Marisa González, Scientific Director of Unit 16 of NANBIOSIS, candidate to the Rectorate of the University of Extremadura
Marisa González, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 16 Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit, runs for elections to the Rectorate of the University of Extremadura, to be held on November 27.
Marisa González, Professor of Applied Physics in the Faculty of Sciences and the Group Leader of Microbial Adhesion research group of CIBER-BBN at University of Extremadura, she works with implants and materials on contact with body fluids and tissues, such as blood or bones, and the importance of knowing how these surfaces interact with proteins and molecules in the blood, and how they would do it in case of that bacteria could arrive that could cause infections in our organism.
In addition to teaching and research, Marisa has experience in the management of the University of Extremadura, she has been, for example, director of the departments of Physics and Applied Physics. In these sense, although Marisa González already stressed that she would not flag her condiction of woman, the truth is that if she wins she would be the first woman to lead the UEx. In fact, it is the first time that there is a female candidate.
In the picture members of CIBER-BBN and NANBIOSIS for Marisa to the UEX in postive!