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News U20

NANOMEDICINE AND FUTURE, explained by Simó Schwartz, Director of U20 of NANBIOSIS.

NANBIOSIS-U20 Scientific Director, Simó Schwartz, speaks about Nanomedicine in an interview publish in http://www.quimicaysociedad.org.  NANBIOSIS is an Singular Scientific Technological Infrastructure (ICTS) that provides a complete service for the production and characterization of nanomaterials, biomaterials and systems in biomedicine, including the design and production of biomaterials and nanomaterials and their nanoconjugates, and the characterization of these bio-/nanomaterials, tissues and medicals devices from a physic-chemical, functional, toxicological and biological (including preclinical validation) point of view, focused also on biomedical applications such as: IVDs, biosensors, regenerative medicine, drug delivery, therapeutic agents or MRI contrast agents and medical devices.

Question: First of all, what is meant by nanomedicine?

Answer: Nanomedicine is considered any application of nanotechnology that aims to improve the treatment or diagnosis of a disease. In fact, one of the most important aspects of nanomedicine is to generate drugs with different components whose functions at the nanoscale are different when they are linked to when they are not. This makes the nanomedicines per se have a series of attributions that make, in general, their present use very clear advantages for the treatment with respect to conventional medicines. They are much more effective medicines, focussed on the target cells that are intended to be treated and with many less toxic effects.

For some editions Expoquímia has hosted conferences on this new type of medicine.

Numerous clinical trials are now underway in which the therapeutic efficacy of many nanomedicines is already being tested. Therefore, it is a fast-moving science that is already present in the market. Thus, there are already anti-tumor drugs that are nanomedicines, which have displaced the conventional treatment that was used until recently, for example, in breast cancer. And there are many more that we hope will get into the usual clinical practice in the coming years.

What types of diseases can nanomedicine be applied to? And with what results?

In principle, there is not a single specific prototype of disease in which nanomedicine can be applied or not. Any disease is susceptible of being treated by means of nanomedicine if  it is necessary to transport a drug of a specific form to a specific site, reducing the general undesirable effects of medicines  and  increasing their effectiveness. At the moment, it has been tested that the use of nanomedicines implies a greater therapeutic efficiency to be able to transport more drugs to the places where they are needed and much less to the places to which they should not arrive.

In reality, nanomedicines are drugs that have a specific transport system that makes that medicine instead of circulating freely through the blood is transported in a specific way to a specific site. During that transport, that drug can not act anywhere and, therefore, can not have any kind of adverse effect as if it were for free. And, in this sense, the results are good, as there is more therapeutic indication and much less general toxicity. Thus, in treatments such as cancer, where the drugs are very aggressive and have many adverse effects, nanomedicines compensate in a substantial way.

Do you think that a greater implantation of nanomedicine could eradicate diseases that, today, are incurable?

A disease is incurable because it has no known treatment or because that treatment is not specific enough or has a very narrow efficacy and toxicity index. That is, the therapeutic window is very narrow and per se they are very toxic. In that sense, nanomedicine, by reducing the general toxicity of the drug and being much more specific, can make certain diseases, which today have a low cure rate, improve. But nanomedicine is a specific chemical transport system, which always needs a drug or a molecule, which is the active principle that is, through a mechanism of action determined, to cure that disease. This includes gene therapy.

How can a major use of nanomedicine be encouraged? Is it open to public-private collaboration?

Definitely. Nanomedicines are just new medicines. Therefore, a drug that is effective, based on scientific evidence and medical at the level of clinical practice, will always have a majority use. Consequently, as in any other medicine, public-private collaboration is more than necessary because the amount of investment required to put a nanomedicine in the market is as high as that needed by any other medicine on the market. And today, such partnerships are essential to ensure that these drugs come to term.

Besides the economic aspect, are there other factors that can prevent the expansion of nanomedicine as a treatment?

Like any other medicine, the main problem that nanomedicine has is the high economic cost of its development. It must be borne in mind that it has to go through numerous regulatory phases, demonstrate efficacy and declare that there is no toxicity or an acceptable general toxicity like any other drug. And there the economic aspect is fundamental. In principle, there are no other factors. But it is true that, today, the production process of these nanomedicines is more complicated, since they are formed by several components. And there is no factory that is capable of generating any nanomedicine anywhere. And that is a problem, but at the same time, it represents an opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry.

In this sense, what is the purpose of the Nanomedicine Day that will take place in Expoquimia 2017?

The main objective is to disseminate what nanomedicine represents and means, as well as the therapeutic opportunities it entails,to facilitate the understanding  of the difference between a conventional medicine and a nanomedicine, how nanomedicines work and why they are more effective and less toxic and why there is so much interest in developing and using these systems to improve the results of current treatments.

Lastly, shall nanomedicine be the medicine of the 21st century?

Undoubtedly, many diseases will be treated with nanomedicines, since they allow a more effective treatment and with less toxicity.


By Eduard Pérez Moya

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Nanomedicine versus free drug: greater efficiency and less toxicity

The EU-NCL network will finance a project of nanomedicine for prostate cancer cordinated by Simó Schwartz and Ibane Abasolo, NANBIOSIS-U20 Director and Coordinator.

The European Nanomedicine Characterisation Laboratory (EU-NCL) has selected a project from VHIR intended to develop a therapeutic nanoconjugate that improves the treatment of prostate cancer. Among all proposals presented to EU-NCL, only this one in Spain is part of a small group chosen to carry out the necessary tests to move the product into clinical practice, which makes Vall d’Hebron Campus a leading nanomedicine hospital with capacity to generate and validate therapeutic nanoconjugates and nanomedicines.

The main difficulty in this field is to have a nanomedicine that meets certain requirements that can make it susceptible to reach clinical trials. “In our case, pre-clinical trials will be made with a polymer that transports therapeutic paclitaxel, a drug for the treatment of breast cancer, pancreas and prostate, which has proven to be a good candidate to reach clinical phases. Nanbiosis helps us in the efficacy/toxicity part in vivo” says Dr. Simó Schwartz Jr.

What has been seen so far is that this therapeutic nanoconjugate is able to carry much more paclitaxel into the tumour whereas its toxicity profiles are much lower as compared to the free drug used in clinical practice.

In animal models of prostate cancer our nanoconjugate is able to avoid the growth of the tumor while deeply reducing metastasis. It has managed to change the average half-life and pharmacokinetics of the drug and to reduce its toxicity.

As a comparison, when given in animals the same amount of free drug, without the nanomedicine, at the second dose, toxicity is so high that trials have to stop. That is to say, that “the difference in toxicity between the therapeutic nanoconjugate and the free drug is abysmal which allows us to make much more aggressive administration regims, that are not feasible with the conventional drug,” insists Dr. Schwartz Jr.

The next step will be to determine which is the maximum dose of administration that we can use. At the moment, we know that when administered three times a week during 4 weeks no toxicity is seen and the therapeutic efficacy is very good. We need to see if this dose regim can be increased to get even more efficacy, as long as toxicity allows it.

“We work with a nanomedicine that is easily scalable, very stable, it can be lyophilisated (reconstituted) very easily and after two years of storage is still in perfect condition,” he highlights. Therefore, for the next year “our goal is that the nanoconjugate may be authorized as an Investigational New Drug (IND) and hence all essays that we have agreed with the EU-NCL are those that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) consider necessary to achieve the IND designation”, concludes.


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The ESNAM / ISNM Summer School is co-organized by ESNAM and CIBER-BBN (led by Simó Schwartz, president of ESNAN and transfer manager of CIBER-BBN as well as Scientific Director of Unit 20 of NANBIOSIS).

The summer school is aimed at any student or professional interested in nanomedicine. It will count on the presence of speakers of recognized prestige in the area, among which are the Scientific Directors and Coordinators of several of the units of NANBIOSIS.

The ESNAM / ISNM Summer School will be held on 28-29 September 2017 at the Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona

The registration deadline with accommodation included ends on June 30

Program and registration details

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NANBIOSIS lecturers in B-Debate Imaging for Life. From Molecules to Diagnostics and Therapy

Last November took place in CosmoCaixa, Barcelona, the B-Debate Days Imaging for Life. Molecules from Diagnostics and Therapy.

The event, organized by B·Debate (an initiative of Biocat and “la Caixa” Foundation), IBB and LJS, was focussed on Biomolecular Imaging, with emphasis on molecular, cellular, tissular and small animal research, as well as biomedical applications, including noninvasive diagnostics, image guided surgery, multimodal imaging and theranostics.

Scientists of NANBIOIS Unit 20 and 25 were invited to participate as guest lecturers:

-Simó Schwartz, Scientific Director of Unit 20: New bioluminescent models to target cancer stem cells with nanomedicine.

-Ana Paula Candiota, Scientific Coordinator of Unit 25: Unravelling therapy response in preclinical glioblastoma using MRSI-based molecular imaging and source analysis.

As Professor Candiota explained “Characterization of Glioblastoma (GB) response to treatment is a key factor for improving patient survival and prognosis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopic Imaging (MRI/MRSI) provide morphologic and metabolic profiles of GB but usually fail to produce unequivocal surrogate biomarkers of response. Ideally, we would like to provide clinicians with early therapy response follow-up and an improved time frame for changing or adapting therapy schemes”. Her talk focussed in the capability of advanced pattern recognition techniques, such as semi-supervised signal source extraction, to produce nosological images with robust recognition of response to temozolomide (TMZ) in preclinical GB (GL261 tumour-bearing in immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice) through the information contained in MRSI grids. These techniques have a clear translational potential and could improve future patient management and care. The acquisition of mice MRSI data used for pattern recognition strategies development and evaluation was performed in the Biospec 7T scanner from U25.

NANBIOSIS lecturers in B-Debate Imaging for Life. From Molecules to Diagnostics and Therapy
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Dr. Simó Schwartz, Scientific Director of Unit 20 of NANBIOSIS: appointed president of the European Society for Nanomedicine (ESNAM) and member of the executive board of the International Society of Nanomedicine (ISN).

The objectives of ESNAM are to promote nanomedicine research and facilitate the exchange of knowledge among its members (currently, about 800 members). According to Dr. Simó Schwartz “the dissemination of specialized infrastructure in nanomedicine, like NANBIOSIS, among members of the society and its utilities is also an object of ESNAM. This is intended to strengthen European technological capabilities, use, and improvement of clinical transfer”.

Society members represent different sectors of the scientific community: doctors, biologists, chemists, pharmacists, physical …. The technical office of the ESNAM in Barcelona is located in the Vall d’Hebron Hospital and is coordinated by Aida Castellanos, CIBER-BBN R&D+i Project Manager.

In addition, Dr. Schwartz has also been appointed a member of the executive board of the International Society of Nanomedicine (ISN), a newly established company that includes the American Association, Korean and European, ESNAM, among others. This entity will organize the 2nd year of summer in Barcelona Nanomedicine 2017, this year held in South Korea.

Dr. Simó Schwartz, Scientific Director of Unit 20 of NANBIOSIS: appointed president of the European Society for Nanomedicine (ESNAM) and member of the executive board of the International Society of Nanomedicine (ISN).
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“a-Galactosidase A Loaded Nanoliposomes with Enhanced Enzymatic Activity and Intracellular Penetration”

Unit 1 of NANBIOSIS, Protein Production Platform (PPP), Unit 3, Synthesis of Peptides, Unit 20, In Vivo Experimental Platform and Unit 6, Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit, have jointly developed the research conducted in relation with a CO2-based methodology for the one-step production of protein-nanoliposome conjugates as bio-active nanomaterials with therapeutic interest. The results have been published in Advanced Healthcare Materials: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26890358

“a-Galactosidase A Loaded Nanoliposomes with Enhanced Enzymatic Activity and Intracellular Penetration I. Cabrera, I. Abasolo, J. L. Corchero, E. Elizondo,  P. Rivera, E. Moreno, J. Faraudo, S. Sala, D. Bueno, E. González-Mira, M. Rivas, M. Melgarejo, D. Pulido, F. Albericio, M. Royo, A. Villaverde, M. F. García-Parajo, S. Schwartz Jr., N. Ventosa,*, and J. Veciana,*

Lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) are caused by lysosomal dysfunction usually as a consequence of deficiency of a single enzyme required for the metabolism of macromolecules such as lipids, glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides. For instance, the lack of alpha-Galactosidase A (GLA) activity in Fabry disease patients causes the accumulation of glycosphingolipids in the vasculature leading to multiple organ pathology.

Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), which is the most common treatment of LSD, exhibits several drawbacks mainly related to the instability and low efficacy of the exogenously administered therapeutic enzyme. In this work, the unprecedented increased enzymatic activity and intracellular penetration achieved by the association of a human recombinant GLA to nanoliposomes functionalized with RGD peptides is reported. Moreover, these new GLA loaded nanoliposomes lead to a higher efficacy in the reduction of the GLA substrate named globotriasylceramide (Gb3) in a cellular model of Fabry disease, than that achieved by the same concentration of the free enzyme. The preparation of these new liposomal formulations by DELOS-SUSP, based on the Depressurization of a CO2-Expanded Liquid Organic Solution, shows the great potential of this CO2-based methodology for the one-step production of protein-nanoliposome conjugates as bioactive nanomaterials with therapeutic interest.

“a-Galactosidase A Loaded Nanoliposomes with Enhanced Enzymatic Activity and Intracellular Penetration”
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