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nanbiosis news

Microfluidic technologies to study the cardiomyopathy processes of Duchenne’s disease

Ignacio Ochoa and Luis Fernandez, researchers of the AMB group of CIBER-BBN and I3A-University of Zaragoza, coordinator of NANBIOSIS U13. Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit, are working on the european project “CISTEM – HEART ON CHIP BASED ON INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELL TECHNOLOGY FOR PERSONALIZED MEDICINE” . They are developing heart on a chip microfluidic devices to study the cardiomyopathy process in the Duchenne muscular distrophy using microfluidic technologies.

CISTEM Kick-off Meeting was successfully held on 24th of January 2018 at Elvesys, Paris, France. Representative of the consortium organizations including academic institutions and industry representatives were participating in this meeting: BioSense Institute, Elvesys, Cherry Biotech, Universidad Zaragoza, BEOnChip and Jagiellonian University

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NANBIOSIS participates in the new Video “Technological Strategy MATERPLAT”

MATERPLAT, Technological Platform of Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials, premieres Youtube channel with a video in which it discloses the activities of the platform and how they try to help to promote the creation of a national ecosystem in the field of advanced materials and nanomaterials .

The video is also about one of the last major milestones of the platform: the elaboration of the Spanish Technological Strategy of Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials, in which NANBIOSIS has participated through its Coordinator, Jesus Izco, who leads the Materplat health innovation group.

Video “Technological Strategy MATERPLAT” 

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Nora Ventosa, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U6, presented the Smart4Fabry project to the compressed fluids community

Last  25th April, Nora Ventosa, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U6. Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit, presented Smart4Fabry project to the compressed fluids community at the 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids in Antibes, France.

This event is held every three years, gathering investigators from all domains with the aim to promote knowledge and applications of Supercritical Fluids.

According to the ISASF, International Society for Advancement of Supercritical Fluids, “a fluid is called “supercritical” when both its pressure and temperature are over its critical pressure and temperature. It is monophasic and exhibits specific properties, different from those of liquids and gases. Supercritical fluids have a high solvent power vis-à-vis many compounds, at the difference with compressed gases. This solvent power can be easily modified by changing the pressure, what permits to design very selective processes leading to high-quality products”.



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I Forum on Emerging Technologies organized by CIBER

On May 8th, will take place in Madrid, at the Assembly Hall Ernest Lluch of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, organized by CIBER Internationalization Platform (CIBER-BBN, CIBERER, CIBERES) the I Forum on Emerging Technologies.

The objective of this meeting is to promote the exchange of ideas and scientific knowledge among the CIBER research groups with the aim of generating new collaborations for participation in cross-cutting projects and the development of border technologies. The content of the forum, centered on the type of technology and possibilities it offers, is structured in a program of lectures and scientific debates whose final objective is the discussion and the joint generation of ideas. This first edition of the forum will be focused on Gene Therapy, Nanotechnologies and Omic Technologies-Big Data.

Some Units of NANBIOSIS will participate:

  • José Luis Pedraz, Scientific Director of  Unit 10 Drug Formulation, will speak of “Development of non-viral vectors for gene therapy
  • Laura Lechuga, Scientific Director of Unit 4  Biodepositon and Biodetection, will talk about “Nanodispositive biosensors for advanced clinical diagnosis
  • Rosa Villa, Scientific Director of Unit 8 Micro–Nano Technology, Ramón Martínez, Scientific Director of Unit 26 NMR Biomedical Applications II and Esther Pueyo, researcher of U27 High Performance Computer will moderate the sessions.


Programme and registration details


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Non-invasive glucose sensing in tears

Currently numerous medical diagnoses or follow-ups of many diseases are carried out by conventional methods such as clinical tests in laboratories and hospitals, being these invasive, slow and expensive.

Thanks to advances in technology, Point-of-Care (PoC) devices allow testing and monitoring of a multitude of biomedical markers or parameters in order to: (i) reduce costs, save time and reduce the complexity of the analysis; (ii) allow analysis in medical centers, primary care centers or even at home and (iii) real-time results allow to accelerate the decision-making on a patient. Thus, PoC devices respond to a demand from medical doctors as is the efficient health service thanks to the rapid availability of the laboratory analysis results.

In this context, a team of scientists from Barcelona have collaboratively developed a non-enzymatic sensor for glucose sensing in a non-invasive manner in tears. The work, cover of the magazine Applied Materials Today, demonstrates the proof of concept of the functionality of this electrochemical sensor.

Ana Moya, researcher of the CIBER-BBN and member of the research group of the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona CSIC, responsible for the sensors manufacture explains how these devices are fabricated by the innovative technology of Printed Electronics. Specifically, electrochemical glucose sensors have been manufactured by printing microelectrodes using Inkjet Printing Technology (IJP) on a flexible substrate of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with silver and gold inks. The IJP dispenses small drops of the material to be printed under a graphic environment. This direct writing approach without the need of masks drastically reduces the total manufacturing time and cost of the sensors, and facilitates iterative design changes during sensor development.

Gemma Gabriel, Scientific Coordinator of  NANBIOSIS U8. Micro–Nano Technology Unit and researcher of the CIBER-BBN in the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona CSIC, explains how the IJP is a promising and low-cost alternative to conventional microelectronic manufacturing technology, which will allow the creation of a multitude of highly specific sensor platforms and sensitive with analytical application in the medical area. In line with the research group, the advance in novel functional materials with these technologies is of paramount importance for the development of new generations of disposable sensor platforms to solve a wide range of applications in the medical field.

Agostino Romeo, member of the Smart nano-bio-devices Group at the Institut de Bioingenieria de Catalunya (IBEC) led by Samuel Sánchez, highlights how the use of copper oxide microparticles (CuO) has allowed the successful modification of the electrodes, leading to a sensitive, stable and cost-effective platform for the non-enzymatic detection of glucose. The selectivity, reproducibility and life time provided by this functionalization with CuO has shown that these sensors are reliable tools to perform a personalized diagnosis of the health of an individual.

The good sensitivity and selectivity of the electrochemical sensor presented here has made it particularly suitable for the non-invasive sensing of glucose in tears. This has been demonstrated in this study in which the glucose level in human samples has been measured and correlated with commercial devices.

All this allows us to foresee that the use of this type of sensors for the diagnosis of eye diseases such as diabetes, where it is possible to achieve a painless and non-invasive monitoring, has a great opportunity in a disease as widespread in the world as it is this one. Thus, versatility, short manufacturing time and low cost makes IJP a valuable technology alternative to traditional sensor manufacturing techniques. Thus, the technology here presented can be adapted for the detection of many other substances of interest in other fluids such as saliva or urine.


Article of Reference:

Romeo A, Moya A, Leung TS, Gabriel G, Villa R, Sánchez S.  “Inkjet printed flexible non-enzymatic glucose sensor for tear fluid analysis“. Applied Materials Today 10 (2018) 133-141


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Designing nanomedicines

Next May 3, will take place in Barcelona, at the Academy of Medical and Health Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Island, an informative session and debate about Nanotecnology and Health “Designing Nanomedicines” in wich Prof. Antonio Villaverde, Strategy Director of NANBIOSIS U1. Protein Production Platform (PPP) will give a talk on “Nanobiotechnological approaches to cancer medicine“. Prof. Jesús Martínez de la Fuente, (ICMAB-CSIC / Universidad de Zaragoza – CIBER-BBN) will speak about “the nanorevolution: towards a healthier world“.

The organization of the even has been in charge of Pilar Marco, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U2  Custom Antibody Service (CAbS), as a member of the board of directors of the Catalan Society of Medical Biotechnology.


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Communication in science and transfer with Professor Antoni Villaverde

On June 6th, Aula Científica, in collaboration with IBB, organizes a theoretical and practical course on “Principles and practice of communication in science and in transfer“. Professor Antoni Villaverde, Strategy Director of NANBIOSIS U1. Protein Production Platform (PPP), will transmit his knowledge and experience on the preparation of scientific articles.

The objectives of the course, aimed at researchers, entrepreneurs, teachers and managers of research and transfer, are to offer basic conceptual and instrumental tools in scientific communication, focused on the writing of scientific manuscripts, preparation of scientific and technological innovation projects and transfer , and in oral and corporal expression during public presentations.

Dr A. Villaverde is Chair Professor of Microbiology at the Department of Genetics and Microbiology leader of the Nanobiotechnology group at the Institute for Biotechnology and Biomedicine and leader of the Basic and Applied Microbiology (SGR group), Autonomous University of Barcelona. He coordinates a research team of about 15 people, fully integrated in the Networking Biomedical Research Center in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN). He has authored more than 250 peer-reviewed research and review papers on microbiology-biotechnology-nanosciences interfaces, apart from several books, book chapters and patents. A. Villaverde founded and ha has been Editor-in-Chief until 2017 of the Open-Access journal Microbial Cell Factories.

Information and registration: http://www.aulacientifica.com/Cursos/Varios/ComBCN.htm


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Robust Organic Radical Molecular Junctions Using Acetylene Terminated Groups for C–Au Bond Formation

Jaume Veciana, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS is co-author of the publication “Robust Organic Radical Molecular Junctions Using Acetylene Terminated Groups for C–Au Bond Formation” by “Journal of the American Chemical Society”.

For further information:

J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018140 (5), pp 1691–1696

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Two Units of NANBIOSIS participates in the CIBERONC – CIBER-BBN collaboratives projects

Scientists from two NANBIOSIS units participate in two of the three projects selected in the Call CIBER-BBN / CIBERONC.

On April 13, the 1st CIBERONC – CIBER-BBN Collaborative Projects Forum took place at the National School of Health (Carlos III Health Institute). The purpose of the event was to carry out the resolution of the call for collaborative seed projects between the two areas.

During the forum, 12 proposals for collaborative projects were presented, encompassed in four thematic sessions: new nano-devices, new strategies for 3D culture, phototherapy and drug release. All the proposals included the application of some of the latest innovations in the fields of bioengineering, biomaterials and nanomedicine to try to respond to a clinical oncological need.


Josep Samitier, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 7 , together with Rosa Noguera of CIBERONC, coordinates the project “3D models in vitro for the studies of mechanotherapy in neuroblastoma“. This project addresses a very novel topic of undoubted scientific interest: the effect of the physical properties that the extracellular matrix contributes to the progression and treatment of tumors. In addition, the project has a high translational value and could be applicable not only to neuroblastoma but to other types of tumors and the general metastatic process.

The groups led by Jaime Veciana, Scientific Director NANBIOSIS and of NANBIOSIS unit 6, toguether with Joaquín Arribas of CIBERONC, will develop the project  “Artificial lymphatic nodes for the immunotherapy of cancer (ALYCIA)” coordinated by the researchers Cristina Bernadó (CIBERONC) and Judit Guasch ( CIBER-BBN). This project offers the possibility of studying the role of immune cells with a more efficient system for obtaining T cells, controlling the possible immune response that can be generated by inoculating artificial lymph nodes. It is an innovative project, with great potential and many expectations

Further information

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Dr. Simó Schwartz Jr, appointed editor of Precision Nanomedicine magazine

The new magazine “Precision Nanomedicine” in its online version, is about to be issued. Dr. Simón Schwartz Jr, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U20 In Vivo Experimental Platform, is one of only two Spanish researchers who are part of the editorial board of the journal. The rest of publishers belong to the United States, Australia, Japan and Europe

Precision Nanomedicine is a publication promoted by the European Society of Nanomedicine (ESNAM for its acronym in English), the European Nanomedicine Foundation and the Conference of Clinical Nanomedicine (Clinamen). It was born with the aim of bringing together the most important opinion leaders in this field, disseminating the concept of Precision Nanomedicine and promoting its application in the clinical field using nanomedicines in a personalized way, depending on the patient and the pathology. Within this willingness to make wide dissemination of knowledge, access to the journal will be open.

The launch of the journal occurs at a very opportune time given the high number of nanodrugs that are reaching the clinic or clinical trials phase and the fact that some of them, for example, are already drugs of choice in oncological treatments“, says Dr. Schwartz Jr.


For further information

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