15 Nov
Today, November 15 is a day of celebration for us, the Day of the Chemistry in Spain! Chemistry is the science that studies matter, how it is composed, its properties and how its structures are transformed and, as matter is everything, including living beings and ourselves, we can say that chemistry is omnipresent and transversal in all areas surrounding us. Chemistry is everywhere, we ourselves are chemistry and our health and our life is chemistry. “Everything around us is chemistry in the environment, foods, what we use and what we touch every day. Our own body is a sophisticated complex[...]
25 Jun
The use of protein nanoparticles as biomaterials have been rising in recent years due to their characteristics: high biocompatibility, structural versatility, biodegradability and plasticity of design. We can later incorporate peptide ligands for specific targeting as fusion proteins and use these nanoparticles for targeted nanomedicine. However, not all proteins can be used as scaffolds for targeted drug delivery, as they need to meet certain criteria. First, it is crucial that the proteins used as a scaffold allow site-specific drug conjugation. The stability and proteolysis resistance of these proteins is also important to remain assembled during the bloodstream circulation. In addition,[...]
03 Jun
NANBIOSIS Unit 17 (Confocal Microscopy) is a CIBER-BBN unit located in the Cell Culture Unit, CAI Medicine and Biology, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alcala. This unit of the ICTS NANBIOSIS supports researchers interested on their different studies visualizing diverse samples as tissues, cells, bacterial biofilms, etc. This unit owns the tools, the know-how and the expertise to accomplish researchers’ goals either by transmission or reflection fluorescent. We are happy of sharing this video in which researchers of Unit 17 show all the steps required for the visualization of the PV-1 molecule, also known as PLVAP, on t[...]
12 May
Conventional chemotherapeutics used to fight cancer promote off-target damage in cells and organs that are not affected by the disease. This major drawback may be overcome with the development of tumor-targeted therapies, in which the antitumoral drugs are selectively delivered to tumoral cells using the efficient recognition between a receptor overexpressed in these cells and its ligand, without promoting off-side effects in the rest of the body. The group of Nanobiotechnology (NBT) from the Institut de Biotecnologia i Biomedicina (IBB-UAB), led by Prof. Antonio Villaverde, develops a new concept of pharmaceuticals based on protein nanoparticles, in close collaboration with t[...]
31 Mar
Transmission electron microscope image of SARS-CoV-2 (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases https://www.niaid.nih.gov) The special volume (No. 55) of the journal Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science reviews the implications of colloidal science in the phenomenology of COVID-19, for which the techniques available in NANBIOSIS U12, “Nanostructured liquid characterization unit” , are relevant. Two articles to highlight in this special volume: Airborne transmission of the virus through droplets, and the effect of evaporation and sedimentation. Airborne transmission is determined by the settling time, that is, the time it takes for droplets to be in the air before settling.[...]
28 Feb
WHY DO CELEBRATE TODAY THE INTERNATIONAL #RareDiseaseDay? 29 of February is a ‘rare’ date and February, a month with a ‘rare’ number of days, has become a month to raise awareness about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives. Since 2008 thousands of events happen every year all around the world and around the last day of February with the aim of improving equity and reducing stigmatization for people who live with more than 6,000 rare diseases. WHAT ARE RARE DISEASES Rare diseases are pathologies or disorders that affect a small part of the population (less than 5 per 10,000 inhabitants) and[...]
10 Jan
At the end of the XXth century Nanotechnology appeared as one of the more powerful technologies for the future. At that time material sciences were able to produce nanomaterials with exquisite size control and atomic force, microscopy was able to visualize objects in the nanoscale and photolithography arrived to their physical limits in the preparation of computer chips threatening Moore’s law. This empirical law saying that as transistor components shrank, the number per chip doubled about every 18 months, was acting from 1971 (Intel’s first chip) to billions in the present times. At these times, one crucial development was t[...]
21 Dec
The medicine of the future is an increasingly tackled topic. In the context of global concern for the sustainability of the health system (chronic diseases, new disorders, aging population and financing problems), nanomedicine could promote more affordable and personalized health care and improve the quality of life of the patients. Between innovative techniques already implemented and concepts that evoke science fiction (nanobots, fluorescent particles working as spies, tiny Trojan horses introduced into our body …), nanomedicine generates great expectations. Nanomedicine, what is it exactly? Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology to medicine, that is, the use of nanotechnologic systems for[...]
16 Sep
The development of microfluidic devices is very significant for in-vitro diagnostic devices, biomarkers and organ-on-a-chip applications. The techniques, the materials and the equipment used for the fabrication of these devices, are as important as the strategy followed to obtain them. And at the Nanotechnology unit of NANBIOSIS U7– (MicrofabSpace and Microscopy Characterization Facilities of IBEC), we own the tools, the know-how and the expertise to accomplish such a goal. We regularly guide the process of design, in collaboration with the final user, we customize the technology needed to get the product and complete the fabrication of the microfluidic device, drawing[...]
07 Feb
The Nanotoxicology Unit of CIBER-BBN ICTS NANBIOSIS, leaded by Ramon Mangues at the Research Institute of the Hospital de Sant Pau is devoted to evaluate effectiveness and toxicity of novel nanoparticles. This Unit advises clients on the need to study simultaneously anticancer activity and associated toxicity. Thus, preclinical evaluation of novel Nanomedicines is usually carried out performing studies that assess their therapeutic effect, separated from additional experiments devoted to evaluate the toxicity associated with treatment. The dosage used to assess the therapeutic effect, often, significantly differs from the one used to study toxicity, since one is aiming to know t[...]
18 Dec
In today’s society there is a great interest in developing new technologies that allow low-cost mass manufacturing, also called “rapid prototyping” or “additive manufacturing”. Rapid prototyping includes technologies such as sterolithography, 3D printing, laser sintering or printed electronics, among others. All of these share digital design and manufacturing from the consecutive addition of layers, that is, techniques that allow creating almost any shape or geometric feature in a very fast time.Printed electronics consists of printing inks on different types of substrates such as textiles, plastics, papers or films to make them “smart”. This technique is presented as an alternative to[...]
26 Feb
The Fabry disease (FD) is a lysosomal storage disorder (LSD) that currently lacks an effective treatment. Lysosomes are spherical vesicles, which contain hydrolytic enzymes found in nearly all animal cells. LSDs are caused by lysosomal dysfunctions, usually because of the deficiency of a single enzyme required for the metabolism of macromolecules such as lipids, glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides. Fabry disease is a progressive, X-linked inherited disorder caused by deficiency or absence of the α-galactosidase A (GLA) activity, an enzyme involved in the glycosphingolipid metabolism. The substrates of GLA are glycosphingolipids, being the primary substrate the globotriaosylceramide (Gb3). Therefore, the failure of GLA activity leads[...]
14 Nov
Today in the World Diabetes Day it is a good moment to remember The Patient Panel of the European project DRIVE- Diabetes Reversing Implants, held in Vitoria (Alava) on June 2 where researches and doctors met with patients and families. The Panel was organized by the NanoBioCel group of CIBER BBN and NANBIOSIS Unit 10 Drug Formulation, with the purpose of letting know the DRIVE project to patients and concect patients with the project scientists and experts in pancreas and stem cell transplantation. Thus, one of the most important health objectives of the European Union was met: to promote direct[...]
19 Jul
The experimental study of the mechanical properties of biological tissues is of vital importance. Thorough research into themechanical response of biomaterials is the basis for the creation ofmodels which can accurately reproduce the mechanical behavior ofsuch materials. Adequate mechanical characterization of tissue materials is of paramount interest to the clinical simulations, diagnostic and tissue engineering fields – where the tissue structure, in contrast to classical mechanics application fields, is just simply a biological tissue. In order to obtain their material properties, classical engineering testing techniques have been applied to biologicalmaterials. To reproduce the mechanical behavior of these kinds ofmaterial, many[...]
16 Jan
The quick development of nanotechnology and its application in medicine have generated new alternatives for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases thanks to the novel methods of preparation, modification and characterization of nanomaterials. The knowledge about the behavior of matter at the atomic and molecular level has allowed the creation of tools and processes to observe manipulate and control biological structures on a scale between 100 and 10,000 times smaller than a mammalian cell. Nanomedicine is defined as the application of nanotechnology in view of making a medical diagnosis or treating or preventing diseases. It exploits the improved and often[...]
14 Feb
PEGylated dendritic platinum nanoparticles enable targeted drug activation, reducing tumors in vivo. Developed with NANBIOSIS Unit 9, they enhance cancer therapy. Zaragoza, february 2025. A recent study published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition (see reference at the end of the article) introduces a novel approach in cancer treatment through the development of PEGylated dendritic platinum nanoparticles. These nanoparticles exhibit high biocompatibility and selectively activate anticancer drugs within cancer cells. The study was co-led by members of the Nanostructured Films and Particles (NFP) group, Dr. Jose I. Garcia-Peiro, Dr. Jose L. Hueso and Prof. Jesus Santamaria (Group Leader) that belong to CIBER-BBN, t[...]
13 Feb
SmILE develops smart implants and digital health solutions to prevent and manage musculoskeletal diseases, enhancing patient care and independence. Lübeck, February 2025. The European project “SmILE” has been launched to provide innovative solutions for reducing the burden of musculoskeletal non-communicable diseases (MSK-NCDs) among the elderly through preventive measures and early interventions. Supported by the Horizon Europe programme and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), this collaborative initiative brings together 25 institutions from 12 European countries with a budget of €19.9 million, plus an additional €760K from SERI, over five years. Addressing the Challenges of MSK-NCDs Wit[...]
11 Feb
Dr. Candiota’s visit to I3S strengthens Spain-Portugal collaboration in preclinical MRI, advancing data compatibility and future machine learning studies. Barcelona-Porto, February 2025. Dr. Ana Paula Candiota, Scientific Director of Unit 25 of NANBIOSIS, is currently undertaking a short scientific stage at the Preclinical MRI Lab of the Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (I3S) at the University of Porto. This initiative highlights the strong international collaboration between Spanish and Portuguese research institutions and is supported by a mobility call from CIBER-BBN. Dr. Candiota is working alongside Dr. Rui Simões, the current head of the I3S Preclinical MRI Lab and[...]
10 Feb
Interview with Esther Pueyo Paules on her research in cardiac signal processing, computational modeling, and the challenges of balancing science and life. Zaragoza, febrero 2025. As part of our commitment to showcasing outstanding research within the NANBIOSIS network, we are pleased to present an interview with Esther Pueyo Paules, a biomedical engineer specializing in signal processing and computational simulation. She is a researcher at the “Biomedical Signal Interpretation and Computational Simulation” group within the Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A, UNIZAR), where NANBIOSIS Unit 27 is integrated. “Scientific research is fascinating”Esther Pueyo A Passion for Scientific Researc[...]
05 Feb
Misfolded ApoB100 in LDL promotes plaque buildup in familial hypercholesterolemia, raising cardiovascular risk. Structural preservation may aid prevention. Barcelona, febrero 2025. As recently published in the ICMAB webpage, a new study links ApoB100 protein structure (a key protein found in low-density lipoprotein, LDL, often called “bad cholesterol”) to increased cardiovascular risk in familial hypercholesterolemia. The study, led by IIBB-CSIC and CIBER, with the contribution of ICMAB’s SOFT Service (with NANBIOSIS Unit 6 at its core), shows that the protein structure directly contributes to an increased tendency to aggregate and form atherosclerotic plaques in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. In these patients,[...]
04 Feb
Vall d’Hebron develops magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia to enhance pancreatic cancer treatment, now advancing to clinical trials. Barcelona, january 2025. A clinical trial targeting patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer has been approved following a study led by the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). A preclinical study led by the Clinical Biochemistry, Drug Targeting, and Therapy (CB-DDT) group at Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), which Unit 20 of NANBIOSIS is integrated, has proposed the use of magnetic nanoparticles and hyperthermia to enhance the treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The goal is to penetrate the desmoplastic stroma—the dense tissue surrounding these tumors—which acts[...]
29 Jan
Fabry disease therapy nanoGLA, developed by NANBIOSIS and our partners, shows superior efficacy in preclinical trials, targeting systemic and brain symptoms. Barcelona, january 2025. An international research team led by the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) and CIBER-BBN, in collaboration with the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), has developed a groundbreaking nanotechnology-based therapy called nanoGLA for the treatment of Fabry disease. The innovative solution has shown remarkable efficacy in preclinical studies and has been published in the open-access journal Science Advances (see below for reference links). What is Fabry disease? Fabry disease is a rare genetic[...]
26 Dec
NANBIOSIS Unit 9 advances glioblastoma treatment with tailored copper nanoparticles, reducing tumor invasiveness and opening new therapeutic pathways. Zaragoza, December 2024. Our Unit 9, specialized in nanoparticle synthesis, has achieved a breakthrough in the fight against glioblastoma, one of the most aggressive and treatment-resistant forms of cancer. Utilizing state-of-the-art facilities and expertise, the Unit and its collaborators have developed novel copper-based nanostructures with tailored release patterns, demonstrating significant potential in inhibiting tumor progression and invasiveness. A New Paradigm in Cancer Therapy Glioblastoma (GBM) is characterized by its high invasiveness and poor prognosis. Current therapeutic options are limited by the tumor’s[...]
23 Dec
Ibima-plataforma BIONAND has inaugurated an innovative radioactive facility that will advance new diagnosis and treatments through the development of radiopharmaceuticals. Malaga, December 2024. Málaga reaffirms its position as a leader in scientific innovation with the opening of a new radioactive facility, unique in Andalusia. This cutting-edge space, owned by the University of Málaga, is located within the Málaga Biomedical Research Institute and Nanomedicine Platform (Ibima BIONAND Platform), which is integrated into our Unit 28. It will facilitate the development of new drugs and therapies for treating various diseases, including cancer. Moreover, due to its exceptional features and potential, this new[...]
19 Dec
Prof. Ana Paula Candiota and Prof. Silvia Lope-Piedrafita lead NANBIOSIS Unit 25, advancing MRI research and glioblastoma imaging with innovative contrast agents. Barcelona, December 2024. We are proud to announce that Prof. Ana Paula Candiota has been appointed Scientific Director and Prof. Silvia Lope-Piedrafita has taken on the role of Scientific Coordinator of Unit 25 of our ICTS. This pivotal Unit specializes in NMR and MRI biomedical applications and is jointly managed by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and CIBER-BBN. Unit 25 has a longstanding reputation for excellence in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research, and the recent publication titled[...]
18 Dec
The BSICoS research group (Unit 27 of NANBIOSIS) shared 4 years of heart failure data from 1,000 patients on the Physionet portal for scientific use. Zaragoza, December 2024. The BSICoS research group (Biomedical Signal Interpretation and Computational Simulation) from the Aragón Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), in whcih the Unit 27 of NANBIOSIS is located, has shared a clinical database containing information from 992 heart failure patients. These patients underwent a 24-hour electrocardiogram (ECG) recording and were monitored over a four-year period. This dataset enables advancements in research on predicting the risk of sudden cardiac death using Holter monitoring data.[...]
17 Dec
NANBIOSIS Unit 26 identifies biomarkers of carotid plaque vulnerability, aiding stroke prevention with advanced NMR metabolomics and collaborative innovation. Valencia, december 2024. NANBIOSIS Unit 26, one of our NMR Biomedical Applications Platforms, has once again demonstrated its essential role in cutting-edge medical research. A recent study, conducted in collaboration with multiple research institutions, identified key biomarkers associated with carotid plaque vulnerability, a critical factor in stroke risk. A Collaborative Effort in Cardiovascular Research The study analyzed metabolic differences between symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid plaques, aiming to predict which plaques are at higher risk of rupture. Using advanced nuclear magnetic resonanc[...]
10 Dec
NANBIOSIS’s Protein Production Platform showcased innovations in protein engineering at PEGS Europe 2024, featuring talks, posters, and session moderation. Barcelona, november 2024. Last month, the NBT group and Unit 1 of NANBIOSIS (Protein Production Platform, PPP), from CIBER-BBN and IBB-UAB, was invited once again to participate in the prestigious PEGS Europe conference. PEGS Europe, a prestigous conference This year, the 16th PEGS Europe conference was held in Barcelona from November 5th to 7th. PEGS, or the Protein & Antibody Engineering Summit, is organized by the Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) and is renowned for its focus on protein engineering and its[...]
05 Dec
NANBIOSIS opens in January the 1st Competitive Open Call of 2025 for our “Cutting-Edge Biomedical Solutions” and services. Last year we opened two Competitive Calls: the first one happened in februrary 2024, and the second in june 2024. However, as a belated Christmas present, we would like to open this coming 2025 with our 1st Open Call of 2025 right away: offering you our discounts and preferential access as early as january! Our publicly funded facilities and internationally renowned scientist will help you design and test biomedical solutions to your heart’s content. We are open to all interested national and internationa[...]
25 Nov
Symposium on nanomedicine vs cancer: experts gather Nov 28 in Málaga to tackle tumor-targeting challenges and advance innovative therapies. Málaga, november 2024. On November 28th at 9:00 AM, the Salón de Actos at IBIMA (C/Severo Ochoa, 35, Málaga) will host the symposium “Targeting in Nanomedicine Against Cancer,” bringing together leading experts to discuss the critical challenges and advances in applying nanomedicine to oncology. Organized by IBIMA, this event will shed light on one of the most pressing issues in cancer nanomedicine: the difficulty of delivering nanostructures to tumor cells. The challenges to overcome cancer Cancer remains one of the world’s[...]
22 Nov
Prof. Jesús Santamaría, Director of NANBIOSIS Unit 9, wins the Aragón Investiga Award for his pioneering contributions to nanomaterials and research excellence. Zaragoza, november 2024. The Aragón Investiga Award for Research Excellence has been awarded to Prof. Jesús Santamaría Ramiro, a distinguished researcher and Full Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Zaragoza, and Scientific Director of Unit 9 of NANBIOSIS. Prof. Santamaría is the principal investigator of the Nanostructured Films and Particles group, where Unit 9 is located. He is also a key member of the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragón (INMA), a Severo Ochoa Center[...]
19 Nov
NANBIOSIS will showcase its services and present the Chips R’ Us project at the 10th Anniversary CIBER Conference in Valencia, Nov 27-30, 2024. Valencia, november 2024. In cellebration of the 10th anniversary of the CIBER network, CIBER is organizing a special edition of its Scientific Conference 2024, which will take place in Valencia on November 27-30, 2024. This prestigious event, which is expected to gather over 1500 researchers, clinicians, and key stakeholders in biomedical innovation, serves as a vital platform for presenting cutting-edge scientific achievements and fostering collaborations within the Spanish research ecosystem. This year, NANBIOSIS will have a significant[...]
18 Nov
The PPP advances antimicrobial peptide research, forging partnerships to combat antibiotic resistance and prevent medical device-related infections. Barcelona, october 2024. During Antibiotic Awareness Week, we spotlight the Protein Production Platform (PPP) at NANBIOSIS Unit 1 for its pivotal role in combating antimicrobial resistance. At the recent UAB Innovation Fair, the PPP showcased its cutting-edge technologies and established collaborations with experts in bacterial biofilms and nanomaterials. Together, they aim to develop innovative antimicrobial peptides as alternatives to traditional antibiotics, targeting nosocomial infections linked to medical devices. These efforts underscore the critical importance of advancing research and partnerships to address one of[...]
07 Nov
The European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA) kicked off last month, with an estimated budget of 380 million euros and the aim of improving the lives of 30 million rare disease patients in Europe and beyond. Paris, october 2024. The European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA), a new initiative under Horizon Europe, has officially launched with an ambitious mission to improve the lives of 30 million people affected by rare diseases across Europe and beyond. Backed by a budget of €380 million, ERDERA brings together more than 170 organizations from the public and private sectors, led by the National Institut[...]
23 Oct
José Amable Bernabé, Technical Coordinator of Unit 6, hosted a course on “Characterization techniques for particulate materials”. Barcelona, october 2024. For yet another year, José Amable Bernabé, of the Soft Materials Service at ICMAB and Technical Coordinator of NANBIOSIS Unit 6, offered this course. The course was an explanation of different techniques to characterize nanoparticles and particulate matter, including the fundamentals of these techniques, sample preparation, practical examples and results interpretation. The course is offered every year through the CSIC training courses offered every year for all its staff, as reported in ICMAB webpage. Soft Materials Service The Soft Materials Service provides[...]
21 Oct
Chips R’ Us, a pediatric respiratory infection study, wins CIBER’s Young Researcher Call, developing an innovative lung model using Organ-on-Chip technology. Vigo, october 2024. The project Chips R’ Us, focused on studying lower respiratory infections in pediatric patients, has been selected in the 2024 Call for Intramural Projects for Young Researchers of the Biomedical Research Networking Center (CIBER). An evaluation board composed of specialists from various CIBER thematic areas evaluated the proposals based on their novelty, feasibility, interdisciplinary collaboration, and potential social impact. Led by Dr. Gabriel Alfranca, a researcher in the area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) at[...]
18 Oct
Prof. Ramón Martínez Máñez wins the 2024 National Research Award for his work in nanotechnology, drug delivery systems, and biomedical, environmental sensors. Valencia, october 2024. Prof. Martínez Máñez has been honored with the “Juan de la Cierva” National Research Award for the impact of his scientific career and its transfer in the field of chemistry, specifically in nanotechnology for controlled release systems and their use in sensors for medical, environmental, and agricultural applications. The evaluators also highlighted the high number of patents obtained and licensed by the awardee and emphasized the number of companies he has created, one of whic[...]
10 Oct
The Nanobiotechnology Group and NANBIOSIS PPP have created a poster-guide for recombinant protein cloning, production, and purification in prokaryotic systems. Barcelona, october 2024. The Nanobiotechnology Group, led by Prof. Villaverde, in collaboration with the NANBIOSIS Unit 1, Protein Production Platform (PPP), directed by Dr. Ferrer-Miralles, has created an in-depth guide in the form of a poster that compiles key strategies for cloning, production, purification, and characterization of recombinant proteins expressed in prokaryotic systems. Drawing from their vast experience in the field, they have meticulously outlined techniques and best practices to address common challenges and optimize every stage of the process.[...]
09 Oct
Directors of Unit 20 and Unit 3, Ibane Abasolo and Miriam Royo, show us the ReachGlio project, which uses nanomedicines to slow glioblastoma growth by targeting tumors in the brain, improving drug delivery through nanoparticles. Barcelona, october 2024. Each year, on October 9th, Nanotechnology Day is celebrated, a discipline dedicated to understanding and utilizing matter at a nanometric scale for purposes such as industrial or medical applications. Nanotechnology plays a fundamental role in many research lines developed at the Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC) and the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). “Our goal is to propose one or more clinical trials in[...]
09 Oct
Dr. Neus Ferrer explores nanotechnology in protein research to combat antimicrobial resistance, focusing on innovative solutions using lysins and other recombinant proteins. Barcelona, October 2024. In celebration of Nanotechnology Day, we take a closer look at the cutting-edge work of Dr. Neus Ferrer, director of the Unit 1, Protein Production Platform (PPP), at NANBIOSIS. Specializing in recombinant protein synthesis, Dr. Ferrer’s research tackles critical challenges in healthcare, particularly antimicrobial resistance, often referred to as the “new pandemic”. Through advanced nanotechnology approaches, her team in develops innovative solutions that could revolutionize treatment options in biomedicine and beyond. The interview begins… Interviewer:[...]
25 Sep
On World Pharmacists’ Day, NANBIOSIS Units highlighted for breakthroughs in pulmonary drug delivery and cancer research, advancing treatments for respiratory diseases and brain cancer. Barcelona and Zaragoza, September 2024. On World Pharmacists Day, we celebrate the vital contributions pharmacists make, not only in patient care but also in groundbreaking research that is shaping the future of healthcare. This year 2024, we want to give this significant date a little twist: by showcasing a few examples of how our Units are contributing to healthcare and new pharmaceutical approaches. Two key NANBIOSIS units —Unit 9 and Unit 25— are at the forefront[...]
11 Sep
Researchers are advancing gene therapies for cystic fibrosis using non-viral delivery methods, focusing on patient needs and innovative treatments. Basque Country, September, 2024 – As the world comes together to mark World Cystic Fibrosis Day, from NANBIOSIS we want to highlight the collaborative efforts between our Unit 10 “Drug Formulation” (U10), the University of the Basque Country, and the Cystic Fibrosis Patient Association of the Basque Country (Arnasa) in the fight against this genetic condition. Together, our institutions are advancing the development of gene therapies aimed at treating this life-threatening hereditary disease. Gene Therapy: A new frontier in treating Cystic[...]
09 Sep
Vasque Country, September, 2024 – In this interview, Lucía Enríquez, a PhD researcher at NANBIOSIS Unit 10, discusses her work on gene therapies for cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease that mainly affects the lungs. Her research focuses on using non-viral vectors to deliver gene-editing tools, like Prime Editing, a variation of CRISPR-Cas9, to correct mutations at the genetic level. Lucía explains the advantages of non-viral vectors, such as avoiding immune responses and offering safer, non-invasive treatment options. She also highlights the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, particularly in her work at NANBIOSIS, where advanced drug formulation and pulmonary delivery systems ar[...]
27 Jun
Madrid, June, 2024 – In a distinguished ceremony held at the Spanish Royal National Academy of Pharmacy (Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia), Professor Jose Luis Pedraz Muñoz, a prominent figure at the University of the Basque Country, was officially inducted as an “Académico de Número”. The highest position within the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy. Professor Pedraz, who is also a member of the CIBER-BBN and Director of Unit 10 of NANBIOSIS, took possession of “Medal Number 16”. The honor of becoming an “Académico de Número” is a prestigious recognition, from which there can only be a maximum of 50[...]
21 Jun
Barcelona, June 21, 2024 – Prof. Pilar Marco has been appointed as the new head of the Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) thematic area at the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER). This prestigious appointment was confirmed during the CIBER Governing Board meeting held on June 20, 2024. Prof. Marco succeeds Ramón Martínez, bringing a wealth of expertise and a distinguished track record in biomedical research for more than a decade. Prof. Marco is a research professor at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), specifically at the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC) in Barcelona. Additionally, s[...]
29 May
Tomorrow, on the 30th of May, our Tissue & Scaffold Characterization Unit 13 organises the Conference “Understanding cardiovascular disease by means of Computation Fluid Dynamics” by Prof. Shirley Jansen. The event will take place at 12:30 in the I3A Seminar Room, Block 5, 2nd floor of the R&D Building in Campus Rio Ebro of Universidad de Zaragoza. Prof. Jansen is passionate about the importance of working alongside engineers to understand the mechanics behind many vascular pathologies such as aortic aneurysm, dissection, and peripheral arterial disease, and why close collaboration via a shared language of haemodynamics can shed light on risk[...]
16 May
A new project with the participation of NANBIOSIS Unit 20 pioneers thermosensitive hydrogels for localized ovarian cancer treatment, minimizing side effects and enhancing efficacy. May 2024, VHIR/FVPR/CIBER-BBN (Barcelona). As the world recently commemorated Ovarian Cancer Day, from NANBIOSIS we proudly highlight the groundbreaking work of our collaborators in the fight against this deadly disease. Ovarian cancer stands as the seventh leading cause of cancer-related deaths, with Europe bearing the brunt of its impact, recording over 44,000 fatalities annually. In a bid to revolutionize treatment paradigms and enhance patient outcomes, researchers at the Clinical Biochemistry, Drug Delivery and Therapy (CB-DDT) Group,[...]
15 May
NANBIOSIS opens in June the 2nd competitive open call 2024 for our “Cutting-Edge Biomedical Solutions” and services. Our publicly funded facilities and internationally renowned scientist will help you design and test biomedical solutions to your heart’s content. We are open to all interested national and international users who may come either from the public or the private sector. You can apply to use our services in two modalities: under the “Competitive Open Access” (within two designated calls) or by “Access on Demand”, your choice. To make that happen, at least 20% of the NANBIOSIS Units’ capacity is granted on t[...]
08 May
Do not miss the chance to join our hands-on XV Workshop of Theoretical-Practical Training in MRS / MRI, with specific application in laboratory animals Our excellent teacher Dr. Silvia Lope will be at the helm in this practical workshop. And it provides all the required skills users need to operate our fantastic Biospec, available as a service in our Unit 25. The registration period for the “XV Workshop of Theoretical-Practical Training in Spectroscopy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRS / MRI): Application in Laboratory Animals” is still open until May the 17th, 2024. This workshop is organized by the Department of[...]
09 Apr
The prestigious journal Nano Letters published the work led by NANBIOSIS researchers, affiliated with Unizar, INMA (CSIC-UNIZAR), CIBER–BBN, and IIS Aragón. The successful development of this innovative treatment approach was possible through the efforts of our Unit 9, led by Prof. Santamaría and Dr. Hueso, both corresponding authors of the publication. As recently announced by Universidad de Zaragoza (Unizar), a team led by NANBIOSIS researchers at the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA, a joint institute of CSIC and UNIZAR) has discovered a way to artificially conduct a new chemical reaction, called transamination. This approach can act within[...]
04 Apr
Breakthrough colorectal cancer treatment unveiled by NANBIOSIS Units promises enhanced precision & efficacy in targeted cancer therapies. March 2024, UAB/Institut de Recerca Sant Pau/CIBER-BBN (Barcelona) As we leave World Colorectal Cancer Day 2024 behind, marked on March 31st, there have been significant highlights in cancer treatment, a field in which targeted therapies are playing a crucial role. In this context, researchers from the Nanobiotechnology team, at the Institut de Biotecnologia i de Biomedicina from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, led by Prof. Antonio Villaverde, in collaboration with the Oncogenesis and Antitumor Drugs team led by Prof. Ramón Mangues at Institut d[...]
19 Mar
Strategic funding of 1,8M€ elevating Spanish research infrastructure to forge a path of innovation and resilience. March 19th 2024, NANBIOSIS As already announced at the end of last year, from NANBIOSIS we are poised for a groundbreaking leap forward thanks to a 1,800,000€ injection of European funding. This funding has recently materialized in a significant improvement and update of the equipment and services of NANBIOSIS Units. The Spanish Government’s Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia – PRTR) stands as a beacon of hope amid the challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 crisis. This comprehensive roadma[...]
11 Mar
Discover cutting-edge technologies in tissue engineering, drug delivery systems, and biodegradable implants. March13th 2024, online event From NANBIOSIS we are pleased to announce the Presentation Day of Health Technologies by the MATERPLAT Health Innovation Group, which will take place on March 13th at 11:00 a.m. in an online format. During this event, cutting-edge technologies being developed by MATERPLAT members in these three areas will be presented:* Gels as scaffolds for tissue engineering.* Biomimetic and/or biointeractive systems for controlled release of drugs or bioactive molecules.* Biodegradable implants adapted to tissue and bone growth. The objective of the event is to showcas[...]
08 Mar
Our interview series delve into the journeys of 7 female researchers, their challenges, and the call for gender equality in science, inspiring the next generation. March 8th 2024, NANBIOSIS (Spain) Kicking off on 11F “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” 2024, and spanning all the way until Woman’s Day 2024, our interview series has aimed to highlight the life, career and opinions of some of the brilliant minds within our network. Today is time to wrap it up, and for this reason we present you a summary of each of them and a chance to take a deeper[...]
08 Mar
NANBIOSIS is a Research Infrastructure for Biomedicine made up of the Platforms of the Center for Centro de Ivesntigación Biomedica en Red (CIBER- in the area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine -CIBER-BBN), the Preclinical Infrastructure and the Development of Minimally Invasive Technologies, of the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (CCMIJU) and the Nanoimaging unit of the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga-Nanomedicine Platform (IBIMA-BIONAND Platform). NANBIOSIS as part of the Spanish Map of ICTS (an acronym for “Scientific and Technical Unique Infrastructures” in Spanish), approved by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, is open to all interested national and international users who[...]
05 Mar
This novel immunization platform, recently published in ACS, triggers potent antivirus response, promising efficient and cost-effective vaccination. March 2024, UAB/Vall d’Hebron Research Institute/CIBER-BBN (Barcelona) The battle against infectious diseases demands innovative solutions. The world is especially aware of this fact after facing threats such as the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In a very recent publication in ACS Materials Letters, researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Hospital de Sant Pau, both within the CIBER-BBN, have achieved a significant milestone in vaccine development. Their study, conducted in partnership with international teams as well as NANBIOSIS, has introduced a novel immunization approac[...]
04 Mar
Dr. Mincholé discusses cardiac risk assessment, gender challenges in science, and the transformative potential of Digital Twins in healthcare research. This is part of a series of interviews to several female researchers within the context of International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024 and Woman’s Day 2024. For more interviews, visit our news section here. March 2024, I3A-Unizar, Zaragoza (Spain) The meeting room of the High Performance Computing cluster is a comfortable place. A whiteboard full of diagrams occupies a good portion of one of the side walls, creating a welcoming atmosphere where complex concepts become accessible. In[...]
01 Mar
Dr. Vílchez, our esteemed colloidal chemistry researcher, discusses her focus on water-in-water emulsions and microcoacervates. She highlights gender biases in science and advocates for inclusivity and recognition of women’s contributions. This is part of a series of interviews to several female researchers within the context of International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024 and Woman’s Day 2024. For more interviews, visit our news section here. March 2024, IQAC-CSIC, Barcelona (Spain) Dr. Susana Vílchez, an esteemed researcher in colloidal chemistry, and the technical and quality manager of Unit 12 of NANBIOSIS, offers a profound insight into her research endeavors[...]
01 Mar
NANBIOSIS researchers pioneer novel treatments for Lysosomal Storage Diseases utilizing extracellular vesicles and liposomes, offering hope to patients. 1 March 2024, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute/ICMAB-CSIC (Barcelona) Lysosomal Storage Diseases (LSDs) encompass a group of rare disorders caused by mutations in lysosomal proteins. These mutations can lead to dysfunctional proteins responsible for breaking down cellular materials, resulting in the accumulation of deposits. Such accumulations can manifest in various neurological symptoms, ranging from progressive neurodegeneration to severe cognitive impairment. Often emerging in childhood, LSDs tragically culminate in premature death for many patients. Currently, up to 14 subtypes of LSDs can be treated[...]
29 Feb
NANBIOSIS introduces the new webpage of RED-DM, uniting experts to combat Myotonic Dystrophy. Highlighting Ramón Eritja’s group’s pivotal role. 29 February 2024, IQAC-CSIC (Barcelona) In a significant stride toward addressing the challenges posed by Myotonic Dystrophy, the Translational Genomics Group of the INCLIVA Health Research Institute (associated with the Valencia Clinical Hospital) and the University of Valencia (BIOTECMED Institute) have spearheaded the establishment of the Red Temática Nacional en Distrofia Miotónica tipo 1 (National Thematic Network in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1). This progressive and degenerative disease, also referred to simply as DM1, is currently incurable and underdiagnosed. In addition, it[...]
28 Feb
Researchers from IQAC-CSIC advance towards faster detection and treatment of cystic fibrosis and rare respiratory diseases, improving patient outcomes. 28 February 2024, IQAC-CSIC (Barcelona) Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a progressive autosomal recessive disease. It is caused by a mutation in the gene encoding the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) protein, disrupting its exocrine activity. While CF affects various organs, its impact on the lungs is particularly severe. This disease leads to the accumulation of thick, sticky mucus, obstructing airways and trapping bacteria, resulting in significant infections and extensive lung damage. Consequently, individuals with CF are highly susceptible to respiratory[...]
27 Feb
For Rare Disease Day, we raise awareness through 2 events: 1 in Barcelona (Feb 28) & another in Madrid (Feb 29). Collaboration & research in focus. 28-29 February 2024, Rare Disease Day 2024 NANBIOSIS is actively involved in promoting awareness and understanding of rare diseases, Due to their lower incidence, these conditions are often face neglect in medical research and industrial treatment. To spotlight this crucial issue, NANBIOSIS is pleased to announce its participation in two significant events coinciding with Rare Disease Day celebrations. These events will address various aspects of rare and minority diseases research and treatment. Event 1:[...]
26 Feb
Our expert in nanocarriers talks about her journey from biotechnology to cancer therapy, an example of passion and perseverance in science. February 2024, I3A/CIBER-BBN, Zaragoza (Spain) The silence of the meeting room is only broken by the constant purring of the heating system. A large square table made of dark wood fills the entire room almost completely. Its dimensions are too extensive for anyone to reach its center. One may wonder, how many passionate conversations about the next step to take in countless research projects have been witnessed by these four walls? The door swings open briskly, and a familiar[...]
22 Feb
Prof. Peña gives us her insightful point of view in overcoming challenges, embracing passion, and cultivating collaborative success towards career estabilization. February 2024, Unizar/CIBER-BBN, Zaragoza (Spain) The echo of our footsteps returns from the high ceilings filled with electrical conduits and gas pipes. An alarm sounds in the distance, while the warmth of the Zen Garden located in the center of the R&D Building reminds us once again that peace and progress will never be at odds. We continue forward across the maroon floor, towards one of the access gates that separate each wing of the building. After crossing it,[...]
21 Feb
Nearly 40 scientists across 7 countries are pioneering this breakthrough in wound healing using a nobel and affordable bio-inspired, anti-bacterial matrix. In addition to the vast consortium, the project also comprises 5 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and 9 academic institutions. These were convened last February at the University of Granada to share insights, progress, and strategies. According to an article published by UGR at the beginning of this month, about 40 researchers involved in the project have attended a meeting to share results and progress. The Horizon Europe project NABIHEAL, coordinated by the Biomedical Research Networking Center (CIBER) at[...]
19 Feb
We ask Dr. Martín about her innovations in cancer treatment with nanoparticles, in the context of her collaborations with NANBIOSIS. This is part of a series of interviews to several female researchers within the context of International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024 and Woman’s Day 2024. For more interviews, visit our news section here. February 2024, INMA-CSIC/CIBER-BBN, Zaragoza (Spain) We are walking through the tall corridors that connect the numerous blocks of the large R&D Building, located near the Río Ebro Campus of Unizar. This building is a conglomerate of institutes, laboratories, and research groups. In its[...]
15 Feb
Anna Aviñó speaks about her journey as a researcher and her captivating oligonucleotides. This is part of a series of interviews to several female researchers within the context of International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024 and Woman’s Day 2024. For more interviews, visit our news section here. February 2024, IQAC-CSIC/CIBER-BBN, Barcelona (Spain) Could you share with us a bit about your research area and the projects you are currently working on? I am a chemist specializing in nucleic acid chemistry. These compounds are wonderful, I would say unique; not only do they contain genetic information, but they[...]
12 Feb
NANBIOSIS researchers reach intracellular targets with encapsulated antibodies. February 2024, IQAC-CSIC/CIBER-BBN, Barcelona (Spain) and Santiago (Chile) Dr. Abasolo and her team have developed an innovative strategy to combat intracellular oncogenes, notably KRAS, implicated in various deadly cancers. By encapsulating therapeutic antibodies within polymeric micelles, they have successfully facilitated the entry of these antibodies into cancer cells, targeting internal markers. This breakthrough, achieved through international collaboration, represents a significant advancement in cancer treatment and holds promise for addressing other diseases with intracellular targets. These findings provide hope for improved therapies and outcomes in cancer and beyond. Every individual is said to[...]
11 Feb
In celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024, NANBIOSIS proudly presents a series of insightful interviews featuring some of our most esteemed female researchers and collaborators. As we commemorate this important day, join us in honoring the achievements of these remarkable individuals, as they share their perspectives, challenges, and triumphs in the pursuit of scientific excellence. Explore our news section for more inspiring interviews, and discover the diverse talents driving innovation within NANBIOSIS and beyond. Drs. Anna Aviñó, Fany Peña, Ana Martín, María Sancho, Susana Vilchez, Ana Mincholé and, of course, Dr. Elisabeth Prats, a[...]
07 Feb
NANBIOSIS Researchers Lead the Way in Innovative Nanomedicine Approaches Cancer remains a formidable challenge globally, with 19.1 million cases diagnosed in 2020, resulting in nearly 10 million deaths. However, amidst these alarming statistics, a beacon of hope emerges from the field of nanomedicine. Spearheaded by Professor Jesus Santamaria and his team at the NFP group, part of the NANBIOSIS ICTS Unit 9, groundbreaking advancements in nanotechnology are revolutionizing cancer treatment. Funded by the European Research Council, their efforts mark a significant stride towards more effective and targeted therapies. “The potential adverse effects (of antineoplastic agents) on healthy cells is t[...]
06 Feb
DNA nanoparticles to selectively target tumor tissues through precise control of the synergies between transported drugs. February 2024, IQAC-CSIC/CIBER-BBN, Barcelona. The team led by Drs. Carme Fàbrega and Ramón Eritja, in close collaboration with 3 units of the NANBIOSIS ICTS, has developed a new strategy to improve the efficacy and reduce the toxicity of anticancer drugs. They have chemically linked several cytotoxic drugs, currently used in the treatment of various types of tumors, to DNA nanostructures. These structures selectively target cancerous tissues through folate receptors. This tactic allows precise control of drug concentration and exploits their combined effect. The results[...]
15 Jan
NANBIOSIS opens in February the 1st competitive open call 2024 for its “Cutting-Edge Biomedical Solutions” and services. NANBIOSIS is a research infrastructure for Biomedicine in which three cutting-edge public institutions collaborate forming a deeply interconnected laboratory network: CIBER-BBN, CCMIJU and IBIMA-Plataforma BIONAND. In addition, NANBIOSIS is part of the Spanish Map of ICTS (Spanish for “Scientific and Technical Unique Infrastructures”), approved by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades . Our publicly funded facilities and internationally renowned scientist will help you design and test biomedical solutions to your heart’s content. We are open to all interested national and internationa[...]
27 Dec
NANBIOSIS Unit 1 Protein Production Platform (PPP) of CIBER-BBN and UAB, has taken a significant step towards enhancing its service capabilities in the field of recombinant protein production and purification. Until now, due to space constraints at the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB), U1’s activities were confined to half of a small laboratory. However, thanks to the ongoing commitment of the center to bolster the PPP’s activities, this unit has gained access to a laboratory, along with an office, exclusively designated for the platform within the IBB premises, creating an optimal environment for the process of protein production and[...]
20 Dec
With the participation of two units of NANBIOSIS ICTS and the expertise of the scientists managing these units The study, fruit of the collaboration between the Nanotechnology group of the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB-UAB), led by Prof. Antonio Villaverde, and the Oncogenesis and Antitumor Drugs group of the Sant Pau Research Institute, led by Dr. Ramon Mangues, both members of CIBER-BBN, has made significant progress by identifying the natural ligand PDGFD as an effective tool to target protein nanoparticles to tumor-associated fibroblasts that overexpress the PDGFR-β receptor. Given the relevance of the discovery, this technology has been intellectually[...]
30 Nov
*Image explained by Merce Márquez Martínez, Coordinator of NANBIOSIS U1 The NBT group and Unit 1 of NANBIOSIS (Protein Production Platform, PPP), from CIBER-BBN and IBB-UAB, participated in the 15th PEGS Europe conference held in Lisbon from November 14th to 16th. PEGS, or the Protein & Antibody Engineering Summit, is a prestigious conference, organized by the Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), focusing on protein engineering and its applications in drug discovery, development, and delivery. This conference serves as a valuable platform for knowledge exchange among researchers, scientists, industry experts, and professionals in the field of protein science. From left to right,[...]
24 Nov
During 20-22 of November 2023, the III PTI+Global Health Scientific Conference were held in the Center for Human and Social Sciences, in Madrid. In March 2020, the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) launched the the Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform (PTI) on Global Health to bring together research teams and enhance knowledge about the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which caused the pandemic. The PTI has mobilized and coordinates more than 400 scientists from 50 CSIC institutes in all areas. The annual PTI+Global Health Scientific Conference are a meeting space where the results of the research carried out in the laboratories can be shown[...]
16 Nov
– It is possible to achieve an administration method that improves the effectiveness and increases the safety of drugs for chronic liver disease? -Yes, with nanoparticles! – How? To find an answer, was created the european project NANOSIM (Biodegradable nanoparticles of Simvastatin as new therapeutic tool for chronic liver disease financed in the Joint Transnational Call (2018) led by the Hospital Vall d´Hebron. A translational research proposed as an approach for its use in patients. Until now, the only therapeutic option for patients is to eliminate the etiological agent (or the external promoter of damage), whether it is a virus,[...]
13 Nov
On Thursday, November 2, the Female Talent Award, in the category of Women and Science, was awarded to Rosa Hernández from the NanoBioCel group of CIBER BBN and the U10 Drug Formulation Unit. The award is given by AMPEA (Association of Professional and Business Women of Alava). In her award speech, Rosa Hernández, highlighted that the effort and work carried out during all these years has allowed the research group to develop cutting-edge research and to place the names of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Vitoria-Gasteiz on the map of cutting-edge research in Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine.[...]
08 Nov
2023 CIBER-BBN Annual meeting has taken place at Santemar Hotel, in Santander during November 6-7. This year the format of our annual conferences has been changed towards a collective event scheme between the CIBER-BBN and CIBEREHD thematic areas. On Monday 6 the scientific sessions werecommon for EHD and BBN, with appealing contents for the mixed audience. On Tuesday 7 EHD and BBN sessions will specific for each area in separate rooms (with common coffee break). Posters of both areas were on display in the exhibit hall throughout the entirety of the Annual Meeting. Moreover, at the “Posters & beers” session (Monday[...]
08 Nov
The annual conference of the scientific áreas of CIBER (the most important Centre for Biomedical Research in Spain) are hotly awaited every year for the CIBER community as a foro to be updated about emerging key technologies and discuss about research lines and results, find new opportunities to collaborate and join efforts towards common objectives. Moreover, this year, the Annual Conference of CIBER-BBN (Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine) has been organized as a collective event scheme together with the scientific area of CIBEREHD (Digestive and Liver Diseases). Both areas have already shared experiences of collaborative projects, demonstrating the complementarity of their fields.[...]
02 Nov
Deadline: 16/11/2023 If you are a Scientist and a passionate Communicator eager to develop your own ideas and strategy, keep reading! The biomedicine consortium CIBER, is looking for a Ph.D. in science to develop the Communication Plan of the ICTS NANBIOSIS. You will have the opportunity of working with top level researchers in the areal of biomaterials, bioingeniering and nanomedicine in a diverse and inclusive team working directly with the Coordinator of NANBIOSIS and the project manager team of CIBER-BBN Applications must be filed at CIBER’s web portal untill November 16th. We look for a Science Degree (Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry or similar),[...]
27 Oct
The Service-SOFT/U6 Nanbiosis ICTS (of CIBER-BBN and ICMAB-CSIC) together with the company NANE are organising a technical seminar on materials characterisation equipment. In this seminar, different techniques for the characterisation of particulate materials such as DLS, NTA, Laser Diffraction, Morphology will be discussed. Limited places. You can register at this link Link to the program: here Date: 08th of November Place: Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB) -CSIC – Conference room[...]
23 Oct
On October 17, 2023, the NANBIOSIS U1 of Protein Production Platform PPP, took part in the UAB Innovation Fair, where various research groups, spin-offs, service providers, research centers, and companies gathered to foster networking opportunities. This event proved highly advantageous for the PPP, as it not only facilitated the identification of potential new clients but also paved the way for collaborative efforts aimed at enhancing and refining the final product offered by the PPP. PPP NANBIOSIS U1 Scientists at PPP stand at the Fair: Neus Ferrer, Scientific Director; Rosa Mendoza, Laboratory Manager, and Mercedes Marquez, Scientific Coordinator. The UAB Innovation[...]
20 Oct
Today, Bonnie Bassler, Jeffrey Gordon, and Peter Greenberg are receiving the Princess of Asturias Award for their contribution to the knowledge of the role of the human microbiome and the bacteria Quorum Sensing. Targeting Quorum Sensing allows understanding of bacteria behaviour and pathogenesis, but also developing new therapeutic and diagnostic strategies for infectious diseases. Bonnie Bassler has shown how small chemical signals are involved in such a communication process. Peter Greenberg was one of the first scientists who assigned the term Quorum Sensing (QS) to such a sophisticated system used by bacteria to communicate and synchronize behavior. He was involved[...]
15 Oct
On the 20th of October, CIBER-BBN group NanoBioCell – NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation unit organises the Conference “Developping support technologies for adressing traslational gaps in regenerative medicine” by Dr. James-J Yoo. The Conference will take place in the Assembly hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy on Friday 20th of October, 2023 from 12:00 to 13:00, as part of the JRL program Advanced Pharma Development. The Conference will be broadcasted. Dr. Yoo is Professor and Associate Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), with cross-appointments to the Departments of Urology, Physiology and Pharmacology, Clinical and Translational Science Institute,[...]
02 Oct
Researchers of CIBER-BBN group NanoBioCell – NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation unit Jose Luis Pedraz Muñoz, Laura Saenz del Burgo Martínez, Gustavo Puras Ochoa, Jon Zarate Sesma have edited the book “3D Printing and Bioprinting for Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications” The increasing availability and decreasing costs of 3D printing and bioprinting technologies are expanding opportunities to meet medical needs. 3D Printing and Bioprinting for Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications discusses emerging approaches related to these game-changer technologies in such areas as drug development, medical devices, and bioreactors. Key Features: Offers an overview of applications, the market, and regulatory analysisAnalyzes market research of 3D printing and bioprinting technologiesReviews[...]
25 Sep
Carlos Rodriguez-Abreu, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U12 Nanostructured liquid characterization unit gave a Keynote presentation entitled “Chromonic liquid crystal emulsions” at the European Colloid and Interface Society ECIS 2023 conference held in Naples, Italy (September 3-8, 2023) . Chromonic liquid crystals (CLC) can be used as templates for material synthesis and, since some CLC are nontoxic and water-based, they are also interesting for biological and medical applications. The presentation included a summary of experimental results on internally structured emulsions made of CLC encapsulated in droplets, that feature various complex morphologies. Photothermal, sensing and imaging applications are envisaged.[...]
31 Aug
CIBER-BBN´s and NANBIOSIS 2023 Annual Conference will be celebrated in November 6-8, 2023 in Santander This year we change the format of our annual conferences towards a collective event scheme between the CIBER-BBN and CIBER-EHD thematic areas. Our objective is to create a two-day conference that stimulates scientific collaborations and explores new lines of research. Both areas have already shared experiences of collaborative projects, demonstrating the complementarity of their fields. The results of these seed projects will be presented on the first day. In addition, we are pleased to announce that there will be a new edition of seed collaborativ[...]
18 Jul
Scientists of NANBIOSIS Unit 8 have participated in the publication of a a comprehensive experimental review of inks, paper substrates, and printing techniques. The objective is to offer the scientific community a guide with data to facilitate the design of printed devices and manufacture them in an ecological way. Gemma Gabriel, researcher of Biomedical Applications Group at IMB-CNM and last author of the article, highlights the applications of the results in health monitoring, with non-invasive techniques such as glucose detection, although there are many applications where printed electronic materials and technologies are very useful. Among them, environmental monitoring, (in air[...]
17 Jul
Today has been published the Resolution of the Presidency of the State Research Agency of the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation granting fund for the selected projects in the 2022 call for “RESEARCH NETWORKS” within the framework of the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer, of the State Research Plan Scientific, Technical and Innovation The final resolution proposal was issued on June 21, 2023, once the hearing process has been completed and prior acceptance by the interested parties. The two years lasting project 2021-2023RED2022-134685-I “NANBIO-ACCESS” was among the selected proposals. The main goals pursued by t[...]
16 Jul
NANBIOSIS is a Research Infrastructure for Biomedicine made up of the Platforms of the Center for Centro de Ivesntigación Biomedica en Red (CIBER- in the area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine -CIBER-BBN), the Preclinical Infrastructure and the Development of Minimally Invasive Technologies, of the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (CCMIJU) and the Nanoimaging unit of the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga-Nanomedicine Platform (IBIMA-BIONAND Platform). NANBIOSIS as part of the Spanish Map of ICTS (an acronym for “Scientific and Technical Unique Infrastructures” in Spanish), approved by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, is open to all interested national and international users who[...]
12 Jul
Jesús Santamaría, Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Zaragoza, has been elected a foreign member of the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Science et Lettere, in its division of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Chemistry section. This institution was originally founded by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1797, as the National Institute of the Cisalpine Republic, in charge of collecting discoveries and perfecting the arts and sciences, following the model of the Institut de France. Napoleon himself appointed the first members of the Institute and its first president, Alesssandro Volta, Italian chemist and physicist, famous primarily for the discovery of methane in[...]
30 Jun
NANBIOSIS, U20. In Vivo Experimental Platform, led by Dr. Ibane Ibasolo, has been updated and improved as a result of its participation in the project FICTS1420-20, selected by the MICINN for co-financing by the FEDER Program in ICTS 2014-2020 (Equipment for setting standardized immunotoxicology assays for the U20 -NANBIOSIS I17 Action of the Investment Plan-) A particle particle analyzer equipment (Exoid) has been inslalled at NANBIOSIS U20 for measurement of the concentration and the size of nanoparticles. The Exoid is the latest instrument from the Izon company to measure the physical characteristics of nanoparticles in electrolytic solution. Based on Tunable Resistive Pulse Sensing (TRPS) principles, the equipment[...]
22 Jun
Researchers of the NanoBioCel research group of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and CIBER BBN, belonging to NANBIOSIS U10 Drug Formulation, Bioaraba, and CONICET Foundation of Argentina, have collaborated in a studio entitled: “The role of microfluidics and 3D-bioprinting in the future of the exosome therapy” which has been published in the journal Trends in Biotechnology, whose editorial seeks particularly relevant articles. The importance of this publication lies in the novelty and potential of nanovesicles as new therapeutic agents and the versatility of microfluidic technology in combination with 3D bioprinting to bring nanovesicles closer to the clinic. Artic[...]
20 Jun
Symposium on the occasion of the retirement of Prof. José Becerra Ratia: “40 years of the Bioengineering and Tissue Regeneration Laboratory (LABRET): tribute to Pepe Becerra” We are pleased to inform about the Symposium organized by the LABRET group (Bioengineering and Tissue Regeneration Laboratory), University of Malaga, on the occasion of the retirement of Professor José Becerra. The event will be held, only in person, on July 7 in the morning at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Malaga Download the program. Prof. José Becerra was the Director of the Andalusian Center for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (BIONAND) sinc[...]
12 Jun
CIBER-BBN´s Annual Conference has been scheduled for November 6-8, 2023 This year, in the framework of a CIBER program to stimulate collaborations between clinical and technological groups, the conference will be organized in cooperation with a CIBER clinical area, CIBER-EHD: Hepatic and Digestive diseases. (An internal call of collaborative projects BBN-EHD will be open by). The scheme of the event will be slightly different from previous editions: On Monday 6 the scientific sessions will be common for EHD and BBN, with appealing contents for the mixed audience.On Tuesday 7 EHD and BBN sessions will be specific for each area in[...]
03 Jun
On May 16 representatives of the General Subdirectorate of Large Scientific-Technical Facilities of the Ministry of Science and Innovation visited unit 16 of NANBIOSIS (created by Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red -CIBER-, and the University of Extermadura). Mrs. Beatriz Albella Rodríguez and Mrs. María Jesús Marcos Crespo, got to know first-hand the facilities of unit 16 of the CTS NANBIOSIS of “Surface Characterization and Calorimetry“. The visit was guided by the Scientific Director of Unit 16 of NANBIOSIS, Maria Luisa González Martín, and by Mr. Javier de Francisco Morcillo, Director of the Secretariat for Scientific Infrastructure and Technological Development[...]
30 May
NANBIOSIS opens in June the 2nd competitive open call 2023 for its “Cutting-Edge Biomedical Solutions” and services. NANBIOSIS is a Research Infrastructure for Biomedicine made up of the Platforms of the Center for Centro de Ivesntigación Biomedica en Red (CIBER- in the area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine -CIBER-BBN), the Preclinical Infrastructure and the Development of Minimally Invasive Technologies, of the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (CCMIJU) and the Nanoimaging unit of the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga-Nanomedicine Platform (IBIMA-BIONAND Platform). NANBIOSIS as part of the Spanish Map of ICTS (an acronym for “Scientific and Technical Unique Infrastructures” in[...]
26 May
Next Friday, June 9, 2023, a Workshop on Oncological Hyperthermia entitled “Clinical Implementation of Oncological Hyperthermia in Spain and Europe: current situation and prospects” will be held in Barcelona. The location of the event is at the Hotel Front Marítim in Barcelona and the scheduled time is from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Relevant speakers will present an updated vision on the different modalities of hyperthermia that are being used for cancer treatment. Jorge Contreras (Coordinator of the Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology ) will give a session on the current situation of clinical hyperthermia in Spain. Daniel Ortega (Coordinator[...]
15 May
Nb4D has a new look on line! Nb4D Group (of IQAC-CSIC and CIBER-BBN) has lunched a new website “Revolutionsising Diagnosis“ with the aim to facilitate a faster and easier navigation througth their “pioneering research to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches” and their solutions and expertise to help researchers and companies. Antibodies, bioreceptors, hapten design and synthesis, immunoanalytical method development, new ivd tools, surface functionalization, therapeutic antibodies and much more knowledge and expertise revolutionising diagnosis. The new website contains a page for CAbS-NANBIOSIS. Custom Antibody Service (CAbS), unit 2 of the ICTS NANBIOSIS[...]
12 May
The website for NABIHEAL, an EU-funded Horizon Europe project developing biomaterials for complex wound healing, is now online. The Horizon Europe project NABIHEALi project is coordinated by the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER) at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC). This project will apply one the “Cutting Edge Biomedical Solutions” of NANBIOSIS for the preparation of different nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, required for the development of the final multifunctional wound healing biomaterials. This case will gather the expertise of two NANBIOSIS unit: NANBIOSIS U6 will produce and characterize these nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, which will be tested in NANBIOSIS U16. Find out mor[...]
28 Mar
The event brought together high-level experts from 3 continents in the field of nanotechnology. Barcelona, March 27th, 2023 The EU funded project Safe-n-MedTech celebrated its official 48th Month Management Committee Meeting on March 7th to 9th 2023 with a private event taking place in Lisbon. The event was organized and hosted by Instituto Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (IMM), who are partners in this project. The Consortium had the pleasure to count with the virtual attendance of the Project Adviser, Ozlem Cangar (HADEA), who could follow the critical aspects of the project progress. The meeting was opened by Ángel d[...]
24 Mar
NANBIOSIS unit 16 Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit form CIBER-BBN and University of Extremadura has recently incorporated new equipment acquired through the execution of the project FICTS1420-14-09, cofinanced with FEDER funds, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Junta de Extremadura, Regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Agency. A new FlexPS-ARPES-E kit, manufactured by SPECS, is now available for use by researchers This new resource uses the technique of photoelectron spectroscopy generated by X-rays to analyze the chemical composition of a surface. The electrons given off by the irradiated surface generate a fingerprint of the molecules that make up that surface, yielding information[...]
21 Mar
The extracellular vesicles secreted by triple-negative breast cancer stem cells are markers of lung metastasis, according to a study carried out by researchers at CIBER. The work has been carried out by researchers from various CIBER-BBN groups (Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicia), and CIBERONC (CIBER area focused on cancer) has participated in it. The research has been led by Joaquín Seras, from the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), a specialist in targeted drug therapies. Physicochemical EVs characterization and all the in vivo studies were performed by NANBIOSISunits of CIBER, specifically NTA analysis was carried out at Unit 6 of Biomaterial Processing[...]
20 Mar
Doctor Marc Martínez from the Nanomol-Bio group – NANBIOSIS U6 from CIBER-BBN at ICMAB-CSIC, defended his PhD thesis “Nanoparticles to modulate topography and ligand distribution at the nanoscale: impact on cell behavior” on 9 March 2023 at ICMAB. he PhD thesis was supervised by Imma Ratera, Judith Guasch and Nora Ventosa from the Nanomol-Bio group at ICMAB-CSIC. Ana Paula Candiota Silveira, Scientific Coordinator of NANBIOSIS U25 was part of the Committee that evaluated the Thesis tooghether with Jesús Martínez de la Fuente, Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA-CSIC) (President), and Anna Lagunas Targarona, Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC) (Vocal). As[...]
15 Mar
NANBIOSIS is a Research Infrastructure for Biomedicine made up of the Platforms of the Center for Centro de Ivesntigación Biomedica en Red (CIBER- in the area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine -CIBER-BBN), the Preclinical Infrastructure and the Development of Minimally Invasive Technologies, of the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (CCMIJU) and the Nanoimaging unit of the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga-Nanomedicine Platform (IBIMA-BIONAND Platform). NANBIOSIS as part of the Spanish Map of ICTS (an acronym for “Scientific and Technical Unique Infrastructures” in Spanish), approved by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, is open to all interested national and international users who[...]
28 Feb
Today is the international day of rare diseases, a day to raise awareness and instigate change for people living with a rare disease. From NANBIOSIS we want to sume to this celebration and higtligh our commitment to helping people with rare diseases through research. Dr. Ibane Abasolo, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U20, was at the WORLDSymposia conference last week in Orlando (FL, USA), where the latest advances in preclinical study and clinic of lysosomal storage diseases were explained. There, she presented the results obtained in the Smart4Fabry project coordinated by the CIBER-BBN where nanoliposomes were developed for the treatment of[...]
27 Feb
Several CIBER-BBN groups at the University of Barcelona, the Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC), the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC) and the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon (INMA) —a joint institute of the CSIC and the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR)— have developed a new method for detecting RNA viruses based on the technology of using probes that form triplex structures. This innovative methodology opens up new options to detect viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the influenza A (H1N1) virus or the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a pathogen that affects newborns and requires differential diagnostic care. This[...]
03 Feb
CIBER Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (Consortium for Biomedical Research Network), one of the ICTS NANBIOSIS nodes to which 18 of its 26 units belong, presents the new institutional video “CIBER is Collaboration” This video puts a face to the scientific activity of CIBER researchers and highlights CIBER capacity for synergy. CIBER researchers speak about the main research lines of its 13 subject areas and highlights the collaboration between its more than 500 groups and more than 6,000 researchers belonging to more than 100 institutions of different natures that make up CIBER: hospitals, research centers, universities, foundations, etc. T[...]
02 Feb
Prof Nora Ventosa, Scientific Director of NANBIOSIS U6 “Biomaterial Processing and Nanostructuring Unit” from CIBER-BBN and ICMAB-CSIC) is hosting the Lecture on nano-pharmaceuticals: “Advancing a novel nano-pharmaceutical towards clinical translation” by Elisabet González, from Nanomol-Bio Group of ICMAB-CSIC and CIBER-BBN Monday, 13 February 202312 PM – 15 PMICMAB – Sala d’Actes Carles Miravitlles and ONLINE Registration and futher information Abstract: Nano-pharmaceuticals have the potential to drive the scientific and technological uplift, offering great clinical and socio-economic benefits to the society in general, industry and key stakeholders and patients. However, the translation of nano-pharmaceuticals from lab bench to an advanced stage of[...]
31 Jan
Cáceres, 31st January 2023 On the occasion of the training course in Assisted Reproduction that is held today at the CCMIJU facilities, within the Master’s Degree in Advanced Biotechnology (MUBA), organized by the University of Extremadura in collaboration with the CCMIJU, two systems of recent acquisition are handled within the framework of the project “Embryonic Genetics in Assisted Reproduction” (GENERA), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) within the Spain’s Pluriregional Operational Program for Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) 2014-2020 and by the Consejería de Economía, Ciencia y Agenda Digital of the Junta de Extremadura. The above mentioned[...]
27 Jan
NANBIOSIS opens in February the 1st competitive open call 2023 for its “Cutting-Edge Biomedical Solutions” and services. NANBIOSIS is a Research Infrastructure for Biomedicine made up of the Platforms of the Center for Centro de Ivesntigación Biomedica en Red (CIBER- in the area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine -CIBER-BBN), the Preclinical Infrastructure and the Development of Minimally Invasive Technologies, of the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (CCMIJU) and the Nanoimaging unit of the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga-Nanomedicine Platform (IBIMA-BIONAND Platform). NANBIOSIS as part of the Spanish Map of ICTS (an acronym for “Scientific and Technical Unique Infrastructures” in[...]
20 Jan
Researchers of three groups of CIBER-BBN at CSIC and IBEC, have created a versatile platform based on hierarchically nanostructured RGD peptide using quatsomes, with proved enhanced cell adhesion. These findings, which arose within the framework of the intramural project of CIBER-BBN “Molecular Biointerfaces for cell guidance” (DynaMo4Vasc), open new possibilities for tissue engineering. The participation of two NANBIOSIS units were acknowledged in the publication of the research results: the synthesis of RGD derivatives were performed at NANBIOSIS U3 “Synthesis of peptides unit” of CIBER-BBN at IQAC−CSIC. And the design and characterization of quatsomes were done at U6 of NANBIOSIS “Biomateria[...]
18 Jan
The ICTS NANBIOSIS has expanded its capabilities with the installation and commissioning of a new equipment Time-Lapse Incubator in the CCMIJU’s Assisted Reproduction Lab. The acquisition of the Time-Lapse Incubator is part of the project “Embryonic Genetics in Assisted Reproduction” (GENERA), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of Spain’s Plurirregional Operational Program for Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) 2014 -2020 and by Consejería de Economía, Ciencia y Agenda Cultural of Junta de Extremadura. The objective of GENERA includes the purchase of lab equipment to expand services in the field of embryonic genetics as w[...]
16 Jan
The Horizon Europe project NABIHEAL, coordinated by the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER) at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), was launched on 11-12 January 2023 in Barcelona with the first meeting of the international consortium, formed by 14 partners from 7 countries, including research centers, universities, and private companies. This project will apply one the “Cutting Edge Biomedical Solutions” of NANBIOSIS for the preparation of different nanoestructures with antimicrobial properties, required for the development of the final multifunctional wound healing biomaterials. This case will gather the expertise of two NANBIOSIS unit: NANBIOSIS U6 will produce and[...]