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News U9

Impactful research with NANBIOSIS participation in the Poster Tour of CIBER-BBN & CIBEREHD Annual Conference.

2023 CIBER-BBN Annual meeting has taken place at Santemar Hotel, in Santander during November 6-7. This year the format of our annual conferences has been changed towards a collective event scheme between the CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD thematic areas.

  • On Monday 6 the scientific sessions werecommon for EHD and BBN, with appealing contents for the mixed audience.
  • On Tuesday 7 EHD and BBN sessions will specific for each area in separate rooms (with common coffee break).

Posters of both areas were on display in the exhibit hall throughout the entirety of the Annual Meeting.

Moreover, at the “Posters & beers” session (Monday 6th: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.) poster tours were organized where attendees could cast their vote for the best poster and use this one-on-one time with presenters to learn more, ask juicy questions and discuss their work. At 8:00 p.m., the awards ceremony took place for the best oral communication and best poster by young authors – for each area.

It was an impactful information sessions on research carried out by the groups of CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD thematic areas.

The poster session is always a popular feature at CIBER-BBN Annual Meeting for acknowledgment NANBIOSIS units’ participation in the research carried out during the year. These are the works presented in 2023:

Targeted nanotoxin for the selective depletion of CXCR4+ cancer cells and immune cell recruitment in a colorectal cancer mouse model. Luis Miguel Carrasco-Díaz, Naroa Serna, Eric Voltà-Durán, Ugutz Unzueta, Esther Vázquez, Antonio Villaverde, Patricia Álamo, Lorena Alba-Castellón, Ramón Mangues. With participation of NANBIOSIS Units U1 Protein Production Platform (PPP) and U18 Nanotoxicology Unit . (Contact:

Improvement of the biodistribution of GLA enzyme by RGD-functionalized nanoGLA in a Fabry mouse model.
Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Marc Moltó Abad, Daniel Marijuan, Belen García Prats, Judit Tomsen Melero, Elisabet González Mira, Jose Luis Corchero, Andreu Soldevila, Miriam Royo, Alba Córdoba, Nora Ventosa, Guillem Pintos Morell, Simo Schwartz , Ibane Abasolo. With participation of the NANBIOSIS units U20 FVPR-In Vivo Experimental Platform, U3 Synthesis of Peptides Unit and U6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit. (Contact:

An auristatin-based nanoconjugate induces apoptosis and inhibits the bone marrow leukemia burden in an acute myeloid leukemia mouse model. Annabel Garcia-León, Julián I. Mendoza, Ariana Rueda, Luis Carlos Navas, Vanessa Huaca, Ugutz Unzueta, Jorge Sierra, Esther Vázquez, Antonio Villaverde, Ramon Mangues, Isolda Casanova. With participation of NANBIOSIS Units U1 Protein Production Platform (PPP) and U18 Nanotoxicology Unit. (Contact: agarciale@santpau.cat)

FVPR/U20-NANBIOSIS Service Platform: from the Synthesis and Characterization of Nanotechnology-based Therapies, to the in vitro and in vivo Preclinical Validation. Diana Rafael, Zamira V. Diaz Riascos, Belén García, Alejandra Palacios, Sandra Mancilla, Laura Garcia, Ibane Abasolo. Description of NANBIOSIS Unit 20 FVPR-In Vivo Experimental Platform. (Contact: diana.fernandes_de_so@vhir.org)

Non-Viral Vector Development for Gene Therapy in the Treatment of Congenital Liver Metabolic Diseases Lucía Enríquez Rodríguez, Isabel Carbonell Simón, Idoia Gallego Garrido, Virginia Nieto Romero, Iván Maldonado Pérez, Aida Garcia Torralba, Gustavo Puras Ochoa, Miruna Giurgiu, Jose Carlos Segovia Sanz, María García Bravo, Oscar Quintana Bustamante, José Luis Pedraz Muñoz. With participation of NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation unit. (Contact: lucia.enriquez@ehu.eus)

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Analysis of Nitrogen Environment in Small Extracellular Vesicle Membranes: A Potential Novel Technique with Application for Cancer Screening.
Ana Martín-Pardillos, María Sancho-Albero , Silvia Irusta , Víctor Sebastián , Vicente Luis Cebolla , Roberto Pazo-Cid , Pilar Martín-Duque , Jesús Santamaría. With participation of NANBIOSIS U9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit. (Contact: a.martin_pardillos@unizar.es)

Nanoparticle-based approach for blood-brain-barrier crossing and glioblastoma treatment. Júlia German-Cortés, Raquel Herrero, Diana Rafael, Ibane Abasolo, Fernanda Andrade. With participation of NANBIOSIS Unit 20 FVPR-In Vivo Experimental Platform. (Contact: fernanda.silva@vhir.org)

Exploiting mammalian cells for recombinant protein production: an improved protocol for transient gene expression. Aida Carreño Fibla, Roger Fernández Palomeras, José Luis Barra, Rosa Mendoza Moreno, Mercedes Márquez Martínez, Neus Ferrer-Miralles, Antonio Villaverde Corrales, José Luis Corchero Nieto. With participation of NANBIOSIS Units U1 Protein Production Platform (PPP). (Contact:jlcorchero@ciber-bbn.es)

Surface characterization of a PLA/Qr/Mg biocomposite after in vitro degradation in m-SBF. Juan Manuel Casares-López, Margarita Hierro-Oliva, Verónica Luque-Agudo, Amparo M. Gallardo-Moreno, María Luisa González-Martín. With participation of Unit 16 Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit (Contact: mlglez@unex.es)

The poster session was an effective forum for the exchange of information and a means to communicate ideas

Related news:

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Jesús Santamaría, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 9, elected foreign member of the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Science et Lettere

Jesús Santamaría, Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Zaragoza, has been elected a foreign member of the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Science et Lettere, in its division of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Chemistry section.

This institution was originally founded by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1797, as the National Institute of the Cisalpine Republic, in charge of collecting discoveries and perfecting the arts and sciences, following the model of the Institut de France. Napoleon himself appointed the first members of the Institute and its first president, Alesssandro Volta, Italian chemist and physicist, famous primarily for the discovery of methane in 1776 and the invention and development of the electric battery in 1799 .

Today the Istituto Lombardo depends on the Italian Ministry of Culture with headquarters in the Brera Palace, and has maintained its founding task of contributing to “issues related to education and public welfare. It currently develops a wide program of activities, including support for research in the fields of action of the institution, numerous events and public conferences, as well as its publications and the management of its famous archives and library.

Among the members who have belonged to the Istituto Lombardo are, in addition to Napoleon himself and Volta, the poet Vincenzo Monti, the writer and politician Alessandro Manzoni, the philosopher Carlo Cattaneo and the cleric Achille Ratti, future Pope Pius XI, as well as several Nobel Prize winners. : Camillo Golgi (Medicine), Giosuè Carducci (Literature), Giulio Natta (Chemistry) and Eugenio Montale (Literature).

Professor Santamaría has a long and profuse career in the academic and scientific field, with 370 published articles, 35 doctoral theses supervised, 26 patents and participation in 18 European projects, including two of the prestigious Advanced Grants from the European Research Council (ERC),. Jesús Santamaría is the Principal Investigator of the NFP (Nanostructured Films and Particles) research group, that belongs to the Aragon Institute of Materials and Nanoscience (INMA), CSIC-UNIZAR joint center, the Aragon Health Research Institute (IIS Aragon), and the Biomedical Research Center in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN). He is also the Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U9 “Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit” since its creatrion in 2007 by UNIZAR and CIBER-BBN, recognized by the Spanish Governmen as “Unique Scientific and Technical Infraestructure” (ICTS in Spanish) .

Santamaría has been director of the Samca Chair of Nanotechnology, deputy director of the Unizar Nanoscience Institute of Aragon and editor of the Chemical Engineering Journal. He has carried out postdoctoral research stays at the University of Notre Dame and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), both in the United States.

His current research topics include the development of new methods for the synthesis of nanomaterials, and applications of the synthesized materials in medicine, photo-assisted catalysis, microwave catalysis, molecular recognition sensing, and nanosafety.

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Researchers of two NANBIOSIS units success in the Third Millennium Awards

Researchers of two NANBIOSIS units success in the Third Millennium Awards: the Young Research Talent award to Julia Ramirez (NANBIOSIS U27) and the Research and Future Award to the NFP group (NANBIOSIS U9)

Last November 8, four initiatives received the highest award in the eighth edition of the HERALDO contest Third Millennium Awards which represent the recognition of the Aragonese community from the youngest to the most consolidated trajectories in knowledge transfer, innovation, and scientific dissemination.

The Paraninfo of the University of Zaragoza hosted this event in which researchers CIBER-BBN – NANBIOSIS were recognised this year:

The Films and Nanostructured Particles (NFP) group of INMA and CIBER-BBN, directed by Jesús Santamaría and coordinating NANBIOSIS U9 “Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit“, was recognised with the Research and Future Award: Manufacturing drugs inside tumors.

Julia Ramírez, from the BSiCoS group of the I3A and CIBER-BBN, coordinator of unit 27 “High Performance Computing Unit” of NANBIOSIS, received the “Young Research Talent” award for her work in the biomedical signal processing.

The Third Millennium Awards’ objective is to recognize the work of people, research centers and groups, institutions and companies in Aragon in three main axes:

Innovation:  Technological Innovation Award

Divulgation:  Best Science and Technology Dissemination Initiative


– Young Research Talent Awards

– Transfer of Science and University to Business Award

– Research and future award

Julia Ramirez

During her doctorate at Unizar (2017), she developed a methodology to quantify morphological variations in the electrocardiogram (ECG). This quantification led to the T-wave morphology restoration (TMR) index, which was shown to be a stronger predictor of sudden cardiac death than standard clinical indices.

After her doctorate, she moved to work at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in London. This was a key point in her research career because she broadened her knowledge in engineering, gaining experience in genetics and bioinformatics. During those years, she obtained two highly competitive European Postdoctoral Fellowships: a WHRI-Academy Cofund (2017) and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie (2018). In recognition of her work, in April 2020, QMUL promoted her to Lecturer in Genetics and Cardiovascular Data Science.

Since January of this year, Julia Ramírez has been back in Zaragoza thanks to a María Zambrano International Talent Attraction Scholarship, giving up the highly competitive Category 2 Talent Attraction of the Community of Madrid, which she had also been awarded. In total, the researcher from Zaragoza has contributed to her field of research with 32 peer-reviewed publications in different disciplines, including bioengineering, cardiology and genetics (13 of her as first author).

In her speech recognized “being in a happy moment”, for being back in Zaragoza, “being away is not always easy” and also for collecting an award for her work that always motivates her to continue forward in a career as the researcher, long and complicated.

The Films and Nanostructured Particles (NFP) group:

«This initiative is the work of many people. It has been a fantastic trip”, said Jesús Santamaría, Principal researcher of the NFP Group

The NFP of the Group was created in 2007 by researchers from different backgrounds, with the aim of concentrating efforts in the development and application of nanostructured materials with an emphasis on nanoparticles, nanoporous interfaces and hybrid systems. Its members have made pioneering developments in the synthesis of nanomaterials and their application in fields ranging from medicine to energy and the environment.

The award recognised the group’s work in the cancer research throughout the project CADENCE (Catalytic Dual-Function Devices Against Cancer), that aims to find a new way to fight this disease, avoiding the problems associated with conventional chemotherapy and its devastating side effects. Three fundamental problems had to be solved. First, developing suitable catalysts (catalytic nanoparticles) capable of operating inside a tumour and manufacturing toxic molecules there. Alternatively, nanoparticles can operate in other ways (by heating remotely) and also produce tumour death. It is also necessary to selectively deliver these catalysts to the tumour, avoiding their accumulation in other organs. Finally, these catalysts must be selectively activated inside the tumour. The answers obtained to each of these problems have opened new paths in the fight against cancer: Catalysts capable of manufacturing toxic substances from within the tumour are used, minimising their diffusion through the body.

This research was funded for five years through an ERC Advanced Grant project endowed with 2.5 million euros. The ERC Advanced Grants are the most prestigious European projects, awarded by the European Research Council in a highly competitive international competition.

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1st Nanomedicine Forum of CIBER-BBN/NANBIOSIS and CSIC Nanomed Conection

During the days 30 of June and 1st of July took place in Barcelona, in the auditorium of the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), the 1st Forum on Nanomedicine gathering scientists from the CSIC net Nanomed Conection and from the CIBER-BBN and its ICTS NANBIOSIS.

This forum brought toguether researchers from the most eminent national research centers in nanomedicine, that during the two days meeting presented their works and findings and discussed the impact of nanomedicine in the fields of drug delivery, diagnosis and therapy.

The workshop was open by the Director of IQAC-CSIC,  Jesús Joglar, the  Scientific Coordinator of Nanomed Conection, Fernando Herranz, and the Scientific Director of CIBER-BBN, Ramón Martínez Máñez.

18 research groups gave their talks distributed in four sessions:

  • Nanobiotechnological solutions for diagnosis and therapy
  • Drug delivery nanosystems
  • Applications for oncology 
  • Nanomedicine & other frontier applications

The presentations aroused great interest and futher debate among the attendees present in the auditorium (around 50) and the on line participants (The event was also broadcast online previous registration with more than 125 registrations received).

The videos of the presentations will be soon available in the NANBIOSIS youtube channel.

Here we highlight the eight talks by researchers from NANBIOSIS units:

The first session of Nanobiotechnological solutions for diagnosis and therapy,  started  with the talk by Montserrat Rodríguez from Nb4D group NANBIOSIS U2 CAbS, from CIBER-BBN and IQAC-CSIC, entitled “Targeting aromatic amino acid metabolism for the early diagnosis of neurological diseases”, presenting their results on in vitro samples, on thermal power characterization experiments to study the thermal efficiency of non-sinusoidal stimulation and on efficiency characterization experiments in cell cultures with cancer cell liness.

Also in this session chaired by Miriam Royo, Scientific Coordinator of NANBIOSIS U3 Synthesis of Peptides Unit of  CIBER-BBN and IQAC-CSIC,  took place an interesting and passionate talk by Ramón Eritja, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U29 Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform (OSP)

In the last years, interest in therapeutic applications of oligonucleotides has increased enormously, especially after the development of messenger RNA vaccines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this way, metabolic diseases such as dyslipidemia and hereditary diseases such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy have been successfully addressed. The NANBIOSIS  Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform (OSP) focuses on the design, synthesis and characterization of modified oligonucleotides, in order to enhance the therapeutic properties of the oligonucleotides and to improve the control of gene expression. Ramon Eritja presented their most recent results in the development of new conjugates with antiproliferative activity and in the design of DNA probes for the detection of viral genomes.


In the session of “Nanomedicine and other frontiers applications”, chaired by María del Puerto Morales Herrero (ICMM-CSIC), Elena Martínez Fraiz,  from the Nanobioengineering group of CIBER-BBN and IBEC running NANBIOSIS Unit 7 of Nanotechnology, presented  a nanostructured surface able to produce multivalent effects of surface-bound ephrinB1 ligands on the dynamics of oligomerization of EphB2 receptors  whic can benefit applications such as the design of new bioactive materials and drug-delivery systems.

The session of Drug delivery nanosystems, chaired by Ramón Martínez Máñez, began with the talk by Vanessa Díaz Riascos, presesnting the in vivo efficacy, biodistribution and toxicity testing of nanomedicines at NANBIOSIS U20 FVPR, of CIBER-BBN and VHIR, explaining how their texting expertise and their in vivo and ex vivo fluorescence imaging techniques facilitate a rapid and efficient preclinical development of candidates, reducing considerably the time and costs of conventional developments.

Santiago Grijalvo Torrijo, from NANBIOSIS U12 Nanostructured liquid characterization unit expoke about Nano-emulsion-derived polymeric carriers for biomedical applications also discussing the impact of the protein corona on colloidal stability, antioxidant activities, cytotoxicity and cellular uptake of drug-loaded nanoparticles.

Antoni Llopis Lorente, (NANBIOSIS U26 NMR: Biomedical Applications II), expoke about Gated silica nanoparticles for controlled release. Chemical communication, based on the exchange of molecules as messengers, allows different entities to share information, cooperate and orchestrate collective behaviors. Communication using chemical messengers (such as neurotransmitters, hormones and pheromones) is the main way of communication across the natural world; yet engineering chemical communication between micro/nanosystems is a key emergent topic in micro/nanotechnology, biomimicry and related areas. Santiago explainined recent progress by their group in the development of engineered particles for chemical communication and nanomedicine applications.

And closing the session, Mariana Köber (Nanomol Group –NANBIOSIS U6 of Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit  from CIBER-BBN and ICMAB-CSIC) gave a talk on Quatsomes as versatile nanovesicles for biomedical applications.

In the session of Applications for Oncology, Pilar Martín Duque from NFP group – NANBIOSIS U9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit of CIBER-BBN and INMA-CSIC, gave a very interesting talk explained their approach and recent progress on the search of trojan horses for an improved theragnosis of cancer.

Here we want to thank the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC) for hosting this event and for the help in its preparation and development.

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Wide representation of NANBIOSIS research in NALS 2022 and best Oral Presentation to Eloi Parladé

During the last 27-29 April, the 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences 2022 (NALS 2022) has taken place in the Excellence Campus of Universidad de Cantabria in Santander (Spain), organized by the University of Cantabria and Institute Valdecilla-IDIVAL.

NALS 2022 has been a multidisciplinary conference series sharing new results and ideas in the fields of biosensors, lab on a chip, drug delivery nanopharmacy. nanobiotechnology, intelligent nanomaterials, magnetic materials, nanotoxicity, antimicrobials, novel applications of 3d bioprinting and nanoimaging.

NANBIOSIS has been represented at this edition by members of several of its units, among them we must highlight the set of four oral communication presented by members of the Nanobiotechnology group-Unit 1 of NANBIOSIS “Protein Production Platform (PPP)”, from CIBER-BBN and IIB-UAB the talks were delivered by:

Eloi Parladé: “Development of ion-dependent microscale secretory granules for nanomedical applications

Carlos Martínez-Torró: “Design of a human GFP-like protein scaffold for targeted nanomedicines

Eric Voltá Durán: “Antitumoral nanoparticles with multiple activities, a close reality

Jan Atienza-Garriga: “Characterization of protein-only NPs containing amps and analysis of their protection with liposomes and micelles

They summarized a wide area of the team activities on the design of protein-based protein materials for clinical uses, produced by means of diverse types of cell factories. In particular, antimicrobial peptides, cytotoxic proteins with antitumoral targeting and drug-carrying scaffold proteins are engineered to confer self-assembling properties as either microparticles or nanoparticles, that can be further functionalized with chemical drugs through covalent binding. Microparticles are of special interest as they can be used as slow drug delivery systems for nanostructured drugs upon subcutaneous administration. Alternatively, nanoparticles can be also presented as embedded in liposomes or other micellar structures that stabilize them for enhanced performance.

Three NANBIOSIS units supported the presented research, which has been executed in a highly cooperative way: namely U1 (Protein Production Platform), led by Tony Villaverde U18 (Nanotoxicology), led by Ramón Mangues and U29 (Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform), led by Ramón Eritja.

Among all the excellent contributions by the team, it is worthy to stress that the prize for the best Oral Presentation was granted to Dr Eloi Parladé.

Other talk by researchers from NANBIOSIS were “Antioxidant-loaded polymeric NPs prepared by nano-emulsion templating for the management of neurological diseases” by Santiago Grijalvo, from NANBIOSIS U12 and  “Exploiting GSH oxidation with nanocatalysts to promote cancer cell death” by Javier Bonet-Aletá from NANBIOSIS U9

On the other hand, Jesús Santamaría,  Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U9 was a Keynote Speaker in the Conference with the talk: “A change of paradigm in cancer therapy? Using catalysts to make drugs inside the tumor, rather than trying systemic chemotherapy”

NALS 2022 has been an excellent conference, with presentations covering a wide range of topics in nanomaterials for health, and a great opportunity for our researchers, especially for young’s, to let know their collaborative work, as well as make new connections on common research interests, thanks to the good socializing opportunities afforded by the scheduling of the organization conference.

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Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized by NANBIOSIS U9 will destroy tumor cells without drugs

A CIBER-BBN team at the University of Zaragoza has developed intelligent shuttles (cell vesicles -exosomes-) to transfer nanoparticles to the interior of tumor cells and destroy them by means of heat and without drugs, following the “Trojan horse” strategy.

NANBIOSIS U9, “Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit has developed the procedure to be able to internalize gold nanoparticles, with surface plasmon in the NIR electromagnetic range, inside extracellular vesicles derived from stem cells. The synthesis of the gold nanoparticles has been produced according to the synthesis procedures of UNIT 9 of the ICTS NANBIOSIS based on the galvanic substitution reaction in the liquid phase of Co atoms by Au+3 ions, generating a hollow structure whose geometry gives gold nanoparticles unique optical properties that allow the absorption of NIR light and its conversion into heat” , explain the researchers of NANBOSIS U9 Pilar Martín-Duque, Victor Sebastián and Jesús Santamaría.

They are gold nanoparticles belonging to what is known as “plasmonic nanoparticles” that have the ability to heat up when receiving near-infrared radiation, which penetrates the body. It is, therefore, a treatment without drugs, which uses the heat generated by the particles to cause cell death around them. These particles are taken to the tumor by exosomes, having been proved efectived in animal models.

“We have managed to reduce or eliminate tumors in mice without drugs, only with the heat generated by irradiating them with a laser. In other words, we inject the exosomes with the nanoparticles into the tail of the mouse and they alone “search” for the tumor, not only in conventional models but also in multinodular ones, similar to metastatic processes”, explains Pilar Martín Duque.

For futher information:


Article of reference:

Transfer of photothermal nanoparticles using stem cell derived small extracellular vesicles for in vivo treatment of primary and multinodular tumors. María Sancho-Albero, Miguel Encinas-Giménez, Víctor Sebastián, Estela Pérez, Lluis Luján, Jesús Santamaría, Pilar Martín-Duque Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 2022 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jev2.12193

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Colloidal nanocrystals for energy applications

Semiconductors are materials used in a wide ranfe of applications since they are capable of capturing light and allowing us to take advantage of it. In addition, if we reduce its size to the nanometric scale we can activate additional very interesting properties

On October 16, “Technoscience and Energy” took place in Inseec, Lyon (France), a science-industry transfer event between French and Spanish companies and researchers from the energy sector in France. Among the invited speakers was María Bernechea Navarro, ARAID Investigator, at the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon at University of Zaragoza-INMA.

In her talk, entitled “COLLOIDAL NANOCRYSTALS FOR ENERGY APPLICATIONS”, María Bernechea showed the development of nanomaterials stabilized in solution (to facilitate working with them), composed of abundant and non-toxic elements, as well as their use in various applications related to clean energy.

“We synthesize colloidal nanosemiconductors that are used for different applications. We mainly use these nanomaterials to harvest solar light and convert it into electrical current (solar cells) or remove pollutants in wastewater (using the materials as photocatalysts). More recently we have started to study the incorporation of these materials on carbon supports to fabricate electrodes that can be used in electrochemical storage devices (batteries or supercapacitors). These nanosemiconductors are fabricated at the NANBIOSIS U9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit of CIBER-BBN and the INMA”, has explained María.

Last October 29, María Bernechea gave also a talk at the Faculty of Sciences of La Coruña entitled, “Colloidal Nano-Semiconductors for solar cells and other applications” that is avalilable in youtube. Dr. Bermechea expressly thanked the access to the ICTS NANBIOSIS for the development of these semiconductors.

Article of reference: Aina, S., Villacampa, B., Bernechea, M., Earth-abundant non-toxic perovskite nanocrystals for solution processed solar cells, Mater. Adv., 2021, 2, 4140 [DOI]

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New project ExofluidTT for the production of nanovesicles using microfluidics applicable on Biomedicine

Víctor Sebastián Cabeza, researcher of NANBIOSIS U9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles of CIBER-BBN and the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragón, INMA, has obtained a research grant in the XX National Contest of the Ramón Areces Foundation in the category of Life and Matter Sciences with a funding of € 112,000 for the development in 3 years of nanovesicles using microfluidic technology.

As explained by Victor Sebastian “the characterization of the nanovesicles will be carried with the equiment and expertise of NANBIOSIS Unit 9

The project entitled “Engineering of extracellular vesicles-exosomes using microfluidic technology for its application in biomedicine: ExoFluidTT” aims to develop new procedures to improve the selectivity and efficiency of therapeutic treatments, such as, for example, cancer. The nanocarriers considered in ExoFluidTT are called exosomes and are nano-sized extracellular vesicles, produced by the patient’s own cells and whose structure and composition is so complex that their production by synthetic procedures is not possible. The application of these vesicles is creating a revolution in cellular treatments, since they allow to face the problems in which artificial nanocarriers fail. However, its clinical use is complex, due to the difficulty of its production, isolation and reconfiguration for the treatment of diseases.

The ExoFLuidTT project aims to design an innovative platform based on the use of exosomes for its application in targeted therapies. The basis of this innovative platform is based on the use of microfluidic technology to obtain the exosomes of the patient’s cells. These exosomes would be isolated for their reconfiguration aimed at obtaining nanocarriers that allow the administration of drugs in a targeted manner. This microfluidic technology consists of a complex system of pipes and micrometric-scale reactors (similar to the dimensions of a human hair) that mimic the highly efficient network of blood capillaries that the human body has, so that, in an efficient way, they can be manipulate volumes of fluid on the scale of picoliters (one millionth of a drop).

This project is based on the previous experience of Víctor Sebastián Cabeza in the development of microfluidic technology for multiple uses in Catalysis, Materials Engineering and Nanobiomedicine, as well as the experience of his work team, ExoFLuidTT, in the use of exosomes as therapeutic nanocarriers. This team has recently published a study where they were able to successfully develop exosomes modified with palladium nanosheets for the selective activation of prodrugs in-vitro and to treat tumor cells selectively. The results of this work were published in the prestigious journals Nature Catalysis and Nature Protocols and open a therapeutic pathway that can have a great social impact.

The project work team, led by Víctor Sebastián, is made up of CIBER-BBN researchers Manuel Arruebo and Jesús Santamaría, all of them professors from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies at UNIZAR, and researchers from INMA and IISAragón . Researchers Silvia Irusta (INMA / CiberBBN / IIS Aragón) and Pilar Martín Duque (ARAID / IACS / IISAragón) collaborate with this team.

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New drug delivery system for prolonged pain relief

The management of musculoskeletal pain is a key challenge due to the short duration of anesthetic effect produced by existing clinical treatments, in addition to their potential side effects. Researchers from the CIBER-BBN, the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragón (INMA), CSIC-University of Zaragoza and the Institute of Health Research of Aragón (IIS Aragón), in collaboration with researchers from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Zaragoza and with participation of NANBIOSIS Unit 9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit, have developed nanogels loaded with nanocrystals of bupivacaine (an anesthetic commonly used in epidural anesthesia and in the control of postoperative pain) obtaining a high drug content for a prolonged duration of local anesthesia.

These nanogels are an alternative to the most prescribed analgesics (antipyretics, steroids and opioids), which frequently present adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and physical dependence, among others. They consist of a biocompatible polymer derived from polyethylene glycol (PEG) that has heat-sensitive properties, so that they would be injected at room temperature and upon reaching body temperature after administration they undergo a change in their structure, resulting in a reduction in their volume. and transforming into a hydrophobic structure, thus controlling the release of the drug encapsulated within.

According to Manuel Arruebo, INMA-CIBER-BBN researcher, “we have validated this new way of dispensing the local anesthetic both in cell cultures and in animal experiments, showing that it increases the duration of sciatic nerve block twice compared to the same dose of free anesthetic. The synthesis of the drug nanocrystals has been carried out in NANBIOSIS U9 (from CIBER-BBN and University of Zaragoza) thanks to the wet chemical synthesis systems of the platform.

The prolonged duration of anesthetic action can be explained by the regional immobilization of the nanogels at the injection site around the sciatic nerve due to their hydrophobic nature, preventing the diffusion of drug particles and their rapid elimination while interacting efficiently with the tissues thanks to to its temperature-induced conformational change. Studies have shown that this delivery system has low toxicity and does not give rise to an inflammatory response due to the slow release of the drug and the high biocompatibility of the polymer used.

The encapsulation of drug nanocrystals is a promising strategy, which allows reducing the total amount of drug necessary to produce pain relief with the consequent benefits obtained from the reduction of toxicity.

For their part, the researchers Teresa Alejo (INMA) and Víctor Sebastián (CIBER-BBN-INMA) affirm that “through these systems we seek to obtain an effective vehicle capable of prolonging the anesthetic effect in its place of action, avoiding as far as possible the side effects. In this way, they could be used to avoid systemic administration, reduce high concentrations in the blood and reduce the unwanted side effects of some conventional treatments, since they allow to control the release of the drug within the desired therapeutic range, avoiding the consequences of an excess of drug and the negative effects that this implies ”.

Likewise, with this technique the satisfaction and comfort of the patient is considered, since with a single dosage a prolonged therapeutic effect would be achieved. In Europe, with more than 500 million days of sick leave per year, musculoskeletal pain causes almost 50% of all absences from work lasting at least three days and 60% of permanent absences from work. Consequently, pain has a huge impact on work productivity. Some data indicate that the annual cost of pain is greater than the cost of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Therefore, the development of an effective injectable local anesthetic with a prolonged duration of action can improve the quality of life of patients affected by these diseases.

Article of refernce:

Teresa Alejo, Laura Usón, Guillermo Landa, Martin Prieto, Cristina Yus Argón, Sara García-Salinas, Ricardo de Miguel, Ana Rodríguez-Largo, Silvia Irusta, Victor Sebastián, Gracia Mendoza and Manuel Arruebo. Nanogels with High Loading of Anesthetic Nanocrystals for Extended Duration of Sciatic Nerve Block, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 15, 17220–17235. 2021 April 6. [DOI]

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NANBIOSIS Scientific Women in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Today February 11 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day to raise awareness of the gender gap in science and technology.

According to the United Nations, while yet women and girls continue to be excluded from participating fully in science, science and gender equality are vital to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Thus, in recent years, the international community has made a great effort to inspire and promote the participation of women and girls in science.

NANBIOSIS wants to acknowledge  the efforts made by scientific women who struggle every day to contribute their bit to Science and highlight their essential role in nowadays research. Especially we want to recognize the work of scientists women involved in NANBIOSIS, whatever is the nature of their contribution: technical, scientific development, management, coordination, direction, etc; just to mention some examples:
Neus Ferrer and Mercedes Márquez in the Scientific Direction and Coordination of Unit 1 Protein Production Platform (PPP)
Pilar Marco and Nuria Pascual in the Management and Scientific Coordination of U2 Custom Antibody Service (CAbS) 
Miriam Royo in the Scientific Direction of U3 Synthesis of Peptides Unit
Nora Ventosa and Nathaly Segovia in the Scientific Direction and Technical Coordination of U6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit
Isabel Oliveira and Teresa Galán in the Coordination of U7 Nanotecnology Unit
Rosa Villa and Gemma Gabriel in the Management and Scientific Coordination of U8 Micro – Nano Technology Unit
Gema Martínez in the Scientific Coordination of U9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit
Fany Peña in the Scientific Coordination of U13 Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit
Mª Luisa González Martín and Margarita Hierro in the of Direction and Scientific Coordination of U16 Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit
Gemma Pascual and Isabel Trabado in the Coordination of the U17 Confocal Microscopy Service
Isolda Casanova in the Scientific Coordination of U18 Nanotoxicology Unit
Beatriz Moreno in the Scientific Direction of Unit 19 Clinical tests lab
Ibane Abásolo in the Scientific Coordination of Unit 20 In Vivo Experimental Platformt
Verónica Crisóstomo in the Scientific Direction of Unit 24 Medical Imaging 
Ana Paula Candiota in the Scientific Coordination of Unit 25 Biomedical Applications I 
Maria Luisa García in the Scientific Direction of U28 NanoImaging Unit from Bionand, recently incorporated to NANBIOSIS, Anna Aviñó in the Scientific Coordination of U29 Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform (OSP) – and

Nerea Argarate in the coordination of NANBIOSIS

Thanks to all of you and your teams!

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