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News U16

News U16

The NABIHEAL Project Pioneers Wound Healing with New Biomimetic Matrices

Nearly 40 scientists across 7 countries are pioneering this breakthrough in wound healing using a nobel and affordable bio-inspired, anti-bacterial matrix.

In addition to the vast consortium, the project also comprises 5 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and 9 academic institutions. These were convened last February at the University of Granada to share insights, progress, and strategies.

According to an article published by UGR at the beginning of this month, about 40 researchers involved in the project have attended a meeting to share results and progress.

The Horizon Europe project NABIHEAL, coordinated by the Biomedical Research Networking Center (CIBER) at the Institute of Materials Science in Barcelona (ICMAB, CSIC), has held a consortium meeting. The international consortium consists of 14 partners from 7 countries, including 5 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and 9 academic institutions. These partners have expertise in the development, evaluation, and commercialization of products for wound healing, nanotechnology, safety, and regulation.

Who are the NABIHEAL project partners?

There are three groups from CIBER-BBN participating within NABIHEAL: two groups correspond to Unit 6 and Unit 16 of NANBIOSIS. The former is the NANOMOL Group, and is lead by Nora Ventosa, the project coordinator of NABIHEAL. The later corresponds to our Surface Characterization Unit from UEx. The third CIBER-BBN group is the Photonics Engineering Group (GIF) from the University of Cantabria, with several of its leaders working at NABIHEAL.

In addition, researchers from the UGR’s Advanced Therapies: Differentiation, Regeneration, and Cancer group, as well as the Clinical and Translational Dermatology group, are participating as one of the partners in this consortium. Both belong to the ibs.GRANADA Biosanitary Research Institute and the UGR’s Modeling Nature: from nano to macro Excellence Unit.

Professor Juan Antonio Marchal Corrales leads the project at the UGR and is part of the project’s steering and executive committees. This project is developed at the Singular Laboratory of Biofabrication and 3D (bio)printing (BioFabi3D), located at the Biomedical Research Center (CIBM). In addition, UGR and ibs.GRANADA, in collaboration with the company Bioibérica, contribute their expertise in the biofabrication and 3D bio-printing of human skin models based on components of the matrix of each of the skin layers.

About the meeting at UGR:

The meeting, held on February 7th and 8th, was inaugurated by the project coordinator, Nora Ventosa, Scientific Director of Unit 6 of NANBIOSIS and researcher at a researcher at CIBER and ICMAB-CSIC, and by Enrique Herrera, the Vice-Rector for Research and Technology Transfer of the University of Granada.

The meeting was attended by 38 researchers from among the NABIHEAL partners. These included the Biomedical Research Networking Center (CIBER) at the Institute of Materials Science in Barcelona (ICMAB); the University of Extremadura and the University of Cantabria; the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC); Nanomol Technologies S.L. (NT); Bioiberica S.A.U (BIO); Histocell S.L (HCELL); Asphalion (ASPH); MyBiotech GmbH (MyB); Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin (CH) from Germany; the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health (IMI) from Croatia; the University of Aarhus (AU) from Denmark; the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (IT) from Israel; BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (BNN) from Austria, and the University of Maribor (UM) from Slovenia, as reported by the UGR.

About NABIHEAL project:

NABIHEAL, “Nanostructured Antimicrobial Biomaterials for Healing Complex Wounds,” is funded by the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation program. It has a total budget of nearly 5 million EUR for the next four years. The project addresses two unmet medical needs in the healing of complex wounds: firstly, affordable treatments for wound infections and prevention of complications during healing, and secondly, a strategy to optimize the composition and efficacy of drugs and dressings for wound healing.

Aim of the project:

Complex wounds affect the quality of life of more than 2% of the population in developed countries. Thus, it is a global health problem with a significant impact on healthcare economics. Moreover, complex wounds, including chronic wounds or major burns, are highly susceptible to microbial infection and biofilm formation, making them difficult to treat. In this regard, silver is a widely used metal in antimicrobial products for treating wound infections. However, silver-based products are expensive and have various drawbacks due to costs and environmental and safety concerns.

The NABIHEAL project will develop multifunctional biomaterials to address some of the unmet medical needs in wound management. This project will provide affordable treatments for wound infections or prevention of complications during all phases of wound healing.

In the short and medium term, NABIHEAL will develop —at least— two innovative multifunctional biomaterials for wound healing, using affordable manufacturing technologies based in the EU. In the long term, NABIHEAL could become an alternative to silver in wound dressing for wound healing.

You can read more about NABIHEAL project at the official webpage here.

Meeting of NABIHEAL project members at UGR in February 2024. Source: UGR.

Additional information

The goal of NANBIOSIS is to provide comprehensive and integrated advanced solutions for companies and research institutions in biomedical applications. All of this is done through a single-entry point, involving the design and production of biomaterials, nanomaterials, and their nanoconjugates. This goes along with their characterization from physical-chemical, functional, toxicological, and biological perspectives (preclinical validation).

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NANBIOSIS has worked with pharmaceutical companies of all sizes in the areas of drug delivery, biomaterials and regenerative medicine. Here are a few of them:

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Impactful research with NANBIOSIS participation in the Poster Tour of CIBER-BBN & CIBEREHD Annual Conference.

2023 CIBER-BBN Annual meeting has taken place at Santemar Hotel, in Santander during November 6-7. This year the format of our annual conferences has been changed towards a collective event scheme between the CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD thematic areas.

  • On Monday 6 the scientific sessions werecommon for EHD and BBN, with appealing contents for the mixed audience.
  • On Tuesday 7 EHD and BBN sessions will specific for each area in separate rooms (with common coffee break).

Posters of both areas were on display in the exhibit hall throughout the entirety of the Annual Meeting.

Moreover, at the “Posters & beers” session (Monday 6th: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.) poster tours were organized where attendees could cast their vote for the best poster and use this one-on-one time with presenters to learn more, ask juicy questions and discuss their work. At 8:00 p.m., the awards ceremony took place for the best oral communication and best poster by young authors – for each area.

It was an impactful information sessions on research carried out by the groups of CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD thematic areas.

The poster session is always a popular feature at CIBER-BBN Annual Meeting for acknowledgment NANBIOSIS units’ participation in the research carried out during the year. These are the works presented in 2023:

Targeted nanotoxin for the selective depletion of CXCR4+ cancer cells and immune cell recruitment in a colorectal cancer mouse model. Luis Miguel Carrasco-Díaz, Naroa Serna, Eric Voltà-Durán, Ugutz Unzueta, Esther Vázquez, Antonio Villaverde, Patricia Álamo, Lorena Alba-Castellón, Ramón Mangues. With participation of NANBIOSIS Units U1 Protein Production Platform (PPP) and U18 Nanotoxicology Unit . (Contact:

Improvement of the biodistribution of GLA enzyme by RGD-functionalized nanoGLA in a Fabry mouse model.
Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Marc Moltó Abad, Daniel Marijuan, Belen García Prats, Judit Tomsen Melero, Elisabet González Mira, Jose Luis Corchero, Andreu Soldevila, Miriam Royo, Alba Córdoba, Nora Ventosa, Guillem Pintos Morell, Simo Schwartz , Ibane Abasolo. With participation of the NANBIOSIS units U20 FVPR-In Vivo Experimental Platform, U3 Synthesis of Peptides Unit and U6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit. (Contact:

An auristatin-based nanoconjugate induces apoptosis and inhibits the bone marrow leukemia burden in an acute myeloid leukemia mouse model. Annabel Garcia-León, Julián I. Mendoza, Ariana Rueda, Luis Carlos Navas, Vanessa Huaca, Ugutz Unzueta, Jorge Sierra, Esther Vázquez, Antonio Villaverde, Ramon Mangues, Isolda Casanova. With participation of NANBIOSIS Units U1 Protein Production Platform (PPP) and U18 Nanotoxicology Unit. (Contact: agarciale@santpau.cat)

FVPR/U20-NANBIOSIS Service Platform: from the Synthesis and Characterization of Nanotechnology-based Therapies, to the in vitro and in vivo Preclinical Validation. Diana Rafael, Zamira V. Diaz Riascos, Belén García, Alejandra Palacios, Sandra Mancilla, Laura Garcia, Ibane Abasolo. Description of NANBIOSIS Unit 20 FVPR-In Vivo Experimental Platform. (Contact: diana.fernandes_de_so@vhir.org)

Non-Viral Vector Development for Gene Therapy in the Treatment of Congenital Liver Metabolic Diseases Lucía Enríquez Rodríguez, Isabel Carbonell Simón, Idoia Gallego Garrido, Virginia Nieto Romero, Iván Maldonado Pérez, Aida Garcia Torralba, Gustavo Puras Ochoa, Miruna Giurgiu, Jose Carlos Segovia Sanz, María García Bravo, Oscar Quintana Bustamante, José Luis Pedraz Muñoz. With participation of NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation unit. (Contact: lucia.enriquez@ehu.eus)

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Analysis of Nitrogen Environment in Small Extracellular Vesicle Membranes: A Potential Novel Technique with Application for Cancer Screening.
Ana Martín-Pardillos, María Sancho-Albero , Silvia Irusta , Víctor Sebastián , Vicente Luis Cebolla , Roberto Pazo-Cid , Pilar Martín-Duque , Jesús Santamaría. With participation of NANBIOSIS U9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit. (Contact: a.martin_pardillos@unizar.es)

Nanoparticle-based approach for blood-brain-barrier crossing and glioblastoma treatment. Júlia German-Cortés, Raquel Herrero, Diana Rafael, Ibane Abasolo, Fernanda Andrade. With participation of NANBIOSIS Unit 20 FVPR-In Vivo Experimental Platform. (Contact: fernanda.silva@vhir.org)

Exploiting mammalian cells for recombinant protein production: an improved protocol for transient gene expression. Aida Carreño Fibla, Roger Fernández Palomeras, José Luis Barra, Rosa Mendoza Moreno, Mercedes Márquez Martínez, Neus Ferrer-Miralles, Antonio Villaverde Corrales, José Luis Corchero Nieto. With participation of NANBIOSIS Units U1 Protein Production Platform (PPP). (Contact:jlcorchero@ciber-bbn.es)

Surface characterization of a PLA/Qr/Mg biocomposite after in vitro degradation in m-SBF. Juan Manuel Casares-López, Margarita Hierro-Oliva, Verónica Luque-Agudo, Amparo M. Gallardo-Moreno, María Luisa González-Martín. With participation of Unit 16 Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit (Contact: mlglez@unex.es)

The poster session was an effective forum for the exchange of information and a means to communicate ideas

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NANBIOSIS sesion in the CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD annual meeting. SAFE-N-MEDTECH Project: Outcomes and Future Prospects.

The annual conference of the scientific áreas of CIBER (the most important Centre for Biomedical Research in Spain) are hotly awaited every year for the CIBER community as a foro to be updated about emerging key technologies and discuss about research lines and results, find new opportunities to collaborate and join efforts towards common objectives.

Moreover, this year, the Annual Conference of CIBER-BBN (Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine) has been organized as a collective event scheme together with the scientific area of CIBEREHD (Digestive and Liver Diseases). Both areas have already shared experiences of collaborative projects, demonstrating the complementarity of their fields. The results of these seed projects were presented on the firs working day, and a new edition of seed collaborative projects between the two areas was announced.

NANBIOSIS session took place in the afternoon of the second day. It was dedicated to SAFE-N-MEDTECH Project: Outcomes and Future Prospects.

SAFE-N-MEDTECH is a H2020 project (GA: 814607) funded by the European Commission under the topic DT-NMBP-02-2018-OITB for Safety Testing of Medical Technologies for Health (IA). The Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) is an initiative launched by the European Commission with the aim of accelerating the development of medical devices based on nanotechnologies in Europe and abroad.

The project, ended this september, counted with 28 partners with a total funding of 15 million euros. The Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER) is partner of the project through the Spanish Research Infrastructure NANBIOSIS -ICTS integrated by CIBER, CCMIJU and Ibima -Platafprma BIONAND, several units of the ICTS NANBIOSIS carried out some of the F/Q, in vitro and in vivo characterizations applied to the Pilot Test Cases described in the project.

Ángel del Pozo, from Biokeralty Research Institute AIE, coordinator of the project, explained the development of the project with its outcomes and its future prospects.

M. Luisa González, from UEx and Scientific Director of U16 of NANBIOSIS, explained the joint with CCMIJU on the Stryker case materials, testing bacterial colonization. This joint experience in the project has been organized as a new cutting-edge biomedical solution that NANBIOSIS ofer to its clients.

Montserrat Rodríguez-Núñez, from NANBIOSIS U2 Custom Antibody Service (CAbS) at IQAC-CSIC talked about the participation of the unit in the project by Assessment of affinity parameters for immunosensor development.

It also took place the annual meetting of the NANBIOSIS Scientific Advisory Committee to deliberate the key actions of the ICTS and.

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Representatives of the Ministry of Science and Innovation visited unit 16 of NANBIOSIS

On May 16 representatives of the General Subdirectorate of Large Scientific-Technical Facilities of the Ministry of Science and Innovation visited unit 16 of NANBIOSIS (created by Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red -CIBER-, and the University of Extermadura).

Mrs. Beatriz Albella Rodríguez and Mrs. María Jesús Marcos Crespo, got to know first-hand the facilities of unit 16 of the CTS NANBIOSIS of “Surface Characterization and Calorimetry.

The visit was guided by the Scientific Director of Unit 16 of NANBIOSIS, Maria Luisa González Martín, and by Mr. Javier de Francisco Morcillo, Director of the Secretariat for Scientific Infrastructure and Technological Development Vice President for Research and Transfer of the University of Extremadura

The reason for the visit was to receive information on the use of European Regional Development Funds that have served to improve the infrastructures of the Spanish Map of Singular Scientific-Technical Infrastructures (ICTS, in Spanish) to support scientific research.

During the last years, this unit 16 of NANBIOSIS ICTS has enlarged its capacities through the project FICTS1420-14-09, an investment of 1.3 million euros, co-financed with FEDER funds, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and Junta de Extremadura, Regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Agency.

This Unit 16, located in Badajoz, offers the performance of tasks of physical-chemical characterization of surfaces using techniques such as ellipsometry, calorimetry, X-ray photoelectronic spectroscopy (XPS), and detection of secondary ions by means of mass spectrometry by time of flight (Tof-SIMS).

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NABIHEAL project launches website

The website for NABIHEAL, an EU-funded Horizon Europe project developing biomaterials for complex wound healing, is now online.

The Horizon Europe project NABIHEALi project is coordinated by the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER) at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC).

This project will apply one the Cutting Edge Biomedical Solutions” of NANBIOSIS for the preparation of different nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, required for the development of the final multifunctional wound healing biomaterials. This case will gather the expertise of two NANBIOSIS unit: NANBIOSIS U6 will produce and characterize these nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, which will be tested in NANBIOSIS U16.

Find out more about the project and what its impact will be, and browse the 14 partners from 7 countries to see how each contributes to the project’s objectives. NABIHEAL WEBSITE

Related news: New European Project NABIHEAL in biomaterials for complex wound healing

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NANBIOSIS U16 enlarges its capacities with a new FlexPS-ARPES-E kit

NANBIOSIS unit 16 Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit form CIBER-BBN and University of Extremadura has recently incorporated new equipment acquired through the execution of the project FICTS1420-14-09, cofinanced with FEDER funds, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Junta de Extremadura, Regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Agency. A new FlexPS-ARPES-E kit, manufactured by SPECS, is now available for use by researchers

This new resource uses the technique of photoelectron spectroscopy generated by X-rays to analyze the chemical composition of a surface. The electrons given off by the irradiated surface generate a fingerprint of the molecules that make up that surface, yielding information about the chemical composition of approximately the first 10 nm (one millionth of a millimeter) of thickness, making it a technique of Last generation.

One of the advantages of the acquired equipment is that the type of analyzer it has allows for different configurations to obtain different measurement modes. Thus, depending on the application, you can choose between:

XPS/ESCA (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) mode: The excitation source is X-ray.

SEM/SAM (Scanning Electron Microscopy/Auger) mode: the excitation source is electrons.

UPS mode (Ultraviolet Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy): The excitation source is UV rays.

ISS (Ion Scattering Spectroscopy) mode: the excitation source is ions. This excitation source can also be used for depth profiling.

At a cost of 800,000 euros, its acquisition has been achieved thanks to financial support from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the General Secretariat for Research and FEDER funds from the multi-regional operational program of Spain in the line of action of Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures ( ICTS). In addition, it has been co-financed by the Junta de Extremadura, the Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Agenda and the General Secretariat of Science, Technology, Innovation and University.

Other equipment financed in this same action is:

A DMC8 Leica profilometer: a device that allows determining the 3D texture of surfaces through spatial, volumetric and height parameters, from the millimeter to the nanometer range.

A Krüss DSA100E/ DSA100M goniometry : system for determining the surface tension of solids and liquids. The equipment has a microdrop dosing system, a thermostatic chamber and a chamber for controlling the vapor saturation of the liquids being analysed. In addition, the microdroplet system has a tilting base that allows the samples to be tilted by at least 90°.

An additional cannon for a team of TOF-SIMs: a team of secondary ion mass spectrometry by time of flight (TOF-SIMS), a very sensitive technique for analyzing the composition of surfaces that provides detailed elemental and molecular information of coatings, layers fine lines and interfaces both at the superficial and three-dimensional level.

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New European Project NABIHEAL in biomaterials for complex wound healing

The Horizon Europe project NABIHEAL, coordinated by the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER) at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), was launched on 11-12 January 2023 in Barcelona with the first meeting of the international consortium, formed by 14 partners from 7 countries, including research centers, universities, and private companies. 

This project will apply one the Cutting Edge Biomedical Solutions” of NANBIOSIS for the preparation of different nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, required for the development of the final multifunctional wound healing biomaterials. This case will gather the expertise of two NANBIOSIS unit: NANBIOSIS U6 will produce and characterize these nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, which will be tested in NANBIOSIS U16.

NABIHEAL stands for “Antimicrobial Nanostructured Biomaterials for Complex Wound Healing” and is funded under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme with a total budget of nearly 5 million euros over four years. NABIHEAL aims at solving two unmet medical needs in complex wound healing: on the one hand, affordable treatments for wound infections and prevention of complications during wound healing, and on the other, a strategy to optimize the composition and efficacy of wound dressings.

The kickoff meeting, held at the CSIC Researcher’s Residence in Barcelona, was opened by the project coordinator, Nora Ventosa, from CIBER and ICMAB-CSIC, and by institutional and political representatives, including Riccardo Rurali, Vice-Director of ICMAB-CSIC; Ramon Martínez Mañez, Scientific Director of CIBER-BBN; Jordi Aguasca, Director of Technological Transformation and Disruption Unit, ACCIÓ; and Xavier Aldeguer, General Director of Society of Knowledge, Transfer & Territory of the Catalan Government. The meeting provided the opportunity to interact in person with all the consortium partners and establish the first collaborative activities to ensure timely delivery of the project milestones.

Complex wound healing as a global health problem

The NABIHEAL project will advance on the synthesis of advanced nanostructured biomaterials as an alternative to the commonly used silver-based materials. “The project will work to produce multifunctional materials for the treatment of complex wound healing, which has become a global health problem. For example, in developed countries, it affects the quality of life of more than 2% of the total population,” affirms Nora Ventosa, coordinator of the project.

Complex wounds, such as chronic wounds, are highly susceptible to microbial infection and biofilm formation, and thus difficult to treat. The most common antimicrobial products to treat these infections are based on silver. However, they have several economic, environmental and safety drawbacks. The biomaterials developed within the NABIHEAL project will offer a safer, more sustainable and more cost-effective alternative.

The project aims to obtain innovative multifunctional wound healing biomaterials using affordable EU-based manufacturing technologies. In the long term, NABIHEAL could become a game-changing alternative to silver in wound healing dressings.

An International Consortium

The goals of the project will be tackled by an interdisciplinary consortium from 7 countries, combining expertise in different areas, such as synthesis and characterization of biomaterials, biocompatibility and safety, regulatory aspects and ethics, or wound healing product development and scale-up. “We are excited to launch this project, in which 8 academic institutions and 6 private companies will join forces to face the challenging problem of complex wound treatment,” adds Prof. Ventosa.  

In addition to the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER) at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB), as coordinator, the international consortium is formed by the following centers and companies: from Spain, the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER) at the University of Extremadura and the University of Cantabria, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Nanomol Technologies S.L. (NT), Bioiberica S.A.U (BIO), Histocell S.L (HCELL), the University of Granada (UGR), and Asphalion (ASPH); from Germany, MyBiotech GmbH (MyB) and Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin (CH); from Croatia, the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health (IMI); from Denmark, the Aarhus University (AU); from Israel, the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (IT); from Austria, BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (BNN); and from Slovenia, the University of Maribor (UM).

More information:

Prof. Nora Ventosa, Project Coordinator, CIBER, ICMAB-CSIC ventosa@icmab.es

Caitlin Ahern, Communication, BioNanoNet caitlin.ahern@bnn.at

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New leaflets available of new equipment at NANBIOSIS Unit 16

We are delighted to announce the publication of our new brochures which reflects the new equiments and capabilities incorporated to NANBIOSIS U16 Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit.

The equipment is available has been incorporated to the Unit thanks to European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) allocated by the Goberment of Spain for the development of ICTSs, specifically through the Project FICTS-1420-14-09.

Further information: NANBIOSIS News

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In search of antimicrobials from natural bee products to coat implantable biomaterials, avoiding resistance.

The Microbial Adhesion research group-NANBIOSIS ICTS U16 Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit of the University of Extremadura (AM-UEX)-, belonging to the CIBER-BBN, led by Maria Luisa González, is searching in natural products, specifically in propolis, compounds with antimicrobial activity to help fight infections associated with biomaterials.

Medical devices have greatly improved healthcare. But biofilm-associated infections related to the use of these devices are a major clinical concern. Biofilms are understood as bacterial communities that adhere to the surface of the devices and are embedded in a polymeric matrix that they themselves produce. This supracellular social organization arises as a survival strategy in hostile environments, such as the human being itself, endowing the microorganisms embedded in it with resistance to mechanical clearance, the host’s immune response and antimicrobial agents. In this context, to prevent bacterial adhesion and the subsequent formation of biofilms, one of the prevention strategies is the coating of the biomaterial surfaces or the incorporation into the biomaterial itself of antimicrobial agents that can prevent their development. These type of infection are also aggravated by the multi-resistance of the microorganisms involved. For this reason, the AM-UEX group works in the search for natural products, with antimicrobial activity, that do not generate resistance, for their incorporation into new implantable biomaterials.

Bees are our allies, and their products can be a good source of available antimicrobials. Propolis is a glue for the hive and is a potentially useful food additive as it contains antioxidant and preservative properties. However, its application in other fields is limited, due to its strong flavor and low solubility. In addition, standardization is difficult because its chemical composition varies according to the flora of the environment. However, it’s common to all that they exhibit remarkable biological activities.

In a first study, the chemical composition of a Spanish propolis with a high antimicrobial capacity against bacterial strains closely related to infections associated with the formation of biofilms on biomaterials, Staphylococcus epidermidis, has been identified. The group has found in a novel Spanish ethanolic extract of propolis (SEEP) a high amount of polyphenols (205 ± 34 mg GAE / g), of which more than half correspond to the flavonoids group ( 127 ± 19 mg QE / g). The importance of this finding lies in the remarkable antioxidant and antimicrobial activities that have been attributed to this class of phenols. In addition, a more detailed analysis revealed the presence of compounds that are also present in olive oil such as vanillic acid, 1-Acetoxypinoresinol, p-HPEA-EA and 3,4-DHPEA-EDA, not previously detected in samples of propolis, which contribute to various health benefits. Other compounds found in relatively low amounts such as ferulic acid and quercetin also provide important therapeutic benefits. Regarding the antimicrobial properties of SEEP, a high sensitivity for S. epidermidis at low concentrations and a high inhibitory capacity at lower concentrations were found.

The antibacterial activity of propolis has been extensively studied, but its mechanism of action remains unclear. Research by our group has focused on measuring alterations in the physicochemical properties of the outermost surface layer of bacterial cells, both in gram-positive (S. epidermidis) and gram-negative (E. coli) cells, after incubation. with different concentrations of this antimicrobial agent. Propolis was found to induce substantial changes in bulk charge density, electrophoretic smoothness, and degree of hydrophobicity of the outermost surface layer of cells. Furthermore, observation by electron microscopy and determination of the release of cellular components carried out in NANBIOSIS Unit 16 of CIBER-BBN and UEX showed that propolis at sub-bactericidal concentrations already causes, at least locally, structural and morphological damage and/or disturbances in the cell wall. This research proposes that the mechanism of action of propolis against bacteria comes initially from the structural damage of the membrane / wall produced by the different constituents of propolis. It is a mechanism of action to which it can be difficult for bacteria to generate resistance, especially if different SEEP molecules work together synergistically.

Reference articles:

Fernández-Calderón, M. C., Navarro-Pérez, M. L., Blanco-Roca, M. T., Gómez-Navia, C., Pérez-Giraldo, C., and Vadillo-Rodríguez, V. (2020). Chemical Profile and Antibacterial Activity of a Novel Spanish Propolis with New Polyphenols also Found in Olive Oil and High Amounts of Flavonoids. Molecules 25, 3318. [DOI]

Vadillo-Rodríguez V, Cavagnola MA, Pérez-Giraldo, Fernández-Calderón MC. (2021) A physico-chemical study of the interaction of ethanolic extracts of propolis with bacterial cells. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 200, 111571. [DOI]

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NANBIOSIS Scientific Women in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Today February 11 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day to raise awareness of the gender gap in science and technology.

According to the United Nations, while yet women and girls continue to be excluded from participating fully in science, science and gender equality are vital to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Thus, in recent years, the international community has made a great effort to inspire and promote the participation of women and girls in science.

NANBIOSIS wants to acknowledge  the efforts made by scientific women who struggle every day to contribute their bit to Science and highlight their essential role in nowadays research. Especially we want to recognize the work of scientists women involved in NANBIOSIS, whatever is the nature of their contribution: technical, scientific development, management, coordination, direction, etc; just to mention some examples:
Neus Ferrer and Mercedes Márquez in the Scientific Direction and Coordination of Unit 1 Protein Production Platform (PPP)
Pilar Marco and Nuria Pascual in the Management and Scientific Coordination of U2 Custom Antibody Service (CAbS) 
Miriam Royo in the Scientific Direction of U3 Synthesis of Peptides Unit
Nora Ventosa and Nathaly Segovia in the Scientific Direction and Technical Coordination of U6 Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit
Isabel Oliveira and Teresa Galán in the Coordination of U7 Nanotecnology Unit
Rosa Villa and Gemma Gabriel in the Management and Scientific Coordination of U8 Micro – Nano Technology Unit
Gema Martínez in the Scientific Coordination of U9 Synthesis of Nanoparticles Unit
Fany Peña in the Scientific Coordination of U13 Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit
Mª Luisa González Martín and Margarita Hierro in the of Direction and Scientific Coordination of U16 Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit
Gemma Pascual and Isabel Trabado in the Coordination of the U17 Confocal Microscopy Service
Isolda Casanova in the Scientific Coordination of U18 Nanotoxicology Unit
Beatriz Moreno in the Scientific Direction of Unit 19 Clinical tests lab
Ibane Abásolo in the Scientific Coordination of Unit 20 In Vivo Experimental Platformt
Verónica Crisóstomo in the Scientific Direction of Unit 24 Medical Imaging 
Ana Paula Candiota in the Scientific Coordination of Unit 25 Biomedical Applications I 
Maria Luisa García in the Scientific Direction of U28 NanoImaging Unit from Bionand, recently incorporated to NANBIOSIS, Anna Aviñó in the Scientific Coordination of U29 Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform (OSP) – and

Nerea Argarate in the coordination of NANBIOSIS

Thanks to all of you and your teams!

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