronics, or R&D departments of biotech companies which want to test include microelectronics in their biomedical prototypes or devices.

Additional information

Imagen que contiene oscuro, verde, luz

Descripción generada automáticamente
Sputtered gold electrodes (100 nm thick), on a cover slip glass substrate. Image given by Dr. Mònica Mir from the “Nanobioengineering group” at IBEC.

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U7-S08. Fabrication of Chromium masks

Fabrication of Chromium masks

The Chromium mask fabrication service of U7 allows obtaining 5 inches chromium photomasks, with resolution as small as 1 µm for UV photolithography processes. The fabrication of high-resolution photomasks in-house, allows to speed up critical processes requiring masking and to have direct assistance in design for the targeted application.

Customer benefits

Our Chromium mask fabrication service benefits from being part of a bioengineering-specialized research centre, providing wide knowledge in the main applications of these masks in the field of bioengineering, as well as the main techniques that require the use of these type of masks. We offer custom services, assuring close and direct interaction with the client, to meet conclusive results and high-quality needs.

Target customer

Our target customers are researchers in the field of bioengineering or R&D departments of biotech companies which want to test biomedical devices or microstructured surfaces with bioengineering applications.

Additional information

Cr Mask for the fabrication of microfluidic devices.

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U7-S04. Lytography by e-beam

Lytography by e-beam

An electron beam lithography service allows the fabrication of structures at the nanoscale. By using a combination of different type of electron-sensitive resists, a variety of surfaces with special interest in bioengineering can be processed locally, from metallic to insulators.

Customer benefits

Our electron beam lithography service allows our customers, to locally modify a surface at the nanoscale to study submicron systems.

Target customer

Our target customers are researchers in the field of bioengineering or R&D departments of biotech companies, which want to test models, perform proves of concept, prototypes, etc. at the submicron-scale.

Additional information

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U7-S03. Characterization by SEM

Characterization by SEM

The Scanning Electron Microscopy service of U7 is specialized in the high-resolution imaging of different samples in the bioengineering field. We can investigate surface morphology and topography of biological samples, polymeric structures and tissue, but also of semiconducting materials, inorganic heterostructures, etc. which are commonly related to biomedical devices and/or biomaterials. We provide advice in the preparation of the samples, as well as assistance in their characterization.

Customer benefits

Our SEM service benefits from being part of a bioengineering-specialized research centre, providing wide knowledge in the treatment and imaging of biological samples, devices and biomaterials. We offer custom services, assuring close and direct interaction with the client, to meet conclusive results and high-quality needs.

Target customer

Our target customers are researchers in the field of bioengineering or R&D departments of biotech companies which want to test, characterize, or compare different samples or prototypes.

Additional information

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U6-S11. Specific density of powders (On-site&Remote) OUTSTANDING

Specific density of powders

Volume and density measurement of porous solids and powders.
Fully automated gas pycnometer, for the measurement of volume and density of powders, granular materials, and solid objects. Typical applications include: porous materials such as catalysts and activated carbons, pharmaceuticals and excipients , foods (raw, refined and end products), ceramics and refractory materials, geological samples (soils, rocks, sediments), building materials (concrete, cement), polymers and composites.
The equipment for this purpose is Ultrapyc 1200e Helium Pycnometer (Quantachrome Instruments).

Customer benefits

The equipment provides density measurements of solids and powders for customers who need to characterise this property and add value to their materials.

Target customer

Universities, public research organisations and pharmacological and chemical industries.

Additional information

Z:\Amable\LABORATORIO\SOFT\soft\web\fotos equipos\FOT\DSC02054.JPG

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U6-S12. Packed (tapped) density (On-site) OUTSTANDING

Packed (tapped) density

Each particle of a solid material has effectively the same true density regardless of size or shape, but more or less geometric space is occupied by the material according to the relative particle-particle cohesion and mechanical interference. That is, the apparent bulk densities of powdered, granular or flaked materials are highly dependent on the manner in which the particles are packed together. Furthermore, handling or vibration of particulate material causes the smaller particles to work their way into the spaces between the larger particles. The geometric space occupied by the powder decreases and its density increases; ultimately no further natural particle packing takes place without the addition of pressure and maximum particle packing is achieved.
The equipment for this purpose is Autotap (Quantachrome Instruments).

Customer benefits

The equipment provides tapped density measurements of powders for customers who need to characterise this property and add value to their materials.

Target customer

Universities, public research organisations and industries.

Additional information

Z:\Amable\LABORATORIO\SOFT\soft\web\fotos equipos\FOT\DSC02737.JPG

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