Bioengineering is being strengthened in Spain
Estefanía Peña, Scientific Coordinator of Unit 13 of NANBIOSIS explains her resarch in the program “En route with science” of Aragon Television.
Bioengineering consists in the application of the principles of engineering to the field of medicine. In the opinion of Estefanía, coordinator of the Division of Biomedical Engineering and deputy director of I3A (Institute of Research in Engineering of Aragon) Bioingineering is being strengthened in Spain.
“Our research develops mathematical models and computational reproduction, especially of cardiovascular diseases and the therapies to solve them. Fundamentally we work on atherosclerosis, which is the appearance and development of atheroma plaque (a cluster of cholesterol in the wall of an artery)
This is a field with a very important social impact (35% of the deaths in Europe are due to cardiovascular diseases and the annual European cost can be around almost two hundred billion euro), this is why we try to reduce the part of experimentation developing mathematical models, both to understand the biological process, and to design new devices as stems.”
For further information: Cap 45 Min.21:42-28:12