Materials for Biomedical Applications Scientific School (BIOMAT-2017)
Registration is now open for the Scientific School on Materials for Biomedical Applications (BIOMAT-2017) that will take place on 19th-22nd of June 2017 in the UAB Campus (Barcelona). This school is organized by ICMAB-CSIC and it is included in the Severo Ochoa activities of the Institute.
The school is addressed to last year undergraduate, master and PhD students, who are interested in the development of materials for biomedical applications. The aim of the school is to present the design, development and application of new materials for a wide range of biomedical applications.
The school includes lectures from international and local scientists, hands-on and management activities and practical sessions. One of the practical sessions will take place at Unit 6 of NANBIOSIS and will be directed to the preparation and characterization of particulate nanomaterials with biomedical applications.
This Scientific School is an optimal opportunity to discover, learn and practice on material science focusing on fundamental science and applied research in the field of biomedicine.
There will be grants for students covering the fees of the summer school.
For further details and registration please go to:
Registration deadline: 21st May 2017
There are only 50 places available, secure yours with an early registration.