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NANBIOSIS develops on demand projects and cutting edge biomedical solutions.

In this video, Jesús Izco Ex. Director of NANBIOSIS, presents NANBIOSIS as one of the 29 ICTS that currently make up the national ICTS map. It consist consists of 27 units grouped into five platforms  which ofer their services under a single contact point and develops on demand projects and cutting edge biomedical solutions in different biomedical applications such as biosensors, live image, contrast agents, therapeutic agents, regenerative medicine, drug delivery, among others.



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The PRO-NANBIOSIS II Network of Excellence begins its execution

The PRONANBIOSIS II Network of Excellence ICTS 2017 SAF2017-90810-REDI, granted by the Spanish Minitry of Science to NANBIOSIS, begins its activity planned for two years.

Networks of Excellence favor the development of networks of research groups aimed, in this case, to promote the general coordination of ICTS or Distributed ICTS, as is the case of NANBIOSIS.

This Network will give continuity to the previous PRONANBIOSIS Network, which ended on July 31st. The main purposes of the Network are:
– to consolidate its unified management model,
– to boost its internationalization and strategic positioning
– to promote a complete cascade service for nanomaterials characterization

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Strong Ministerial Support to NANBIOSIS ICTS

Spanish Goverment  has granted a “Network of Excellence”: ICTS 2017 SAF2017-90810-REDI”, with the maximum funding of 89,700 euro to consolidate the unified management model of NANBIOSIS, to boost its internationalization and strategic positioning as well as to promote a complete cascade service for nanomaterials characterization.

The two years lasting project has been granted within the frame of the National Programme for Fostering Excellence in Scientific and Technical Research.

This Excellence project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, will consolidate and promote the One Stop Shop model of NANBIOSIS, which facilitate to public and private centers of research and companies a simply and competitive access to an offer that ranges from the product´s design and procurement itself, its development and characterization up to the complete pre-clinical validation.

The actions of this project are also aimed at giving continuity to initiatives launched in the project financed in the 2015 call, as well as the implementation of strategic actions such as the new singular services or others contemplated in Marketing Plan related to the promotion and creation of strategic alliances. All this will contribute to continue increasing the visibility of NANBIOSIS, consolidating it as a scientific-technical model open to the development of competitive research in the national and European framework and strengthening the R & D & I capacities through the promotion of the interconnection between distributed infrastructures and the development of integrated, advanced and unique collaborative services. The program includes governance actions, actions to promote and manage access, strategic planning actions, dissemination and dissemination and promotion of joint R & D activities..

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X Annual Conference of CIBER-BBN

The next days 28 and 29 of November the X Annual Conference of CIBER-BBN will be held in Seville.

Within this Conference, 3 thematic forums have been organized for clinical translation, where doctors will present the current challenges of diagnosis and treatment in certain diseases and a debate will open between doctors and
researchers to develop research lines and projects aimed at solving those needs.

Taking advantage of the presence of clinical professionals, NANBIOSIS has organized a session dedicated to presenting itself as “Unique technological scientific infrastructure” (ICTS in Spanish) as well as the nodes that are
part of it. Some cases of success and results will be also presented in order to ´make known the services and advantages offered by NANBIOSIS and facilitate the translation of the research developed in the ICTS.

This session will be attended by Ángela Fernández Curto, Assistant Deputy Director General for Planning of Scientific and Technological Infrastructures MINECO who will explain what is and “ICTS”, Jaume Veciana and Jesús Izco, Scientific Director and Coordinator of NANBIOSIS respectively who shall give some general explanations about NANBIOSIS and what has been done in this year of progress since its recognition as ICTS by MINECO,

Finally, The broader part of the session will be led by the following Coordinators or Scientific Directors of the NANBIOSIS Platforms, who will make a brief presentation of each and will present some cases of success:

Also at the Conference, the NANBIOSIS Scientific Advisory Committee will meet to discuss the key actions of its next Strategic Plan, such as the new Cascade Characterization Service for the preclinical evaluation of nanomedicines.

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Nanbiosis new ICTS incorporation

The new map of Scientific and Technological Infrastructures (ICTS), was updated by the Council for Science Policy, Technology and Innovation last 7th of October, 2014, which  incorporated The Integrated Infrastructure on Production and Characterization of Nanomaterials, Biomaterials and Systems in Biomedicine (NANBIOSIS) . The new ICTS is integrated by the CIBER-BBN and the Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery Jesus Uson (JUMISC).

Pablo Laguna, scientific director of the CIBER-BBN noted that “this recognition is the result of efforts of both institutions to try to provide research services of high quality and added value, usually high-cost equipment, which is available to the scientific community, giving them greater and better use and avoiding costly and not always necessary redundancies. Furthermore, the fact that these infrastructures are coordinated by experts in their subjects, makes the scope of these infrastructures to exceed the national territory to become an actor at international level “.

The research infrastructure is aimed at medical applications and tries to provide a complete service and easy access through a “single contact point”, which includes the design, production of biomaterials and nanomaterials characterization of these materials, tissues , medical and systems from a physical, chemical, functional, toxicological and biological point of view including preclinical validation.

NANBIOSIS’ Units are located in Zaragoza, Badajoz, Barcelona, ​​Caceres, Madrid, Valencia and Álava. Provides personnel and cross-cutting equipment in all the units in which infrastructure is organized, with dedication to service to the entire scientific community.

The new Spanish map of ICTS has 29 infrastructures and has been updated taking into account criteria of highest scientific quality, technology and innovation, subjecting candidates to a rigorous process of independent evaluation.n (check ICTS map)

The so-called singular scientific and technical infrastructures (ICTS) are large installations, resources, facilities and services, unique in its kind, that are dedicated to cutting edge and high quality research and technological development, as well as to promote exchange, transmission and preservation of knowledge, technology transfer and innovation. Its main objective is provision to national and international scientific, technological and industrial community of essential scientific and technical infrastructure for the development of a scientific and technological research unique or exceptional in its genre, with a very high cost of investment and maintenance and whose importance and strategic nature justifies their availability for the whole R + D + i collective. Therefore, the ICTS are infrastructures of PUBLIC  ownership, are UNIQUE and OPEN to competitive access to users of the whole research community in the public and private sector..

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