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Unit 16 of NANBIOSIS will expand its capabilities with cofinancing of FEDER funds

On October 25, the Monitoring Commission of the agreement signed on July 15 was established by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the University of Extremadura for the acquisition of new equipment that will expand the capabilities of Unit 16 of NANBIOSIS.

One of the 26 Units that constitute NANBIOSIS is Unit 16 “Unit of Surface Characterization and Calorimetry” of CIBER-BBN and the University of Extremadura. The application of this FEDER cofinancing will allow the expansion of the capabilities of this unit for the chemical, physicochemical, and topographic characterization of surfaces, improving the competences in mass spectrometry by time of flight of secondary ions (TOF-SIMS), photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and extending them to the profilometry goniometry and goniometry. The requested equipment will be located on the Badajoz campus of the University of Extremadura, where Unit 16 of NANBIOSIS is located.

The total budget of the project is € 1,380,000, 80% of which are co-financed with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) corresponding to the Spanish Multi-Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, allocated to the General Secretariat for Coordination of Scientific Policy of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities destined to finance projects and actions related to infrastructures included in the current ICTS Map. The remaining 20% ​​is contributed by the Junta de Extremadura.

Further information here

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On October 21 and 22, CIBER-BBN has celebrated its 13th Annual Conference  in Tarragona, with a session dedicated to NANBIOSIS on the afternoon of Monday 21. The Singular Technical Scientific Infrastructure (ICTS) for the production and characterization of biomaterials, nanomaterials and devices up to its preclinical validation for the production and characterization of biomaterials, nanomaterials and devices up to its preclinical validation is integrated by of the CIBER-BBN, the Minimally Invasive Surgery Center Jesus Usón and Bionand after its incorporation to the ICTS last year. NANBIOSIS, presented its annual activity.

The Session was chaired by its Scientific Director, Jaume Veciana who also gave an Annual Summary, after that, the new unit 29 of NANBIOSIS, the Oligonucleotide Synthesis Platform, was presented by its Scientific Director Ramon Eritja Casadellà, from CIBER-BBN and Catalan Institute of Advanced Chemistry- CSIC . Finally, the Infrastructure for OMICS technologies (OmicsTech ICTS): metabolomics for clinical and nutritional research, was presented by Xavier Domingo-Almenara, Centre for Omics Sciences, EURECAT- Rovira i Virgili University.

After the NANBIOSIS Session, was the NANBIOSIS Scientificic Advisory Board meeting.

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CIBER-BBN Annual Conference 2019

In one month CIBER-BBN will celebrate its 13th Annual Conference on October 20 and 21 in Tarragona, at the Hotel Ciutat de Tarragona, Tarragona.

This year there several scientific sessions are planned about related leading issues with research topics of interest to CIBER-BBN. On Monday there will be three sessions centered in:

  • artificial intelligence and big data
  • gene editing and CRISPR and
  • liquid biopsy and point-ofcare.

Each of these sessions will include a plenary conference given by an expert
guest and two talks by BBN researchers, followed by an open debate.

The program will complete a session focused on the Singular Technical Scientific Infrastructure NANBIOSIS-ICTS.

On Tuesday, the four prizes will be awarded to the best scientific articles published by young researchers of CIBER-BBN during 2018 and there will be two other sessions on

  • nanobots and emerging drug administration technologies and
  • senescence and reprogramming

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Last week, representatives of NANBIOSIS and OmicsTech met at the IQAC-CSIC facilities in Barcelona to exchange common research lines, points of view of their complementarity and collaboration possibilities of the facilities, both recognized as Unique Scientific Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) by the Spanish Government.

The Infrastructure for Omics Technologies OmicsTech ICTS is a distributed infrastructure that offers researchers the possibility of using globally competitive singular facilities exclusively dedicated to work with omics technologies, with a spectrum of biomolecular analysis tools for holistic capture of biological processes, to support research, technological development, and innovation activities. Advances in genomics, proteomics and metabolomics technologies have opened new avenues towards understanding molecular disease mechanisms and the behavior of cells, tissues, organs and, eventually, whole organisms. OmicsTech is formed by the Center of Omic Sciences (COS-URV-EURECAT), Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG-CRG) and the Proteomics Platform-CRG (PP-CRG-UPF).

The Infrastructure for the Production and Characterization of Nanomaterials, Biomaterials and Systems in Biomedicine NANBIOSIS ICTS is a distributed infrastructure for biomedical research with outsourcing equipment and expertise of excellence to design and produce biomaterials, nanomaterials and their nanoconjugates as well as their characterization from a physic-chemical, functional, toxicological and biological (preclinical validation) point of view, focused on biomedical applications such as: IVDs, medical devices, biosensors, regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, therapeutic agents or MRI contrast agents. NANBIOSIS provides more than 700 accesses per year and services to 100 companies.

Due to this complementarity, both ICTS facilities have explored collaborations possibilities and a list of initiatives were discussed. This new collaboration will start with a session of OmicsTech in the Annual Conference of CIBER-BBN that will take place next October 21-22 in Tarragona. Meanwhile, both ICTS will work together stablishing synergies between different services that both institutions provide increasing the scope of the biomedical solutions given to the health sector. Collaboration between groups of the CIBER-BBN and groups related to OmicsTech will additionally facilitate the synergies between the two ICTS facilities.

For further information:

www.nanbiosis.es; www.omicstech.org

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Job Vacancy for position of Project Manager at CIBER

Scientist aiming at developing a career in project management is required for a European Project in the field of biomedical research; working with NANBIOSIS ICTS (Scientific infraestructure of CIBER-BBN). The position requires good command of English and strong skills in coordinating researchers.

Applications must be filed at CIBER’s web portal untill May 22.

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Safe-N-Medtech kicks off in Bilbao

The Safe-N-MedTech European Project kcks off in Bibao to create an open innovation platform that accelerates the development of medical devices based on nanotechnologies.

During 2 and 3 of May took place in Bilbao, at the University of the Basque Country, the kick off meeting of the European project Safe-N-Medtech organized by Osteba, the HTA Unit of the Ministry of Health of the Basque Country (Spain) in collaboration with BIOPRAXIS-BIOKERALTY.

Safe-N-Medtech, counts with 28 partnerts coordinated by TECNAN (Navarran company with great experience in Nano products), together with BIOPRAXIS-BIOKERALTY, the research branch of the global health companies Keralty and Praxis. The new project is part of the Open Innovation Test Bed initiative (OITB) launched by the European Commission with the aim of accelerating the development of medical devices based on nanotechnologies in Europe and abroad. The project has a European funding of 15 million euros.

CIBER-BBN participates as a partner in the Safe-N-Medtech throught its Scientific Infraestructure, the ICTS NANBIOSISSeveral units of NANBIOSIS from CIBER-BBN and JUMISC wiil carry out some of the F/Q, in vivo and in vitro characterizations applied to pilot test cases, NANBIOSIS is the leader of WP3 Preclinical Research in nano-enabled MTs.

Society and clinical practice raise a growing demand for new biomaterials, ICTs, medical devices and in vitro diagnostics (Medical Technologies-MTs) based on micro and nanotechnologies. In addition to the challenge of time, new technologies are subject to other pressing factors, such as qualification, regulation, cost, biocompatibility and the need to be applicable throughout the world. Medical devices based on nanotechnologies can be applied in almost all medical areas, with an important presence in areas such as cancer, regenerative medicine, advanced therapies, neurology, cardiology, orthopedics and dentistry.

The initiative aims to build an open innovation platform to offer companies and reference laboratories the capabilities, knowledge, networks and services necessary for the development, testing, evaluation, improvement and exploitation of the market of medical devices and diagnostic based in nanotechnology. This platform will offer a multidisciplinary and market-oriented innovation approach for SMEs, health care providers and industries, accelerating the transfer to the market of these new medical devices. During the first years of project work, the partners will develop their services and test them in different case studies, so that, Safe-N-Medtech OITB can become a sustainable and competitive services platform for companies to accelerate their developments according to the necessary regulatory requirements and ensure the safety and effectiveness of their medical devices based on nanotechnologies.

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Why peripheral blood lymphocyte alterations can be good biomarkers to predict myocardial infarction severity

Researchers of CCMIJU led by Verónica Crisóstomo, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U24 Medical imaging, and Javier García Casado Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U14 Cell Therapy unit have carried out a study study aimed to identify which are the very early immune-related biomarkers that may be used as predictors of myocardial infarction severity.

Experimental studies have been conducted by NANBIOSIS Units 14, 21, 22 and 24 of the CCMIJU, clinical test lab, animal housing, experimental operating room and medical imaging tecniciansare are recognized in the acknowledgement and funding sections of the article.

Article of reference:

Esther López, Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo, Verónica Álvarez, Rebeca Blázquez, Federica Marinaro, Ana Abad, Helena Martín, Claudia Báez,Virginia Blanco,Verónica Crisóstomo and Javier García Casado “Identification of very early inflammatory markers in a porcine myocardial infarction model” BMC Veterinary Research 2019-15:91

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The European Union highlights the relevance of the JUMISC’s Cutting-Edge Infraestructures and Technology, recognized as ICTS.

Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (JUMISC), from Cáceres, partnert of NANBIOSIS, has recently made headlines on the website of the European Commission as an innovative center for Biomedical and Health Research.

In the interview to his Director, Francisco Miguel Sanchez Margallo, he explained how European Funds allowed Infraestructures and Vanguard Technology for biomedical research at the CCMIJU, which have already been recognized, as part of NANBIOSIS, with CIBER-BBN and BIONAND, as “Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructure” (ICTS).

Complete news at European Commision’s Website: https://ec.europa.eu/spain/news/investeu_caceres_es

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Bionand, recently incorporated to NANBIOSIS ICTS, among the three national biotechnology reference centers.

The Diario Sur of  Andalucía, publishes today  an article dedicated to BIONAND and its recent accreditation as ICTS by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, that resolved on November 6 the incorporation of the Nanoimaging Unit of BIONAND to the ICTS NANBIOSIS.

In the article, the Director of BIONAND, Jose Becerra Ratia, Professor of Cell Biology of the University of Malaga, explains the opportunities and commitments that imply for the Andalusian Center for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (BIONAND) its incorporation to NANBIOSIS.

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Members of the NANBIOSIS Coordination Committee have visited the ALBA Synchrotron and its representatives to exchange common research lines, points of view on their complementarity and discuss the collaboration possibilities of the facilities,  both recognized as Unique Scientific Technical Infrastructure  (ICTS) by the Spanish Government.

The ALBA Synchrotron consists of a complex of electron accelerators in which the electrons are forced to rotate at a speed of 1 million turns per second. When they are bent, synchrotron light is emitted, allowing to visualize the atomic structure and molecular analysis of materials and study their properties obtaining information that cannot be achieved in any other way.

ALBA offers synchrotron light to external users, both from the academia and from the industry, to perform outstanding studies of a very wide range of research sectors. It provides services to 1800 researchers per year performing more than 500 experiments.

Currently, ALBA has eight operational state-of-the art beamlines, four are under construction  and it has capacity for more than twenty beamlines, in total. Five of these beam lines are focused on biomedical applications. It is in these beamlines where the services of ALBA Synchrotron are complementary to those of NANBIOSIS, especially in the field of Structural / biochemical Characterization.

NANBIOSIS is a distributed infrastructure for biomedical research with outsourcing equipment and expertise of excellence to design and produce biomaterials, nanomaterials and their nanoconjugates as well as their characterization from a physic-chemical, functional, toxicological and biological (preclinical validation) point of view, focused on biomedical applications such as: IVDs, medical devices, biosensors, regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, therapeutic agents or MRI contrast agents. NANBIOSIS provides more than 700 accesses per year and services to 100 companies.

Due to this complementarity, both ICTS facilities have explored collaborations possibilities and a list of initiatives were discussed. The starting point will be to put in common all the different services that both institutions provide in order to meet the most complex needs of its users and increase the scope of the biomedical solutions given to the health sector.

This new collaboration started with a presentation of ALBA and its complementarity with NANBIOSIS in the annual Conference of CIBER-BBN that took place in November 11-13 in Valladolid.

More information:


ALBA Synchrotron



Contact Nanbiosis:  info@nanbiosis.com

Contact ALBA Synchrotron: industrialoffice@cells.es


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