NANBIOSIS infrastructures and services are available to all members of the national and international scientific community (from public or private sectors), who can access them under two modalities of access: “Competitive Open Access” or “Access on Demand”. NANBIOSIS declares its firm commitment to offer at least 20% of the capacity of its essential facilities in Competitive Open Access modality.
Competitive Open Access.
To obtain Competitive Open Access it is necessary to participate in Access Calls which take place twice a year.
Applications approved under this modality will get shortlisted following an evaluation process which is carried out by the NANBIOSIS Access Committee.
Apart from the prioritized access, proposals admited in Competitive Open Access modality shall obtain 5% of discount in the rates of the services implicated, when the invoises are issued by CIBER, CCMIJU or Ibima Plataforma Bionand.
Access on Demand.
Access application forms submitted after the Open Access Call deadlines or not granted in Compeititive Open Access mode will be considered as Access on Demand. In these accesses the rates published in NANBIOSIS website for the different services and Units are applied (
In order for a request of access to be approved in any of both modalities, it is necessary to ensure that the required Unit/s can technically undertake the requested services. Applicants can first consult with the Unit/s involved and then submit the order request, or, if they are not sure or do not know about the needed Unit/s, they can explain that circumstance int he application form and the Coordinator of NANBIOSIS will contact with the Unit/s that may solve the problem and also with the applicant, if more information is needed.
The approval of access in this modality requires adequate justification that the access proposal complies with sufficient scientific-technical quality and singularity.
The applications will be approved and prioritized, or not, based on the scientific-technical quality and singularity criteria. In this sense, the proposals received that are part of R&D&I projects financed by a competitive call from an international or national funding agency will be deemed to meet the required quality and will obtain the higest punctuation, their access to the ICTS in this modality will be conditioned by the score obtained in the evaluation and their position on the priority list.
If the existence of a competitively financed overarching project is not demonstrated, applicants can justify the scientific-technical quality or uniqueness of their proposal and get shortlisted based on one or more of the remaining criteria in the Application Form.
The Access Application Form, “Order Request”, includes sections related to the evaluation criteria for the consideration of the Access Committee to establish the priority of the accesses approved in each call.
It is recommended to fill out all the different sections of the application form “Order Request” and select and explain the concurrence of the different criteria to facilitate the evaluation process.
Based on the individual scores obtained in the evaluation, a Prioritation List of the applications with approved open access will be drawn up, by the Access Committee grouped by essential facilities, being:
Resolution of the calls and publication
After the calls are closed, the applications will be evaluated by the Access Committee according to the Access Protocol who will issue a repor and the prioritization results will be published in the NANBIOSIS website in 15 days. The Units proposed in the applications form will contact the selected applicants to schedule the services according to their service requests.
Service Delivery
The execution of the accesses approved will be carried out wduring the time till the next call, except for the access of a longer duration, following the times asigned by each Unit (according the priorization list in the case of Competitive Open Access mode or agreed upon the Unit after the prioritized access is covered)
Next call for Competitive and Open Access will be open in June
Applications for Access “on demand” can be submitted at any time. Services requested could be provided after the granted competitive access
Annual Call – 1st January -31st December: CLOSED
The number of order requests for NANBIOSIS services received during 2022 was 357, of which 348 were approved and prioritized as open and competitive access. Of these prioritized applications 56 corresponded to 35 companies and 301 corresponded to 130 scientific research groups.
List of applications for NANBIOSIS services on 2022
Annual Call – 1st January -31st December: CLOSED
The number of order requests for NANBIOSIS services received during 2021 was 353, of which 342 were approved and prioritized as open and competitive access. Of these prioritized applications 46 corresponded to 36 companies and 297 corresponded to 134 scientific research groups.
List of applications for NANBIOSIS services on 2021
Annual Call – 1st January -31st December: CLOSED
The number of order requests for NANBIOSIS services received during 2020 was 317, of which 304 were approved and prioritized as open and competitive access. Of these prioritized applications 46 corresponded to 38 companies and 258 corresponded to 129 scientific research groups.
List of applications for NANBIOSIS services on 2020
Annual Call – 1st January -31st December: CLOSED
The number of order requests for NANBIOSIS services received during 2019 was 301, of which 288 were approved and prioritized as open and competitive access. Of these prioritized applications 62 corresponded to 42 companies and 226 corresponded to 114 scientific research groups.
List of applications for NANBIOSIS services on 2019
Annual Call – 1st January -31st December: CLOSED
The number of order requests for NANBIOSIS services received during 2018 was 311, of which 299 were approved and prioritized as open and competitive access. Of these prioritized applications 45 corresponded to 28 companies and 254 corresponded to 120 scientific research groups.
List of applications for NANBIOSIS services on 2018
Annual Call – 1st January -31st December: CLOSED
The number of order requests for NANBIOSIS services received during 2017 was 308, of which 300 were approved and prioritized as open and competitive access. Of these prioritized applications 52 corresponded to 35 companies and 248 corresponded to 106 scientific research groups.
List of applications for NANBIOSIS services on 2017
4th Trimester – 1st October -31st December: CLOSED
3rd Trimester – 1st July -30th September: CLOSED
2nd Trimester- 1st April -30th June: CLOSED
1st Trimester -1st January -31st March: CLOSED
4th Trimester – 1st October -31st December: CLOSED
3rd Trimester – 1st July -30th September: CLOSED