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News U27

News U27

Making the most from Signals in Biomedical applications.

Last week took place on Berlin the EMB Conference 2019, (the 41st  International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference) with the overarching theme “Biomedical engineering ranging from wellness to intensive care” counting with plenary keynotes from leading academic and industrial scientists, who presented aspects of innovation and translational engineering in biomedicine.

Pablo Laguna, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 27, from CIBER-BBN and I3A-UZ, was invited to give a talk on the topic “Phisiologically Driven Biomedical Signal Processing: making the most of Signals

Pablo Laguna has co-authored more than 150 research papers on this topic, over 300 international conference papers, and has advise 15 Ph.D Thesis. He has lead a broad number of projects on biomedical signal interpretation specially in the cardiovascular domain, most of them with international collaborations at clinical and engineering sites. He is having some international scientific responsibilities, as serving as past-president of the board of directors of Computing in Cardiology conference, editor of the digital signal processing journal (Eurasip), and of the Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (springer), organizer of different scientific conferences, etc. He is also responsible of the Ph.D. program in Biomedical Engineering at Zaragoza University. He is Fellow of the IEEE. He is, together with L. Sörnmo, the author of Bioelectrical Signal Processing in Cardiac and Neurological Applications, book (Elsevier, 2005)

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NANBIOSIS U27 propose a mew method for assessing nonlinear cardiorespiratory interactions

Researches of NANBIOSIS Unit 27 High Performance Computing, S. Kontaxis, J. Lázaro, E. Gil, P. Laguna, and R. Bailón are the authors of an article recently published by IEEE Transactions Biomedical Engineering

Alternations of cardiorespiratory interactions are related to Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) dysfunction and physiological regulation of the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in cardiovascular diseases. In this study, a method for assessing nonlinear cardiorespiratory interactions is proposed, quantifying the Quadratic Phase Coupling (QPC) between respiration and HRV. Quadratic cardiorespiratory couplings are studied during a tilt table test protocol on young healthy subjects. Results show a significant reduction of QPC between respiration and HRV during head-up tilt position compared to early supine suggesting that the proposed technique is able to track nonlinear cardiorespiratory couplings during ANS changes.

Article of reference:

S. Kontaxis, J. Lázaro, E. Gil, P. Laguna, R. Bailón (2019)Assessment of Quadratic Nonlinear Cardiorespiratory Couplings During Tilt Table Test by Means of Real Wavelet Biphase, IEEE Transactions Biomedical Engineering. vol. 66, n. 1, pp. 187-198 doi: 10.1109/TBME.2018.2821182

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Quantification of Ventricular Repolarization Variation for Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Stratification in Atrial Fibrillation

ATRIAL fibrillation (AF) is the most prevalent sustained arrhythmia and it has become one of the most important public health issues in developed countries. It is expected to double its incidence by 2030 [1], [2], representing the major cause of hospitalizations in elderlies (≥65 years), together with chronic heart failure

Alba Martín-Yebra and Juan Pablo Martínez, scientists of NANBIOSIS U27 High Performance Computing, have led the research that proves that it is possible to stratity AF patients at risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) what could help cardologists to implement better solutions.

The computation was performed by the ICTS NANBIOSIS, specifically by the High Performance Computing Unit of the CIBER-BBN at the I3A-University of Zaragoza.  

Atrial fibrillation (AF) rhythm is characterized by an irregular ventricular response, preventing the use of standard ECG-derived risk markers based on ventricular repolarization heterogeneity under this particular condition. In this study, the authors proposed new indices able to quantify repolarization variations in AF patients assessing their stratification performance in a chronic heart failure population with AF. Results showed that patients with enhanced ventricular repolarization variation computed in terms of the proposed indices were successfully associated to a higher sudden cardiac death incidence in our study population. In addition, risk assessment based on the combination of the proposed indices improved stratification performance compared to their individual potential. In conclusion, the study proves that using a simple ambulatory ECG recording, it is possible to stratify AF patients at risk of SCD, which may help cardiologists in adopting most effective therapeutic strategies, with a positive impact in both the patient and healthcare systems

Article of reference:

A. Martín-Yebra, P. Laguna, I. Cygankiewicz, A. Bayés-de-Luna, E. G.
Caiani, J. P. Martínez Quantification of Ventricular Repolarization Variation for Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Stratification in Atrial Fibrillation. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform,  v.. 23, n. 3, pp 1049-
doi: 1057.10 1109/JBHI.2018.2851299

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The VPH Conference 2018 is taking place in Zaragoza 5-7 September offering an exciting program of state-of-the art science & engineering in computational (bio)medicine, ranging from foundational research on multiscale modelling of human (patho) physiology, via underpinning research on data science and infrastructures for the virtual physiological human, to clinical applications with participation of NANBIOSIS U27. High Performance Computing

Esther Pueyo  is charing the Session 3A: Cardiovascular modeling: from simulation to clinical outcome,

Some of the outcomes are presented by Jesús Fernández-Bes:

A Bayesian Filtering methodology to identify key drivers of ventricular repolarization variability (Jesus Fernandez-BesDavid Adolfo Sampedro-Puente and Esther Pueyo) 

Virtual Physiological Human (VPH), refers to the field of integrative mathematical modelling and simulations in the study of human biology and physiology. VPH is a methodological and technological framework to share observations, to derive predictive hypotheses from possible aspects of human physiology or pathology, and to integrate them into a constantly improving understanding of human physiology and pathology, by regarding it as a single system. Currently, the VPH is a worldwide effort to develop next-generation computer technologies to integrate all information available, from genetics to medical images to clinical data for each patient, and generate computer models capable of predicting how the health of that patient will evolve under certain conditions. The VPH is now a well-established worldwide community, with the VPH institute representing it.

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Esther Pueyo, NANBIOSIS U 27, at the 3rd Barcelona VPH Summer School

The 3rd VPH Summer School was held in Barcelona, ​​on June 18-22, 2018.  The VPH Summer School series is co-organized by the Barcelona MedTEch – Pompeu Fabra University and by the Virtual Physiological Human Institute. The Summer School provides a thorough overview and hands-on experience in state-of-the-art Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) research. The event is dedicated to PhD students and junior postdocs who seeks cross dissemination and a guided experience through the use of computer models and simulations to tackle specific clinical problems, not only engineers but also biomedical scientists and medical doctors with an interest in computer modeling and simulation for research and clinical practice. It aims to provide junior engineers and medical doctors with a complete overview of state-of-the-art VPH research, following a complete pipeline from basic science and clinical needs, to model application. The Summer School has the support of the Marie Curie ITN CardioFunXion.

This 3rd edition has focussed on data integration, model verification and validation and 16 international keynote speakers shared their research experience. Esther Pueyo, researcher of NANBIOSIS unit U27. High Performance Computing, spoke in the session of June 22nd dedicated to the subject  of Understanding simulation outcomes, technological transfer, decision and therapy support: Patient-specific modeling, Interpretative machine learning, metamodeling, success and failure stories, giving a very nice presentation of experimental and numerical approaches in multiscale modelling for cardiac ageing.

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SINO-SPAIN Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Conference with NANBIOSIS participation

Last 7 June 2018 took place in Zaragoza, the Sino-Spain Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Conference, as a result of years of cooperation with Chinese institutions, organizad by Zaragoza University  and Aragonese Foundation for Research & Development of Aragon Government (ARAID), to promote initiatives and foster bilateral collaboration in biomedical and pharmaceutical sectors between Spain and China.

The themes of the forum were:

  • Molecular engineering for biomedical products
  • Diagnoses &Design for new devices for medical uses
  • Tissue Engineering and regenerative medicine
  • Pharmacology and nanometerials for medical application
  • Advanced therapies for cancer research


Researcher of three units of NANBIOSIS partcipated in the Conference: from U13. Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit, Manuel Doblaré and Iñaki Ochoa who gave a talk on  “Organ On Chip: Applications for cancer research”, from  U9. Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit, Jesús Santamaría, who spoke on “Research on nanomedicine at the Nanostructured films and particles” and from U27. High Performance Computing, Esther Pueyo, who spoke about “Patterns of cardiac aging: Mechanisms and relation to disease” and Laura Ordovas, as moderator.




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NANBIOSIS collaborates in the dissemination of science and triumphs in the Pint of Science Festival

On May 16, scientists from two units of NANBIOSIS filled the pubs, not to talk about football but about science.

According to Jorge Bueno, Coordinator of Pint of Science in Spain, at the VanguardScience is also culture, just as we go to the bar to talk about football or politics, we can also talk about science, we want people to conceive science as part of society

In the cafe of the civic center of the Casa Orlandai in Barcelona, ​​Eli Prats, a researcher of NANBIOSIS U8. Micro – Nano Technology Unit, explains her group has  developed graphene electrodes, a material with unique properties, that can monitor the activity of the brain in a less invasive than conventional ones. “We have tested it in rats and we have discovered that graphene can detect very poorly studied brain waves, which occur just before dying, just before an attack of epilepsy or before a migraine attack.” The researcher shows a sample of the tiny electrodes, which passes from hand to hand in the pub. “It’s still just an idea, but theoretically in the future these electrodes, placed on a person’s brain, could send a signal to a tablet and predict when they will suffer an attack of epilepsy,” adds Eli Prats.

Esther Pueyo, researcher of NANBIOSIS, U27. High Performance Computing, in the Drinks and Pool Aranda pub of Zaragoza explained that “Chronological age does not matter, but the biological one does,  not all hearts age equally”  and she tried to answer the questions why do I look older? What other people of my age? Will this have consequences? To show the tiny tissues Esther and researchers around her commonly work with, biopsies were collected from a cow heart and examples of the experimental and theoretical analyses they conduct were illustrated.

Throughout Spain, a total of 730 scientists have participated giving talks within the Pint of Science Festival, in 56 cities,  together with around 400 organizers, all of them volunteers.


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Nanotechnology, gene therapy, omics therapies and ‘big data’

Nanotechnology, gene therapy, omics therapies and ‘big data’ were the topics discussed in the Forum on Emerging Technologies oganized on May 8 by nanotechnology, gene therapy, omics therapies and ‘big data’ were the topics discussed in the I Forum on Emerging Technologies held on May 8, organized by the CIBER Internationalization Platform, of which the CIBERER, the CIBER-BBN and the CIBERES.

The objective of this event, structured in sessions of presentations and scientific debates about the types of technologies addressed, was to promote the exchange of ideas and scientific knowledge with the aim of generating new collaborations among the CIBER research groups  such as participation in transversal projects or the development of cutting-edge technologies.

NANBIOSIS was represented by Pablo Laguna (Unit 27, High Performance Computing), Laura Lechuga (Unit 4, Biodeposition and Biodetection Unit), José Luis Pedraz (Unit 10, Drug Formulation) and Rosa Villa (Unit8, Micro – Nano Technology Unit)

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Esther Pueyo will explain her research on the aging of the Heart in Pint of Science: The festival that brings science to pubs

The researcher of Unit 27 of NANBIOIS, High Performance Computing, will leave her laboratory and her office at the University to get on stage and take on the challenge of talking about her work to a public less used to scientific and technological language in the framework of a dissemination program of science to which Esther has joined as Pablo Laguna, Scientific Director of Unit 27 of NANBIOSIS, did last year.

Esther will perform at the Drinks and Pool Aranda bar in Zaragoza (calle Conde de Aranda, 138) to tell her work in technology applied to health. It will be on Wednesday, the 16th at 7:00 pm with the title: “Why your heart and mine do not age the same?”

Science has a lot to tell, and to do it in a way that is close to anyone who has an interest in research, Pint of Science has been created, a meeting point between researchers and people in an environment easy to have relaxed conversations.

The Pint of Science 2018 program includes 308 events (16% more than in 2017) taught by 730 scientists (almost 200 more than in the previous edition) in 105 pubs.

In an understandable and close language, women and men of science explain their work to an audience outside the scientific community, but with a growing interest in research and the latest developments in science. Proof of this is that, in 2017, 17,500 people approached the 532 talks and, many of the 750 attendees who responded to the assessment survey, said they would repeat and that the experience had been very positive.

The relaxed atmosphere of pubs, where conversation arises easily, is ideal for discussing science in relaxed terms. In this fourth edition, Pint of Science has the participation of more than a hundred bars, pubs and other entertainment venues.


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I Forum on Emerging Technologies organized by CIBER

On May 8th, will take place in Madrid, at the Assembly Hall Ernest Lluch of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, organized by CIBER Internationalization Platform (CIBER-BBN, CIBERER, CIBERES) the I Forum on Emerging Technologies.

The objective of this meeting is to promote the exchange of ideas and scientific knowledge among the CIBER research groups with the aim of generating new collaborations for participation in cross-cutting projects and the development of border technologies. The content of the forum, centered on the type of technology and possibilities it offers, is structured in a program of lectures and scientific debates whose final objective is the discussion and the joint generation of ideas. This first edition of the forum will be focused on Gene Therapy, Nanotechnologies and Omic Technologies-Big Data.

Some Units of NANBIOSIS will participate:

  • José Luis Pedraz, Scientific Director of  Unit 10 Drug Formulation, will speak of “Development of non-viral vectors for gene therapy
  • Laura Lechuga, Scientific Director of Unit 4  Biodepositon and Biodetection, will talk about “Nanodispositive biosensors for advanced clinical diagnosis
  • Rosa Villa, Scientific Director of Unit 8 Micro–Nano Technology, Ramón Martínez, Scientific Director of Unit 26 NMR Biomedical Applications II and Esther Pueyo, researcher of U27 High Performance Computer will moderate the sessions.


Programme and registration details


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