CIBER-BBN Annual Conference 2019
In one month CIBER-BBN will celebrate its 13th Annual Conference on October 20 and 21 in Tarragona, at the Hotel Ciutat de Tarragona, Tarragona.
This year there several scientific sessions are planned about related leading issues with research topics of interest to CIBER-BBN. On Monday there will be three sessions centered in:
- artificial intelligence and big data
- gene editing and CRISPR and
- liquid biopsy and point-ofcare.
Each of these sessions will include a plenary conference given by an expert
guest and two talks by BBN researchers, followed by an open debate.
The program will complete a session focused on the Singular Technical Scientific Infrastructure NANBIOSIS-ICTS.
On Tuesday, the four prizes will be awarded to the best scientific articles published by young researchers of CIBER-BBN during 2018 and there will be two other sessions on
- nanobots and emerging drug administration technologies and
- senescence and reprogramming